ENTERTAINMENT Ministry heads faithfully toward doom Ministry The Fifth Album ★ ★★ Capitol Records 1992 By Tim Neff Emerald Associate Editor While most remaining post punk bunds are turning a cheer ful cheek to their gloomy roots. Ministry just keeps getting more and more irked It's sometimes hard to believe that this band — a mid-19BOs outgrowth of the dnnceable techno-pop pioneered by groups like Dopecho Mode and New Order — have become the grungy, apocalyptic, thrash metal troubadors of the 1900s But it's all in a day's work for Ministry frontman Alain Jourgensen, who once declared that if he hadn't pursued a ca reer in music, he would proba bly be In jail by now. Keeping that it mind. Minis try's latest album, tith'd in un decipherable Greek Morse code, offers no surprises jourgensen and trusty sidekick Paul Barker pack enough ener gy into this album to power a small city The themes are tru'd but true drugs, politics, war and reli gion. They are all neatly pack aged in the traditional Ministry wrappings of highly processed and produced riffs It may not sound very unique, but the result is a thrash-motal sound with techno-pop overtones. If you were to put the fans of the two musical genres together in a room, blood would spill But the musical combination is sweet. tBBBBBI TEWYAKi j ALLEY ? ! CURRY DISHES_*9-3.50 sm.2.50 VEGETABLE RICE-3.50 CHCKEN BREAST STEAK_ 3.50 YAKJSOBA NOODLES-Ig350 MiOSO SWEET A SOUR CHCKEN-150 Take Out Available Across from Dairy Queen 1306 HWyard (345-9555) Cash For Textbooks Mon • Sat. Smith F'umil) Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 Amphibious Get into the Teva Sport sandal that... They hold fast to your feet! /§5 birkenstock c ri f • • • Eugene • 5tn Street PuOlic Market • 3-J2-6I07 • Daily 10-6 Corvalks • 301 SW Madison • 757-0675 • Mon -Sat 10-5 30 The Ministry sound I* rich Normally abrasive power chords are smoothed into lush soundscapes for oasv ahsorp tion Jourgensrn finds a rifr and stays with it until it mesmer izes and soothes — tf that's what you're Into It's also tailor made for the mosh pit. if head hanging Is your cup of tea Spliced Into the sonic fray are occasional electronic sam ples, usually taken from well known movies and speeches The selection is humorous as well as provoking Ministry didn't attain all of this musical chaos overnight Rather, they have evolved since their first release. With Sympu thy. in the early 1‘tmts Mere, we thought, was yet another group for new wave trendoids, destined to get the youngsters out onto the dance floor until the hand went to that great un derage dub in ihr sky Bui then came the legendary nibum Twih h. an almost 180 degree turnabout for the band Thu music was still dance-ori ented, but camp hnavlly lacnd with Industrial drumming and synthesized vocals Good ol' Alain was having a change of heart Things were sealed in I0K8, when thi> bund released Land of Nape and Hone) By now. the Ministry sound was down right angry The footloose crowd was turning away in droves, but the diehard found enough dance |K>tentlal In the song "Stigmata" to make it a minor bit In the club scene We knew Alain had finally gone over the edge in 1‘IHO, when he appeared on Skinny Puppy's album Habit's under the clever alias “Alien lourgensen” That same year, Ministry released The Mind is a Terrible Thlnn to Taste. Turn to MINISTRY. Page 8 Hand ► Drums Congas Bongos AND A GREAT SELECTION OF LATIN INSTRUMENTS Music city 210 f 1 7th at Pearl • Eugene Open Evenings 'ill 6 Limited to stock RIGHT ®N TRRGET ■fisty Chaibroiled Burgers. A Lite Menu What Kind Of Fast Food Restaurant Is This? Announcing The Grand Opening of Carl's Jr.’ Carl's Jr." has become a Western favorite ing fresh salads and Charbroiler Chicken by doing things differently from other Sandwiches,” and our fries, onion rings feist food restaurants. Vfecharbroil our A and fried zucchini are all choles hamburgers because charbroiling \^7 terol free. Best of all. every cus sears in the meat's natural juices. We 1/sV tomer gets a generous helping of offer a delicious Lite Menu featur- CarlfcJfc old-fashioned, friendly service. 686 E. Broadway, Eugene | Save $1.00 on Two | | Famous Star HamburgersrM | Prelent ihit coupon and tave $1.00 on the purchase | 202 I I of two Famous Star HamburgcriT“. I Offer valid through August 9. 1992 /\ I I at C-arls Jr.W Kcstauram at I 686 E. Broadway, Fatgcnc | CaiTsJr. •• ■ 2021 Save $1.00 on Any Charbroiler Chicken Sandwich®and Reg. Beverage 1’rescnt this coupon and save $ 1.00 on the purchase of any Charbroiler Chicken Sandwich* and regular beverage. Offer valid through August 9, 1992 I I I I at (.an* Jr® Restaurant at 686 E. Broadway, Eugene Om rimr* r" (+*'+**" mmfom >*M •-» A*. -**m '«■T* ■" ! CaiTsJr., J • •• M »•••