Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 07, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Legislature fiddles
while Oregon bums
The Oregon Legislature, a perennial sleeping giant,
awoke Wednesday. Just long enough to squash Gov.
Barbara Roberts' tax plan before lumbering back into
seclusion where it can sleep away the remainder of its
After a ycar-and-a-half of work. Roberts was pre
pared to go to the voters with a tax plan she felt the
people would approve. All the Legislature had to do
was act as the delivery boy. putting the plan on the bal
lot. a fitting role considering the amount of work they
have put into tax reform over the past decade — none!
Unfortunately for Roberts, her plan and Oregon's
future, the Legislature inexplicably decided that tax re
form must be approved by them first. Where do these
people get off thinking _
that they should have a
role in la* reform? They
have ignored Ihc issue
for so long, surely they
have given up any right
to that claim simply by
Since the passage of
Measure 5. the legisla
ture has been content to
play the role of Emper
or Nero, fiddling while
Oregon burns. It is not
as if it was unaware of
The Oregon
Legislature has
done nothing more
than confirm the
fact that It Is a
obstacle In the
Roberts efforts to put
together a reform package, and if legislators had not
been asleep for the past your-and-a-half. perhaps they
too could have put together a proposal.
Why thoy suddenly decided to chunge their do
nothing approach is unclear. Unless you have the {mint
of view of a five year old. Then it becomes clear.
House Speaker Lurry Campbell (R-Eugene) and his
friends wen; upset that Roberts didn't ask them to play
too and demanded that she play by their rules or else
they would take the ball and go home. She refused,
and they went home.
While such juvenile behavior muy be acceptable on
the playground, it has no place in government. While
that may be an inherent flaw with partisan politics, is
it asking too much of grown men and women to do the
right thing, at least once in a while?
The Oregon Legislature has done nothing more
than confirm the fact that it is a monolithic obstacle in
the course of good government. It was the Legislature's
ineptitude that resulted in disillusioned voters passing
Measure 5. and the legislature will no doubt remain
asleep at the wheel as Oregon's future is driven head
first over the Fiscal Canyon Cliffs.
Oregon Daily
»'i) HOI *’•>* (UC.ftNf OHtGONV'401
The Oregon Oedy [iwakl a putriahad dirty Monday ihrough T nday tkjnog me
Khool yew and luwKy am Thurwjay dunng me >umw by me Oregon Daily E *«B
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question,which deserves mt
full attention, i will get
Wise up
Homosexuals are playing a
grand "victim" role Isn't it in
teresting that they march for
"love and Justice" but continue
to target the (X)A with death
Ihreats, obscene phone calls,
rocks through windows and
name calling?
Isn't it Interesting that homo
sexuals keep trying to label the
OCA as fascist Nazis when
ihuir mainstream publications
feature Nazi costumes and atti
tudes? liric Pollard, a former
member of AO’ UP admitted In
the Washington Blade homo
sexual paper that ''.. our sub
versive tactics were drawn
lurgely from the voluminous
Main Kmnpf (by Hitler), which
some of us studied as a working
model "
Isn't it interesting that homo
sexuals don't like to bo called
names, but don't mind hurling
the name “homophobe" at poo
ple with normal sexual orienta
Isn't it interesting that homo
sexuals whine about losing jobs
and housing, bill in a 1087 10
hour gny rights hearing in Sa
lom, nol one homosexual docu
mented (a) Itxss of job or resi
dence due to homosexual iden
Isn't it sad that homosexuals
complain about "hate-crimes"
but endorse sadomasochism,
leather activity and pedophilia
along with other "unkind" in
ter-gay violence?
Isn't it Interesting that homo
sexuals deny wanting "spoeiul
rights" but their platform calls
for affirmative action and mi
nority status?
Isn't it interesting that Port
land homosexuals demand
"rights" while filing injunc
tions against citizens who prac
tice their legal "right" to use
the petition process7
Wist! Oregonians will not fall
for the "victim" line and will
sign the (X:A petition Wist! Or
egonians know that they them
selves will be the "victims" If
we fail to arrest the homosexual
Pat Smith
OCA Raaaarch Director
The Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print all
letters containing comments on topics of interest to the
University community.
Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than
250 words, legible, signed and the identification of the
writer must be verified when the letter is submitted.
Commentaries should be between 750 and 1.000
words, legible and signed, and the identification of the
writer must be verified upon submission. The Emerald
reserves the right to edit for grammar, style and length
if necessary.
TMY JWT 9-ja WITH rul"
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