Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 23, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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OCA’s third party
doomed to lailure
Once again, the OCA has shown its true colors. Led
by power-hungry Lon Mahon, the OCA has left the Or
egon Republican Party after realising its attempts to set
the party's agenda wero failing. Mabon and company
were not interested in being team-players and helping
Republicans win elections. Rtf her, they were interest
ed only in seeing the furthering of their own ultra-con
servative agenda.
Oregon Republicans should be overjoyed that this
destructive, minority element has been removed from
die party. Not that all is
well. Should Mabon
successfully organize
his proposed American
Heritage Party, it is
likely that the AHP will
enter Al Mobley into
the November senatori
al election.
Mobley, for those
who don’t recall, was
the OCA sponsored
candidate who cost
^PfllWIOy IrM
OCA’m success In
Springfield, with
Measure 20-08, has
gone to Km
coMecthre head.
then Attorney General Dave Frohmeyer the gubernato
rial election, splitting the Republican vote and sending
Barbara Roberts to the state's highest office with only a
For Sen. Bob Packwood. Oregon's Republican sena
tor running for reelection. Mobley's candidacy could
mean trouble. If enough Republicans follow the OCA
and support Mobley, the election could be hunded to
Democratic challenger Lcs Aucoin.
The wisdom and logic that led Mabon and the OCA
to drop the only source of power and access to main
stream politics is unclear. Apparently, the OCA's suc
cess in Springfield, with the passage of Measure 20-08.
has gone to its collective head. The chances of an OCA
sponsored candidate winning a major political office
art! slim and none. And slim just went out the door.
What the OCA has succeeded in proving is its abil
ity to create divisions among Oregonians. Its "us v.
them’’ mentality, bordering on paranoia, has divided
the Republican Party, the citizens of Springfield, the
gay and straight community and religious groups.
Oregon Republicans should tukc this opportunity
to clear their name and publicly renounce the OCA
and its destructive agcnda.Tomorrows leaders must be
flexible in their positions, rather than confined by rigid
ideologies. For this reason, more than any other, the
OCA and the American Heritage Party are doomed to
Oregon Daily
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The Oregon Oa*y EmmU a pubOahaa dally Monday through Friday dunng tha
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Plan would end hunger by 1995
By Bob Pack wood
All of us are touched deep
ly when wo see pictures
of starving children in Af
rica, or in Central America.
Wn're haunted by their eyos.
and horrifiod by the statistics
showing how many millions of
children die.
Wo don't often enough stop
to think about all of the chil
dren who go hungry here In tho
United Stales.
Recently a group of medical
leaders, advocacy groups and
others announced the Medford
Declaration to End Hunger in
tho United Stales. This Declara
tion sets forth a plan to end
childhood hunger by 1995. and
to achieve economic self-reli
ance for most households by
the year 2000. I've recently met
with CEOs, and I'm pleased
with the private sector involve
ment. 1‘ve long felt that a pub
lic/privata effort is the way to
solve this problem.
Tho Declaration suggests that
by working with programs like
the Womon, Infants and Chil
dren program (WIC). food
stamps, and school lunches, we
can cut back on childhood hun
ger In the next two years. Tho
Declaration also calls for ex
pansion of Meals on Whools,
and better access to child care
and |ob training programs. The
endorsers of the Declaration
also support the Mickey Leland
Childhood Hungor Relief Act, a
bill I co-sponsored oarlfer this
year. That bill would expand
tho food slump program, pro
viding assistance (o low-in
come families and the working
poor. Tho Mickey Leland hill
especially helps children.
I do have one concern Bbout
the Mickey Leland bill; we
need to find a way to fund
those important programs that
help our nation's children
without driving up the deficit
oven further. In fact, tho bill
passed out of the Agriculture
Committee on tho condition
that before the full Senate can
consider it, wo nood to provide
for tho bill's funding. I'm now
looking for a way to fund the
bill, but believe me, 1 support
what it alms to do and I won't
give up until I find a way to
take care of this very important
In the meantime, many of us
support this Declaration and
we are willing to fight to make
it a reality. Wo can reach every
needy child with the school
lunch and breakfast programs.
Wo can start with tho six mil
lion poor youngsters who often
begin their day with no food.
We can fully use tho WIC pro
gram to help make sure poor
mothers do not give birth to un
dernourished babies — helping
four million more youngsters
who are now at risk. Finally,
wo can expand the food stamps
that help unemployed house
holds make It through these
tough times.
Today we have peace In this
world. We have tried for so
long to have a peaceful world,
Sen Bob Packwood
wn need to use this window of
opportunity to achiove a now
goal — tho abolishment of hun
gnr horo at homo. If wo abolish
hunger horo at homo, we can
increase tho competitiveness of
our work force. If we abolish
hunger here at home, wo can
have more productive, healthi
er young adults tomorrow. If
we abolish hunger hero at
home, we can make a dent In
crime In our cities.
Now is tho time for us to act.
These have been tough times
for a lot of Oregonians. I want
to do everything I can to help
those Oregonians — and their
families — in the coming year.
Doing something to help
their children Is the place to be
Sen. Bob I’ackwood (K-Ore j
Is an Incumbent seeking re
election to the U.S. Senate.
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