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T h r airkrnttock Sloir Corvallis • 703 NW lllh • 757 0875 • MorvSat 10-5 30 Eugana • 5th Straat Public Marital • 342 8107 • Daily 108 ^HMtnerhtne— The drivin' can be easy/ W' Our professional service and repair can keep your car in topcondition. 1917 FRANKLIN BLVO Oom To C«npu« / 465-8226 ENTERTAINMENT Puppy delivers music and gore By Tim Neff Emerald Associate Editor Skinny Puppy moseyed Into Portland Monday night and de livered its grotesque brand of gloom and doom tnchno-indus triai music to an intimate gath ering of gothic wollwishers at the Melody Ballroom There goes the neighborhood They came alone and In puirs. but they sharer! a love for that Puppy sound, which can only be described ns the incar nation of all that is evil and ma levolent. Puppy frontman Nivek Ogre treated the audience to b dis turbing tour of his personal hell. The performance — In tended more ns an aura! and visual sculpture than a tradi tional concert — featured a cast of severed limbs, disembodied heads and enough blood to throw a party for Count Dracula and his bowling league. Unfortunately, Skinny Pup py's intriguing example of per formance art was nearly de stroyed by the toaster oven acoustics of the Melody Ball room Any musical nuances were drowned out by a steady, almost hypnotic drone Puppy's nol-sotngenious ap proach to the problem seemed to In? to turn up the volume. As it turned out. a loud and steady drone was no better than a merely steady drone But if Ogre couldn't rise ahovo the acoustical mayhem, ho did appear to have recently risen from the grave. As fellow Puppies l). Rudolph Gnotlol and Covin Key hammered out the prelude to the hand's smash hit “Addiction," Ogre stumbled onto center stage looking like a zombie who hud spent a little loo much time in the ground. Ogre then proceeded lo un ravel his Innards, courtesy of an elaborately designed prop, with plenty of fake blood and guts to go around. By the end of the song, most people In the front row looked like Gallagher groupies who were on hand when the unstable comedian fi nally snapped. Poor Ogre went downhill from there Ho continued to writhe and sputter through the songs "Cirr.ustanco", ’’The Choke" and ‘’Kriowhere," all the while hacked by a large projection screen displaying images of Ogre trapped in one of Salvador Dali’s bad dreams. Ogre left the stage briefly and returned wearing a gas mask and sporting something that looked like a humanoid emerg ing from his back. The costume set the stage for a stirring per formance of "VX Gas Attack," which details atrocities com mitted by Iraq against its Kurd ish population. The performance took other political turns, including u graphic interpretation of the brutal suppression of the 1989 Chinese student revolt in Tiananmen Square. "Tin Omen." which Includes Kng lish translations of Chinese propaganda about the massa cre, is perhaps Skinny Puppy's most effective political state ment yet. Meanwhile, Ogre continued his hideous metamorphosis from rrx-.k and roll icon to sub human atrocity After faithful renditions of "Harsh Stone White", "Killing Came" and "Worlock," Ogre had complet ed his transformation into a homicidal E.T. A particularly touching mo ment came when Ogre emerged from backstage with an oo/ing The crowd left feeling pleasantly defiled. crucifix Faced with a choice betwoen the religious symbol and some bizarre, computer ized contraption that ho placed over his face, Ogre went for the machine. The heady moment was followed by more light hearted gore flinging. The crowd left feeling pleas antly dofiled It was a minor miracle that Skinny Puppy was able to plow through the industrial, thrash metal sludge that the opening acts, God flesh and Thought In dustry. unimaginatively deliv ered. God flesh has become some what of a sensation among the alternative set. But a combina tion of by-the-books thrash and lousy acoustics turned its hour long concert into a big head ache. Unfortunately, God flesh's live performance did not do justice to the promise shown on its studio albums. As the opening act. Thought Industry was unable to think up anything worthwhile. You could only tell that the thrash metal band was playing fairly complex and interesting riffs if you kept a close eye on their hands Any definition was lost by the band's apparent fetish for aggressively playing their instruments through every gui tar and bass effect known to mankind. This band was all noise and no soul. Oregon becomes box office hit SALEM (AP) Thu movie industry continues to be a smash hit in Oregon with business so fur this year double that in 1991 A mid-year report by tho state Film and Video Office estimates movie makers will spend 545 million in Oregon this year. That's based on the 13 feature-length films or made for television movies already shot here in 1992 The total doesn't include television com mercials filmed in tho state. Filmmakers, including producers of commer cials, spent atwmt 523 million in Oregon last year "1 don't think I've over soon this much activity or heard of it happening in other states outside (California. New York and perhaps in Chicago," said Karen Kunkel, one of two project managers in the four-person state office. The office is awaiting word from prcxiucers of five other films who have been scouting around the state, she said. The feature films made in Oregon In recent years include ''Kindergarten Cop," “Drugstore Cowlxry" and "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II! ” "All of a sudden we've Ixxiomo startlingly visi ble, party because of the Madonna film. I think that brought a lot of publicity," Kunkel said. Much of “Body of Evidence," a crime drama starring Madonna, was filmed in Oregon this spring Oregon's scenery is the greatest asset in at tracting movie companies and is getting morn ex posure as more films are made here. Kunkel said. "Oregon just looks so good to people," she said. Kunkel also said the state office, with a budget of $250,000 a year, deserves its shore of credit. "We are focusing on giving the best service pos sible,” she said "We are in competition with ev ery other state Everybody wants these films When they scout here, they're scouting all over." DON'T WRECK YOUR SUMMER RECREATION, TUNE UP YOUR BIKE NOWI We service all bikes from 1-150 speeds! 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