Weasel’s World Kraig Norris GOT A WDTFJW TOMOWKV, HM ? Gf.£. THAT 'S T30 BAD \ OOf! \»HXTTYA ! DOW*!'’ V cent PUWCI: A KEGGEft K* TONIGHT OCR A WfP* AGO.' I HAT! ##tlt SuMMU*. 50CCL! #oof / I RIGHT ON TARGET! Emerald O'tgon Daily. CAU. OUR AD DEPT: 346-3712 OCA convinced to delay third-party bid SALEM (AP) — Former U S Rep. Denny Smith persuaded the Oregon Citizens Alliance on Monday to delay a third-party bid against Republican Sen Bob Packwood. The OCA still plans to flic papers with the slate to create a new political party to represent conservatives. But Chairman Lon Mahon said the party would reconsider whether to run AI Mobley for IJ.S. Senate. Packwood already facos a tough general election chal lenge from Democratic U.S. Rep Los AuCoin. The prospect of'Mobley playing a possible spoiler's role has uiarmod Pack wood’s supporters. Mahon said Smith called him Monday morning and offered lo try lo mediate tho dispute be tween tho OCA and moderate Republicans who run tho state GOP. Mahon said ho wasn't sure what Smith could do to heal tho rift, which grew even wider during the Republican Party's state convention in liugene over tho weekend. "Denny has a lot of integri ty," Matron said. "On that ba sis. I personally couldn't refuse him the opportunity." Smith declined to say what he would do to try lo bring the warring factions together. "We'll just have to wait and sec how it unfolds,” Smith said. Oregon Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS 2 FOR 1 SPECIAL: RUN AN AD 1 DAY, GET THE SAME AD FREE THE 2ND DAY!! c i. vssn POI.M IKS Placement Ad* may hr placed at Rtajm XX). |:MU (main office) ur IK) ll.nA itotr. 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Hoip raise tunds tor U ol O academe programs Apply roar at U of O Toioluno - In Soma child care warned lor 3 boys, agaa 2'rt 10. unrv araa Flesipte hrs Generous pay Ralarancas 3*4-6132 Looking tor on sue managor. ctoaa to compos Boning loti Row troo Ho sponsipw going lo school in campus tvaa 1863 Pioneer Parkway Fool. 106. SpringkalO. OH 97477 MICROCOMPUTER SERVICES now accepting student appscaions ConsuStng. training. senricaa and pur eNwa plan suppon Musi ha»a micro computer savvy, good commurucauon and organualional stuns Slaning pay SS S3 SOrhour Apply room 250 Com puling Camar MONEY FOR COLLEGE Mtaona in prtvoM sector monay avoir atao Wnw lor dataitt Scholarship Search Plus. 28V Willamette. Suae 18elEuoano,0«9;4g5,. __ ©1P8EATEWE LOTE Ih»» t» the r*tW* of 4 film 1 have cotnc to Eugene to finish writing and to grt produced On* t* a nonprofit project that will portray a powerful set of well researched idea* a* being a solution to the problem* of war, poverty, iwer population, ami religious mtofereme it will fchow global civilization transforming into " Anuria* (pronounced AH MA LA) a stable World Peace of harmony with ourselves and the planet - before the year 2010. through an "Amak>u*" combination of technological innovation* (with a focus upon personal computer network. Bulletin Board System and "Cultural Geography Graphics" innovation*), the worldwide h*nnatH>n of million* »>f extended family unit* called "octet** (as per the recent book Cnmitve }r*nycr*t*rien ) a* a way to doth stahtii/e economics and cure social isolation. widespread international marrying (with governmental award*), "Croup-hug»", "Tour-hugs" ami a globally derived and adofaed small set of wonderfully inspiring new word* ami eipresaion* This film t* meant to be both an antidote for despair ami a realistic exploration of agape- love * possibilities for a stressed-out workl Interested persons write Bruce Opal. 1430 Willamette. *189, Eugene. OK 97401. USA ^i](g) GUESS WHAT'S IN THE BOX? • A cotnplete weal in u Inn » Only $5 ea. Ul.UYUUJ) Call 346-4303 FOR NEXT DAY SERVICE! Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU )| hi thatukm m*'ill i WTHtXlNlMI Wt'SAmutP 6KA1WITH i JHA7M£HIW> IT! \ ZONKSA TO HUP ne ft joANtes PKoeeE# ft THAT &€ ONL Y A3 - A PARTICULAR, time TV HE*. IT'S SNCONCtlVABU. THAT ZONKZR MI6HT HAVE CHANOEP, THAT & MI6HT HA\£ njMEVlHVD iOMtONL UJOfCHi <3|Bt CTOUKf-UU* cow I pence. zomcgff WHAT ARB you P0IN6? I'M JUST /1 SH0WIN6 ' HtXUJHUtt w Mouse H&tT