Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 23, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
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Eugana poiica offkar Dannia Bakar haa baan making tha rounda in hit naw rola ovaraaamg lha Univarsity araa.
Bakar hat baan aarning high marks from lha ASUO pratidani lor hit attorta to maal paopla on campus and opan
channais of communication batwaan poiica and studanta.
EPD liaison ‘getting to know’ new beat
□ Sgt. Dennis Baker took over for for
mer liaison Mike Cline last week
By Daralyn Trappe
Emerald Associate Editor
Dennis Baker is taking on a new job many pooplti
wouldn't envy But it was what he wanted, and he's
taking steps right away to ensure his decision is one he
won't regret.
As of last week. Baker is tho Eugene police depart
mont sergeant in charge of overseeing the University
Students here are known for rallios, protests and
clashes with CIA recruiters on a regular basis The ten
sion between police officers and the public heightened
in late April with the Federal Building vandalism in
the aftermath of the Rodney King verdict.
So Baker's job has all the potential of being a diffi
cult one
But he took some advice from Mike Cline, the man
Turn to POLICE, Page 3
Novelist to spin
tale for HIV/AIDS
□ Local author Ken Kesey will perlorm
'The Sea Lion" at a benefit Saturday
By Rene DeCair
Emerald Contributor
He's gone from riding his magic bus •Further
across lh«"? country to rifling waves of laughter from au
diences In Kugene
Ken Kesey. renowned author and 1 ()00‘s icon, has
set aside hts wanderlust to help raise money for people
with AIDS
He'll read from his latest children's lx>ok, " The Sett
Lion" Saturday at H p m in Agate Hall at the corner of
Agate Street and Last IHth Avenue i’rcx ceils will go to
the HIV/AIDS Resourc es. Inc in Kugene
"The Sea Lion "is a Northwest Indian story about a
lacy spoon-maker who saves Ills trilxi front an evil spir
Kesey said il ts the same theme that he uses lor all
his hooks, inc luding One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s
Nest." whlc h is a serious novel idmul people in a men
lul hospital
“It has to do with the small rising up to the big." he
said "It's the same old David and Coliath story "
Kesey said he Ix’gan writing childrens stories be
cause they are alxiut fun Willi bis tales, lie said, he
hopes to revive the lost art ol storytelling
He said the problem Is that kids s|iend lexi much
time watching the modern storytellers and not enough
time listening to the traditional storytellers
“We have let TV and TV' writers lake over the task
that uses! to lx- of uncles." he said
His reading Saturday will tie less like a traditional
reading, and more in tune with Kesey's style lots of
flashy antics
Kesey will dress in a wizard-like robe and an Amnrl
can-Indtan mask and read against a hue kdrop of screen
projected images
He's putting on the show to benefit people with
AIDS, he said, because the disease and the environ
ment are his pet projects He sites the two problems as
being related
“I feet like (AIDS) is an environmental problem.''
Kese y said Because "this is in our life stream "
"It's the worst thing this planet lias bad to face," he
Turn to KESEY. Page 6
Eugene group organizes national peace conference
jWar Resisters League will
explore ways to resolve
conflicts non-violently
By Tim Neff
Emerald Associate Ednot_
Peace organizers in Eugene and across
lhe nation are set to attend tho War Re
gisters League national conference July
31 - Aug. 2 at the Lost Valley Education
al Center in Dexter, Ore.
The three-day event will offer work
shops and seminars on "resolving con
flicts non-violently In the 19908." Eu
gene Peace Works is hosting the confer
enctt. located In Oregon for the first lime.
Peace Works stuff member Thom
Alberti suiti the conference plays un im
portant role for those involved In the
peace movement.
"It will bo setting the ugenda. educat
ing and organizing for the peace move
ment of the 1900s "
The conference will cover a wido
range of topics, including, political lob
bying. nonviolent protesting. Native
American rights, environmentalism and
alternative health practices
Alberti said the post-Cold War ora of
fers great opportunities to advance the
peace movement's agenda.
"We’re excited," ho said. “A lot of the
must's of vv.tr ur» disappearing as wo be
cornu a more global world."
Ono confuronc:u seminar will focus on
a current hot s|>ot thn war in Yugo
slavia. The Friday sominar is tilled
"Neighbor Against Neighbor Facing
Thu conference’# focus on non-vlolont
protest comes in the wake of the April
30 protest of the Kodney King verdict ut
the Eugene Federal Building, which re
sulted in the destruction of several win
dows. Three pooplo are charged with
destruction of federal property in con
nection with the protest.
Alberti said the Federal Building pro
test was an example of the typo of politi
col ucllvtsm mm tne conierence will
seek Id avoid.
"As wo loom io understand Iho causes
of violence," Alberti said, "we can work
lo prevent violence."
The conference will alao focus on on
vlronmonlallsm, which Alberti said Is
increasingly becoming u rallying point
for the peace movement.
"The world is moving closer together
us we work to a common goal," he said
"The llth-hour of the environment is
also helping to bring lhal together. ”
Registration for the three-day confer
ence is S25 to S50 dollars.
A morning thundersturm
dumped between seven and
nine inches of rain in parts of
southern Texas near the border
town of Eagle Pass
I Wednesday
You should expect local
morning drinle today under
cloudy slues in the Eugene
'V ana.
s Wanner and drier weather is
) forecast for the weekend
Opening ceremonial for (he
Camei are set for Saturday at
Olympic Stadium
Among the athletes competing
are 17 world record-holders,
including American heptathlete
Jackie Joyner- Kersee. Ukraoian
pole-vauller Sergei Bubka and
Cuban high-jumper Javier
The first medals will be
awarded Sunday in cycling,
shooting swimming and
1 lie United Stales basketball
Dream Team opens its gold
medal run Sunday against the
powerhouse Angolanve
It's official - woman's ice
hockey and men's and women's
curling will both be medal
events a! the 2002 games
Added to the winter medal
chase were freestyle skiing
aerials and two new short-track
speedskating events set to begin
two years from now in
Ullehammer. Norway
Yugoslav athletes found out
Tuesday they won’t be going to
the Gaines The United Nations
Security Council okayed the
participation of individual
Yugoslav athletes, but turned
thumbs down on team
competition as a violation of
UN. sanctions against the
Translation: About 80 of the
tlB Yugoslav athletes -
including its water polo team,
the defending gold metalists -
won t get a snot in Barcelona