AIDS/HIV Resources, Inc. official after yearlong trial run jShanti and Willam ette AIDS Council merge into new or ganization By Daralyn Trappe Emerald Associate Editor Lane (bounty's two HIV/AIDS service organizations. Shantl In Oregon and Iho Willamette AIDS Council, have officially merged after a successful year long triabpurtnership As of July 1, the combined fort os urn known ns HIV/AIDS Resource*. Inc C.ecna Soulhworth. former Executive Director of Shantl. will retain her position wilh the new group. Soulhworth said the merger liegnn in early when Willamette AIDS Council, because of some "or ganizational d Iffl cullies." moved into the Shantl office. Shortly thereafter the bonrds of directors for both dis ided on u trial partnership with an aim toward coalesr ing Southworth said the move made sense for several masons "With Willamette A11) S Council doing education and prevention and services for HIV and Shantt doing direct support services, it was confusing for the community." she said. "People didn't know where to go for which services. With one comprehensive organization, we have mom strength." In addition, grant money may be easier to apply for and ob tain, Southworth said. "Some'resources will only fund education and others only support serve es. so before one of us would find out about a grant, but not be eligible for It and not know if other knew about it.” she said. "Now we can apply for anything and hopefully be in a lie iter posi tion for funding " Southworth said the now group will provide the same ed ucation, prevention and sup port services as before wllh an eye toward expanding, cape dally In thn area of cam giving and support servient. A low-income housing pro ject. with the help of (Catholic Community Servfcrss. Is in the planning stages and the group Is trying to duvelop an at-home food service program. But funding is a constant problem "We need money desperately just to maintain what we'ro do ing now." Southworth said. Southworth estimates that HIV/AIDS Resources helped educate and served the needs of thousands of people last year. And the need for the services continues to Increase, South worth said. During the first six months of this year, the organi zation saw as many new clients as all of last year. South worth said. For more information on ser vices. donations or volunteer ing. cell 342-50H8 Weasel’s World Kraig Norris >cr.v*AS . 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