Bad taste in mates hurts owl, official says WASHINGTON (AP) — Agri culture Secretary Edward Madl gan says the northern spotted owl's bad taste In mates may be partly responsi ble for Its decline in the ancient forests of the Northwest. Madigan said there may be little the government can do to protoct the bird from extinction because it Is Increasingly mat ing with the more uggrossivo barred owl in (California, Ore gon and Washington m NATIONAL Tho offspring of such unions could not no considered a spoi led owl under the inrms of the endangered speclrss act, accord ing to an Agriculture Depart ment official Madigan made his comments Tuesday to a meeting of state leaders of the American Farm Bureau Federation. "The point the secretary was making is that nobody is sure what Is happening to tho spot ted owl. It could as easily go down from predation and com petition as from cutting down the Irees," a USDA official said Wednesday The official said predation and breeding problems with the spotted owl arn occurring un der the very canopy of forests that environmentalists say must be protected from logging to en sure the bird's survival. "It's hard for government to be god. to say this creature will bo saved. God has a lot of ways to get rid of creature*,'1 said the official, who spoke on the con dition of anonymity. The official said the spotted owl faces a growing threat from predators. .Weasel’s World Kraig Norris TOU B£T. Ill \BP a*T w*.K£ t rent o*.r costs *£450 A WC*T". Hfl m Perot manager calls It quits over differences DALLAS (AP) — Ed Rollins resigned Wednesday after a brief, unhappy tenure as co-manager of Ross Perot’s unan nounced presidential campaign In trie latest in a string of em barrassments to hit the strong-willed billionaire's candidacy. Rollins, a former Republican strategist said he was frus trated with Perot’s desire "to do it his way." Rollins wanted Perot to adopt a more tradition!! Campaign approach, includ ing immediate television advertising. Ten Rollins associates also are quitting the Perot campaign, an aide said. “Mr. Perot and 1 see taro different ways of getting to the presidency," Rollins said at a hastily called news conference at Perot headquarters. The reality is that the kind of cam paign that I wanted to run and'thc kind of campaign that Mr. Perot wanted to run just weren’t really compatible." He appeared alondsido longtime Perot aide Tom Luce, who said Rollins would not bo replaced "Ed has been strong, outspoken and very candid. We have great respect for his talents and advice but wo disagree about the future course of the campaign," Luce said. Rollins ran President Reagan's successful re-elW hmkwI 1*MW p«y*» 24 r» lufn around fuw campu* p*ck upAHN l»A rwjno S3 464 >1648 TYPING UNUMITEO Batin Land — UBUU Sarvmg UO araaamoa i|Bi DtALA TYPIST tn-TfTi QBnhmann v r m5 TYPING SERVICES Fl VMG FINGERS typing Hn« Faal, icwiw, piolMMnti fl OO papa. up 4A4->03i. joThTtyping pro 17 fit tip IBM compantMa Aac\>rRa*F at! • Deoareiabw C«« «n MM any! »w P«9gr * 7 yping StnM F ipananead lypal odanng Hnw on IBM comp,AW vytiam and Imp pomac Haatonattt mm CM Ptggy 1 M7-»IM PRO# » SSIONAl TYPPIG Alto non) procaaaang, aoamg Fra* pa-autmafraay Honda. 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