Tutoring tucked away below PLC By Dan Frank Emerald Contributor Tucked away In the dark recesses of the base ment In l*rince Lucten Campbell Hall. Academic Learning Services may be one of tho University's best kept socrets But for the 1,300 students who venture Into ALS, It can be just the right nudge needed to make It through a tough class. The service pro vides tutoring and other Instruction for nearly all curriculum on campus. in Addition to tutoring, Academic Learning Sorvicos offers ALS 101, Introduction to Universi ty Study. This one- to four-credit course Is de signed to help students improve study habits, writing ability, exam taking and research tech niques. For students seeking calculating help, the math tutors, usually undergraduates, are skilled through calculus (excopt MTH 150), with some experience in statistics. _ And what obout struggling writers? Writing tu tors are usually first year graduate students who will be touching Writing 121 or 122. Many come to ALS as experienced journalists or college and high school teachers Shannon Greer, a biology major who uses tho drop-in math service, said tho tutoring Is a groat resource that sometimes gets stretchrxl too thin. "At times there are too many students and not enough tutors." she said, adding that she believes more students nood holp and would como if more tutors were available. Akiko Tokahara, an Aslan studies mujor who has used the drop-in writing lab for about two years, agreed that ALS could use more tutors. "Thoy are very helpful checking grammar and structure," she said, “but at the end of the the quarter somotlmes people wall one to Iwo hour* lo got holp." Yet Tekahara Is quick to praise the quality of Instruction. "I hope they Increase the number of tutors available.” ALS Tutorial Supervisor Kim Lllley sold a shortage of tutors often results from students not thinking In advance "The number of tutors hired depend* on the demand." she said. "Unfortunately many stu dents do not plan ahead at mid-term and ftnuls time, consequently at theso times there Is an un usually largo number of students seeking help.” Instructors aro available, at no cost on a drop-in basis from 9 a m to 4 p m. The office is located in the basement of PLC For those wishing lo avoid having lo wait, for a foe ALS ofTers small group and individual tutor ing through their Residency and Registry pro grams. The Residency program Is designed for small groups of three to four. At a cost of 560 per term, per participant, an ALS stuff tutor is available for almost every discipline on campus. Theso tutors arc often used for foreign language and math cur riculums. The registry program consists of a list of ALS qualified student tutors. At a cost of S5 to 57 dol lars per hour for lower division, and 56 to 510 dollars per hour for upper division coursework. ALS will provide the student with up to three names of registry tutors, again for almost any dis cipline on campus. It Is up to the student and tu tor to negotiate the foo within these guidelines To help students pass graduate school entrance exams such as the Graduate Record Exam, and the National Teachers Exam. ALS offers prepara tory course work and classroom instruction OSU sets fire damage at $3 million CORVALLIS (AP) — A fire that dostroyad half a building at Oregon state University may havo caused S3 million in dam age, officials said. Moanwmio, <»j employees were told Tuesday to stay homo until tho university finds a tem porary location for tho charred building's mail and printing services. “Our first concern is for those people who have en dured the shock of seeing their workplace and many of their personal belongings go up in flames." said M. Lynn Spruill, vice president for unlvorslty re lations. University officials wore not able to onter tho building Tues day as firefighters knockod down a wall to dampen the few remaining hot spots. The Industrial Building was valued at SI S million, but total damage to supplies and equip ment won't be known for sever al weeks, said Charles Pock ham, director of tho department of printing and mailing ser vices. The building contained $4 million in printing presses. The $150,000 computer that runs a press was apparently un der water, Pockman said. Celebrate Haadcriftiag With lie! l» • mu on iHwt • aa a o* Our first concern Is for those people who have endured the shock of seeing their workplace and many of their personal belongings go up In flames — M Lynn Spruill, vice president for OSU relations A S750.000 printing pros* bad recently been Installed In the building and officials hadn't determined if it could be salvaged University officials also were worried about several research documents and 2,000 publica tions. mostly for the school's Extension Service, worth close to $700,000. Total damage could reach $3 million. Spruill said Tuesday. The building's mailroom had been destroyed and letters loft there after 11 a m. probably ware burned, said Dave Stauth. a university spokesman. The mall apparently included a DON'T WRECK YOUR SUMMER RECREATION, TUNE UP YOUR BIKE NOW! We service all bikes from 1 -150 speeds! The Mountain Bike Specialists. 1340 Willamette 687-0288 largo batch of admission loiters notifying prospective college students that their applications had been accepted, ho said. One Indonesian graduate stu dent was mourning the destruc tion of l.SOO hooks he gathered for a library at Syioh Kuala University on the Island of Sumatra Qismuiluh Yusuf said it had taken him a year to put together the collection of books on reading, veterinary modi cine and science, mostly from used book stores Wayne Ha verson, director of Oregon State's School of Educa tion, said the Indonesian uni versity's library served 10,000 students hut was virtually emp ty except for txx>ks donated by Oregon State faculty and sent by Yusuf in 1990. The fire started about 1 p.m. Monday when hot asphalt leaked Into thn truck's burners and burst Into flames. The river of asphalt Ignited 13 vehicles In the parking lot before flames leapt to the Industrial Building. The fire, fed by thousands of pounds of mail and documents, spread quickly through half the second floor, blowing out win dows and sending flamos shooting 20 foot in the atr. Eugene premier. Only st Tha McKanzw! ■ lie I A very I fine k filnv P making debut from John Melkncamp.’ Falung/tow Grace 5 D»y. Only! July U.S»<. 6 30pm. July 12. Sun. 3pm July 14-16. Tuet.-THut 7 & 9pm UIMklMrl MM WcK*n» Tiiealr? ■ NU^kml ii'iv*TU'tu*i «j«vt «tt • «m u to - »o« w w S3 mwniMiDiwiMimHuimjiM mwtiMii'M atyon.1 m Pari ethnography part: p%ychod»jma the him 14 fantastic' i GOOD WOMAN OF BANGKOK ^ l OM!Mi MCilfT OV MHHI s 1 s in, f n 9 is 1 $t*r ii'iy t n\J*f f If Nightly 9 | Sunday Matine* J H) A Mr T HO r U T l HI c ovtrovt lu the *tyk of tltnl) ft If I • 4 v Hunntr ^DELICATESSEN wovm. HT B BIJOU l ATf WIT l • l *te U h. Comm* s«»on rm^NprwMMKt _j Disappointed With Your MCAT Scores? Don't despair! Stanley H. 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