Fugitive caught after eluding pursuit near canyon PHOliNIX (Al») - Danny Kay Horning, tho convict who Thumbed hi* n.oso at I he law on a much-docu ment od 7 - week chase through tho Arizona wilder ness, said Wednesday he's no Kambo the cops arc Just dumb, "I'm (ust a nice guy," the convicted robber and accused dlsmombermont-klllor *aid by telephone from the state prison at Florence. Horning Is buck at the prison — this time in the highest-secu rity unit. He wus captured Sun day In a chase that started May 12 at the desert prison 50 miles southeast of Phoenix and went north to the Grand Qinyon 200 miles away. He dodged helicopters with night-vlston equipment. He lost trackers and bloodhound* And ho slipped through two road blocks sitting In the back soot of a hijacked car The ''Kami*)" tag came from the pollen and the media. Hom ing said. "I think anybody that knows the' woods at all could have done the same thing.” he said "I just wont down obstacle courses that they're too la*y to go through and the dogs can't go through Down cliff*, up cliffs, through nice little springs, through thick brush." Horning had been serving four life terms for a frank rob bery last year In Winslow whon ho walked out of state prison In Florence, disguised In a stolon white lab coat nnd carrying a forged prison identification badge On Wednesday, slate prisons chief Sum Lewis fired tho guard who lot Horning oul the goto ond impound discipline ranging from demotion to suspension for si* other prison staffers for allowing tho escape. Police in Stockton. Calif. said Tuesday they'd seek his extra dition as a suspect in the 1990 killing of catfish farmer Sam McCullough, whose dismem bered body turned up in bo irri gation canal. Homing and his brother. Jer ry. had worked for McCul lough, ond police say the gun used in tho Winslow bank rob bery was stolen from McCul lough's home Horning' denied Wednesday that he or his brother, also in the Florence prison, had any thing to do with the killing He also denlod Involvement in the sinking of an Alaskan fishing boat, though ho once was lnves ligated in the disaster that killod nine. Ho did admit to several kid nappings and car thofts during the escape. and to a Tucson bank robbery a week after his escape. Ho got S2.300 from tho bank and rode away on a bicycle, then used S200 to hire a stran ger — "just a guy that noedod the money bad" — to drive him to the timber country that marks the start of the northern Arizona high country. Once he was forced to take hostages to escape a closing dragnet, ho formed u plan, Homing said: Kidnap a family and ransom them for SI million and his brother's freedom "I would have went to Mexi co, bought mo a nice ploco of property." he said. “I would have hired about five to 10 fam ilies and set them up like they've never been sot up be fore and when I needed some thing they could go to town and get it. ... I'd never have to show my face again." Horning has been charged with 16 felonies In Coconino County, whore most of tho chase took place, Including the kidnappings of an Arizona cou ple he forced to drive him to the Grand Canyon, and of two British women tourists in whose car he began his final chase. After Horning left tho women tied to a Iron outside the Grand Canyon National Park on Satur day, a police officer saw him speeding. Homing dumped the car off an interstate and took to the woods, slipping through a not of searchers rushed from the park to the area. Oregon Daily Emerald ci.assififus £■ /IOIVI TNI PtfIZIfN Be me 1« penon to Bm MO EMU after® am to corTecUv so've the crostwora purcw and wtn 55 J v in ctasuflad adwrtWngl y 115 TYPING SERVICES Ptgfir a I yp*ng Swvica f f (jmt «r ». «*) lyffc*! ufW-;^ WtfViOW* on IHM cpmpo»*Y sy*l«tfn «nd Umm* IWr - «?<** c»n p«99v •» PROftSSKJNAl TYPING Amo *o«J pcfcupTto^vOfy Honda. 189P Ty|Mr*Q 4 wrord pfoc«»ft«vg <>*> CXint* OOuMi sps'v t*J W*MK pag*> ?4 fvr Mn-VOtAi I tm campu* pcA [ tV.W IW.i>n«t 41 4fl4 {MaAft 11$ TYPING SERVICES JM MIOW ROMM • GBAO SCMOCX APPROVE0 ?0 y* back gfou'k] It*"' pMpackf u« rmvmm *m vk» EdlkQ l auc p* ON CAMPUS* JO TMl TVP*MQ PRO W »ip IBM cnmpant*. Aacucaa*F*ki>C>opntatMa C«H SKI eotm *rrfl«K_ [ ' i'lV 3© 1 344-4510 1)1 Ailh WOW* ITUM I VSIM. 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