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I UNIVERSITY UPDATE Truman scnoiar namea Tri Huu Bui, a University student majoring in political science, has been chosen Ore gon's 1892 Truman Scholar Bui was among 75 students from across the nation who re ceived the awards, named for former President Marry S. Tru man. on May 31 at the Truman Library in Independence. Mo. The scholarships recognise the recipients' commitment to a career in public service, leader ship potential and academic achievements Worth up to $30,000 each, the awards can bo used to pay for tuition, books, fees and room-and iKMird costs during the school year. Gerald Fry. a political sci ence professor and this year's University faculty representa tive for the Truman Scholar ship competition, said in a press release that Bui "is the kind of person whose leader ship and outstanding achieve ments are his way of showing liis gratitude for the opportuni ties he has had," A member of the University's Residence Hall Governance Committee and of the Office of Multicultural Affairs leadership team, Bui has ia-en named to the University deans' lists and has served as an academic peer adviser, member of the Student Conduct Committee and part of the Student Orientation Stuff Bui was also co-founder of the Vietnamese Student Assoei uilon. Nine students honored The Department of Gootogi tail Sciences at tin- University has honored nine students four undergraduates and five graduates with awards worth more than $7,000 from throe departmental fellowship funds Jacob Margole- and Caroline Klug, both doctoral degree geol ALPINESTARS World Class raised chain stay bicycles. THIS SEASON THEY ARE AN AMAZING VALUE! FREE! Rtiod* * dropped r£S^T< JULY SPECIALS JANDD Lg. Panniers.$89.00 Aluminum Bar Ends.$14.50 Beil quest Helmet.$39.00 MD1 Root Pump.$15.00 DS-2 Suspension Fork..$199.00 SPECIALIZED SHOES.$29.00 PAUL’S BICYCLE SHOP 2480 ALDER, SOUTH EUGENE 342-6155 PAUL’S BICYCLE WAY OF LIFE FARMER’S UNION, 152 W. 5th 344-4105 ogy students, received Si .000 Lloyd Staples fellowships The fellowship program was established in honor of Lloyd W Staples, professor emeritus of geology and a member of the University faculty since 1930. This award for geology majors recognizes their academic per formance and promise and Is given as an encouragement to these students in their studies Jennifer Perez, a senior geol ogy major, received a summer field camp tuition scholarship of Sfi59 and a Brunton compass from Iho James C. Stovall Fel lowship Fund. She also re ceived o S500 cash award for the 1992-93 academic year from ihe Staples Fellowship. Perez and 17 other geology students arc unending the six week University geology de partment's summer field camp at which students Inam to iden tify geological boundaries and various minerals. The time is divided iaitweon ihe John Day Fossil Beds and ihe Wallowa Mountains. Allison Darke, who recently graduated wilh a bachelor of science degree in geology, also received a Brunton compass award. The Brunton compass award, given through the Stovall Fel lowship fund, recognizes oul standing performance In the undergraduate program. The fellowship was established in memory of Stovall, a University geology professor from 1935 until ins death in 1907. Carol Thornton and Georgia Sega, both seniors, received the Geology Hammer Award, also given through the Stovall Fel lowship Fund. Theodore vonWallmenich and Robert Witter, both begin ning their doctoral degree pro grams in paleontology, received $2,000 scholarships from the Thomas Condon Fellowship In Paleontology. The Condon fellowships wen; established through a be quest from Kllen Condon McCormick, a member of the University's class of 1878, in memory of her father, Thomas Condon, a pioneer Oregon ge ologlst and one of the first members of the University fac ulty. Cynthia Shroba, a doctoral degree candidate in gnologlcal sciences, was selected by the department to receive the Out standing Graduate Teaching Fellow Award. Her award was the book Glossary of Geology. Most of the awards wore based upon recommendations of the Graduate Admissions and Awards Committee of the geology department. Quartet takes third When Gabo Carclto asked I wo singers from his University vocal juzz class and an award winning soloist from Spring field High School to |oin him in forming a barbershop quartet, it was with one specific goal in mind — to attend the first na tional Collegiate Quartet Har mony Sweepstakes July 1. Aflor five months of practice, the four made the trip to Now Orleans, using donations from barbershop choruses and quar tets around the Northwest, for the competition. The came homo with the third place prize of SI,200 "Secret 4-mula,” as the group is called, computed against 16 collegiate quartets. Most of the singing groups had won prelim inary contests to qualify for the national competition, held in conjunction with the annual convention of the Society for the Preservation and Encour agement of Barber Shop Quar tet Singing in America "Secrol 4-mula," which also includes University students Brian Jardine and |osh Cox and incoming freshman Nick 1-ar son, sung "She Didn't Say No" and "The Churchbells Are Kinging For Mary" In the com petition. F \ ALLEY j 8 CURRY DISHES_kg^.50 j * $mi50 5 8 VEGETABLE RICE_3.50 8 | CHICKEN BREAST « : STEAK_3.50 S YAK1SOBA » NOODLES_lgJ.50 'i sm.2.50 | SWEET & SOUR 5 CHICKEN_3.50 I Take Out Available S 3 Across from Dairy Queen 5 8 1306 Halyard (345-9555) | DISCOVER ROLLER BLADING *?ree! Free* Rentals Every Wednesday Berg/ /hi /hop ' J'li I l J«rrn r • b5j MOO • Oprn Mon sj! 1 o b RIGHT ON TARGET o,»» a./, Emerald 346-3712 Recycle this paper. !