»a99 TAPE *13.99 CO ANNIE LENNOX DIVA *8199 tape *13.99 co »a99 tape *13.99 CO STEELHEART Tangled In Reins *7.99 tape *13.99 co *7.99 tape *1259 co ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT 3 ynars, 5 monte & 2 days r totted... CRACKER [IMAUPU5KI *7.99 tape *12.99 co *7.99 tape *1299 co DELBERT McCUNTON Never Been Flocked Enough Curt) MARY-CHAPM CARPENTER Come On Come On Columbia *7.99 tape *12^9 co *7.99 tape *1299co TOAD THE WET SPROCKET Fear MARTY STUART The One's Goma Hurt You Columbia *7.99 tape *12.99 co *7.99 tape *12.99 co GATEWAY MALL SPRINGFIELD 746-6373 DISC JOCKEY SPORTS BRIEFS Men’s golf coach aoloctod The Unlvcrstty announced Friday that it has se lected a new coach for the Duck men's golf team. Stove Nosier, a 1959 University graduate who has boon active in the state's golf circles for many years, was hired by the University to fill the posi tion vacated earlier this year by former coach Scott Kriogor Kriogor recently became tho head professional at Broadmoor CJolf Course in Port land. Nosier, a successful local businessman since 1960. has been direc tor of the Oregon Coif Asso ciation since 1985 and is an active member of the (X^A's executive committee. He has been instru mental in procuring several state and regional tournaments for the Eugene-SpringReld area and has served as tournament chairman for three Pa cific Coast Amateur tournaments, two Oregon Amateur championships and a pair of Oregon Ju nior meets. In addition, Nosier, who played golf at the Uni versity as freshmun. has organized yearly fund raising activities for tho Oregon golf teams as a volunteer. A native of Eugene. Nosier attended Eugene High School and has served on numerous civic organizations, including the Oregon Club of Eugene-Springfiold and the Eugene Country Club bourd of directors Men’s track signs three more Two Northwest Athletic Association of Com munity Colleges champions and a top prep ham mer prospect havo signed letters-of-intont with the Duck men's track and field program Pole vaulter Steve Coxon of Lane Community College and Mike Hieb of Clackamas Community College In the javelin will Join the program next season. Jeremy Robinson of San Joso. Calif, also signed with the Ducks. Heib won his second NWAACC titlo last spring with a 230-7 effort, two inches shy of his all-time best also established last spring. Competing for Oregon City, he was the state runner-up to Art Skipper in 1988. Coxon captured the area JC crown with a 16-0 clearance after scaling his all-time best of 16-4 at hayward field earlier this spring. Robinson was ranked second nationally among preps in the hammer with a 207-2 best, he was fourth in tho U S. Junior Championships recently with a 169-10 mark with tho 16-pound hammer. He threw the shot and discus at Bollarmine High School, but also learned the hammer from Olym pian Ed Burke, who coached a club team in tho South Bay area. Tho Ducks' latest signoes increase the list of newcomers to 10. The others are Oregon prep standouts Ray Livingston of Gresham (long Jump/decathlon) and Jared Vlgna (javelin) and Rick Cartwell (distance) of Jesuit, weightman Dusty Carlson of Gillette, Wyo.; California 800 champion Michuol Katri of Fortuna; Karl Keska (distant*) of England and Erik Balstrom (triple jump) of Sweden. Nixon picks dream team YORBA LINDA, C-alif (AP) — Of course Pole Rose had to be on Richard Nixon's All-Star team. The only U S president to resign his office picked the banned Cincinnati Reds player and manager for one of hlR squads an nounced Wednesday during a gala luncheon at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library & Birthplace. Nixon's team* covered throe different areas: what ho called the Yankee ora from 1925-59. tho expansion ora from 1960-91 and cur rently active players Tho former president oven made a baseball connection with this year's three-way race between President Bush, Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton and Ross Perot. "They're all left-handers. That's never happonod before," Nixon said. "All base!>aII men will toll you all left-handers have a tenden cy to bo wild." Hall of Famer* Bob Feller. Johnny Bench and Brooks Robinson were on hand, as wore California Angels manager Buck Rodgers and Oakland Athletics manager Tony La Russa. Nixon noted tho presence of Rodgers, who Is recovering from the Angels' bus crash. "He's in a wheelchair," Nixon said. "You can now see why I'm against busing.” Tho 500 guests - who paid up to $500 a ticket - dinod on Cali fornia fruit and avocado salad, pasta Lasorda, chilled poached Alaska salmon Bolvtew and all-time groat baked baseball cako, which was shaptxi like a ball and had Nixon's initials In red glaze. As tho guests sal under an alr-conditionnd while tent with an ar tificial turf floor. Dodger Stadium organist Nancy Boa Hofley and the USC Trojan Marching Barn! entertained "Just to make it clear that we're non partisan, of all tho groats, them are more from Arkansas than anywhere else." Nixon said. "And when 1 talked with the USC band. I spent more time with the saxaphonist than anyone else." David Eisenhower. Nixon's son-in-law. Introduced the greats Bnd tho 37th president, whom ho advised in picking the teams. "I vetoed a few. He vetoed mo a lot," Nixon said. "To veto a president is something." Nixon talked about how Joe DiMaggio homered on July 4, 1936, the first major league game Nixon attended. While he was in Wash ington, Nixon was a fan of the Washington Senators, a perennial loser. LSAT, GRE, CM AT l est Your Best! Kaplans prep courses have helped over 100,000 students overcome their fears and improve their scores... • Small intimate ctasset - Expert instructor]. • Eree repeat guarantee. • Computer analysed diagnostic exam. • Scholarships and student discounts available. • Over SO years of experience. KAPLAN 3TAMXY H MUM* CIMTl* ttO 11m wkU'i leading uat pop orguuiabon. Classes begin July 25 < all 3t 5- t'K) in cnioll Fignon grabs stage victory before Alps MULHOUSL, France (AP) — Laurent Fignon, a two timo winner of the Tour do France, returned to the spot light Wednesday whilo threo-timo winner Greg Le Mond stuggled to koep up with the leaders. Fignon won the 11th stage of the Tour, the last leg be fore the only rest day of this year’s race. Ho broke away from the pack about 36 miles from the end of the 155-mile stago It was the ninth stage vic tory for Fignon, who has had ups and downs since win ning in 1083 and 1984. Twice since he had to drop out. He moved to an Italian team this year after being France's hope for a number of years but never fulfilling It after 1984 Pascal Lino of France held the lead for the ninth con secutive day with a 1-min ute, 27-load over defending champion Miguel Indurain of Spain. But the Tour hits the mountains on Friday and Lino is expoctnd to fade. Jesper Skibby of Denmark dropped from the top lead ers and everyone moved up a notch or two. f TEWYAKI I A££EY CURRY DISHES_lgA50 SfiOSO VEGETABLE R£E_3.50 CrtCKEN BREAST STEAK_150 YAKJSOBA NOODLES JgA50 smi50 SWEETA SOUR , Take Out Available # Across from Dairy Queen « 1306 KMyard (345-9555) >«««■•!