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If so. you may ba efegitxe lor anal support (ItJonng. oounaetoog advhsng. advocacy dossed m artttng, mien cftoa thinking) through the Educational Oppomrnmas Program t OP a now admitting students w« aspect »o help dunng Aumma session and the *? 93 school year Slop #\ 68 Pt C to jjat information and apptcaiont ?10 HELP WANTED t*eiOtant 'Jtumrn tot tommrn Pmn tvrm «•»*>*• waring 1aB mm Typing rrurwmu/r 45 WPM ffcng, errand* *n company vwn €<• Valid requirement* me, kid# 1) Bu*tdmg. modifying *** r®P*,finfl electro mechanical equrpment and *4»t> oratory ftwfure* >) Conairucfng custom cat*# a*«embNM 3> A***»«ng >n w Ittsrk/TQ a computer network MwV p# profcoent wflh standard hand toots and kno* how Jo sorter Interested panaa Should contact David Bn>mt>«»y me 346-4516 __ WANTED AAWttant ftewderv Manage Small comp#** cto&« to campus I ign dut*ws Include* rant Grad* For nx>'« into 0*8 TIM a; 6&? 227\ or apply at Jennings A Co Property Management, 4ft« i jut* a.-*. \ uoarti OR r’4oi APARTMENT HUNTING? 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OR 97405 342 8105 Having trouble divpming »f We have the Hvlutton... © 346-4343 © Retail Salea/Cuatomer Service SUMMER WORK Inr l nrUiJ cftaei 400 FT A PT poj tamp 1 pern >e« hra. noeap nec. wilraav1 Starting Pay Rata $10.25 Cottage Studama: paM Mamahlpa poaeibte and oeme ocholaraNpe awarded Far Into on job openings in Aiaaka, Hawaa, Washington, Oregon, Northern Caeiocma, Northern Waved a. Idaho. Utah Montana, Wyoming, call our 34-hour Regional Placement Directory to tlnd the location near eat you: (1ST) SniStO. 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Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU I I M*SM7 SORE WHETHER TO WEAR THIS BOW TIE OR /MV POOP ONE, MRS P‘ PO TOO THINK I MAPE THE v R/6HT CALL 7 rLA \ YOUUX* YSKiSPlffY, jbasmy PSAF / THANKS' TM RSAUY LOOK INGfOAMlAXP X> OUR BtG PATS PIP YOU MAKS nesBcmmsr PATS vcs -A ■■■jm UN. NO. ptp*rr YOU' V THe&MM&n 7»Mf ooulpyou POIT ' TRY TO eeTQOopseAis, OKAY'BY The. KJTCMSN, CWSt to me poop1 um„. ru see what I CAN PO ru oe in we CAR DO XXJHAVeA VAUPPHV&rS M£NSe* I POST.