TAX Continued from Page 1 Brand said unless the Legis lature acts before the regular legislative session next January, it will be too late to avoid "traumatic downsizing." Brand has already submitted a budget to the Oregon State System of Higher Education that Includes a 20-percent reduction for the 1993-95 biennium. “In the case of the University of Oregon, this would moan the loss of 405 positions and on rolling five to 10 percent fewer students," Brand said. Brand was not alone In voic ing disappointment with the Legislature's performance. ASLJO Vice President Kar men Fore said a lot of work had gone into Roberts' now oxtinct lax plan. "I think the: citizens of Ore gon would have liked the op portunity to vote on the pack age," she said. "If the House, however, thinks it can come up with o better package than the governor presented them, 1 would encourage them to start working on it In July and not wait until November. ‘‘The longer we wait, the closer we come to the 1993-95 biennium and the billlon-dollur cuts. I don't think anyone wants to go through that." Fore said hopes for budget relief are now being placed on a special session after the elec tion in November. “It looks as If (Senate Presi dent John) KiUhaber bargained ‘If they wait for the regular session It will be too late. Phase Two of Measure 5 will be kicked In, and too many agencies will have already been closed down.’ Bobby Lee. ASUO President with (House Speaker Larry) Campbell to at least have some form of a session, again, ufter the November election," Fort; said "But that's still pretty ten tmlvo Things have been chang ing so quickly we re not too sure what's going on up there. “I think at this point they al most don't have a choice but to come up with some kind of a tux package." Fore said "It's just matter of timing When are they going to do It? I think they’ll do it I just don't know when.” ASUO President Bobby Lee said after last week's set back, the ASUO was "bock to stop one." He said the ASUO would be lobbying for a special ses sion to ire called in time to put a new revenue plan in front of voters at the November elec tion. That means the Legisla ture would have to lie called into speciul session again. The main opposition to call ing another special session Ire fore November would come from Campbell, who wants to wait until the regular legislative session next your. ET ALS MEETINGS Wonmm in TrtMliiiNi Coffee hour for international and non traditional atutfami*. will tw Wednesday from « 30 to 10 30 a m In lha Women t Center lobby, KMC Suita 3 /ieed/me tot tubmitun^ Kt Alt to the Kmerald front doU, KMU Suit* 300. It noon tho d*y bofotm publication AJt run the day of the 0*001 uni*** the event take* pim p before noon Nolle** of 0**nt% with * don ait 00 ot ad mi tat on char#* will not be mcepted (atmpu* 0*001% and thorn* uhmduM nmreat th* ftublnation daw will h* given priority Th0 Krn*r#ld r***rv** ih0 tight to 0011 noutma he grammar and tty 10 Kt Alt atv puhiuhad on a *p*t» available ban* By GARY LARSON Ij i I I: “Wa can t go on Ilka thta, Ramona.... Ona day, Qaorga la bound to taka Ma bNndara oft." RIGHT TARGET Emerald 346-3712 However, il is imperative that the House come up with a new tax plan to present to voters !*>• fore its regular session, Lee said "If they watt for the regular session it will he too late." he said "Phase Two of Measure 5 will he kicked in. and too many agencies will have already lieen closed down." Brand agreed that the Legisla ture is now in control of Ore gon's tax future, hut he w as mrt ns optimistic about a new plan "I do not believe the state can continue down this path." Brand said. "Measure 5 ni this point is devastating Kveryone I've heard or spoken to, and that includes the political lead ership. wants a revenue plan in place. But there is nothing on Ihe table now. and I don’t see one." 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