Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 07, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Hose monster
Dennis Grasser carries a window-washing device to Esshnger Hall The window-washing
crew, which works through the University Physical Plant, is in the process ot washing all
windows on campus — a project expected to take W weeks
Back to step one
for new-tax lobby
J Student leaders will push for another
special session before November
By Pat Matach
r mof.iki Edtor
The Oregon Legislature's dismissal of Uov Barbara
Roberts' lax-reform plan lias student and administrative
leaders shifting gears on how to he«d-ofT Measure 5 in
duced cutbacks
Kofierts had called the special session of the l.egisla
lure hoping voters would get a chance to decide on a
way to replace revenue lost to Measure 5 before the
mandated cuts for the t')1);) ’15 biennium take effect
But that plan, and last minute attempts hy the Ore
gon Senate to revive it, was sunk by the Mouse, whose
Republican leaders complained that putting II liefore
Oregonians In Seplember would not allow enough time
for voters to study it
"It is very distressing and disappointing that the
state's politic al leaders have not been able to agree on
the nature and timing for a tax-reform measure to allow
the citizens of the state to determine the level of ser
vices they are willing to support," said University I’res
idenl Myles Brand u! a press conference.'Thursday
"We certainly would have hoped that the slate would
come to grips with this problem already." Brand said
"It's frustrating, not for me. not for the faculty, not for
the staff, it's frustrating from the point of view regard
ing Oregonians’ chances to get an education and the
chances for social mobility."
Turn to TAX, Page 3
New EMU director looking forward to exploring Oregon
_i Miller says first or
der of business will
be getting to know his
By Morgan Emnch
Emerald Contribute*
Those! who understand Ore
gon's buck-to-nature appeal
shouldn’t bo surprised to learn
the new director of one of the
biggest indoor facilities on cam
pus took the job because ho
likes to bo outdoors.
Charles "Dusty” Miller took
over as director of the Erb Me
morial Union Juno 15 after a
hiring process thut involved
more than 50 applicants.
"Being at this university af
fords mo the opportunity to put
together professional desires
with quality of life issues with
my family,” Miller said, adding
that ho plans on taking advan
tage of the many outdoor op
portunities available around
"I plan to bo outside as much
as possible," said the one-time
canoe instructor and current
contributor to the Wo source
Guide* to Outdoor Programs.
Miller served as director of
the Joseph A. Dana Center and
student activities at Loyola
University in New Orleans for
the past eight years and had a
similar position at East
Stroudsburg University in
Pennsylvania before that.
The Interview and screening
process for the EMU position,
which involved five finalists
having meetings with students,
faculty and staff, brought a
large number of nationally
prominent candidates to apply,
said University President Myles
'•It's an indicator of the
strength and reputation of our
Institution's tradition of strong
governance and community
that wo had such u strong pool
of candidates." Brand said,
"even iri a year when the fiscal
picture for higher education in
Oregon is unclear."
Miller. who bus a master’s
degree In personnel administra
tion from the State University
of New York at Buffalo, echoed
Brand's sentiments in saying
the EMU has a very good repu
tation internationally, and this
is one of the reasons ho chose
to make the move to Oregon.
The first order of business.
Miller said, is to try to get to
know ail of the people he’s go
ing to be working with. This is
no small task considering there
are more than no non-student
employees now under him In
addition to coordinating the
meeting rooms, performance
spaces and galleries, he will lie
overseeing all of the programs
within the student union.
This Includes student gov
ernment offices, publication of
fices. Child Caro, Club Sports,
the Recreation Center, Outdoor
Program, Cultural Forum, Craft
Center and more.
Miller has some big shoes to
Photo by Jolt PMioy
Chariot "Duaty" Millar took ovar at lha naw director of lha EMU at
tar a hiring procaaa that Includad mora than SO applicanta
fill. Adollo McMillan, who re
tired in Jnmiury 1992. had boon
the director sinco 1975 and
served us ussociuto director for
seven years before taking over.
She whs president of tho Asso
ciation of College Unions Inter
national In 1<»H1. Coincidental
ly. Miller currently is chairman
of Development Fund Advisory
Committee of iho same orguoi
/.til ion
Frank Gel I nor, FMU associate
dlrticlnr and University pro
gmm consultant, served us in
terim director until Miller wus
Summer might be back
today with slightly warmer
temperatures after
Monday's mostly cloudy
skies and high of 71 ov—
Sunny skies are expected
today after morning clouds
disappear and highs of
FLAGSTAFF !AP) - A fugitive convict who eluded authorities for nearly
two months pleaded innocent to charges of kidnapping, armed robbery ami
attempted murder Monday and said he would try to escape again.
Danny Ray Hurnitu escaped May 12 from the Arizona state prison 50
miles southeast of Phoenix. Horning was tracked as far as the Grand
Canyon National Park about 200 miles north of Phoenix.
Homing had eluded helicopters with heat-seeking ami night-vision
equipment. trackers with dogs, a multiagency task force of about 380
officers and roadblocks.
'He is not a folk hero He really and truly is nothing but a smart aleck.’
said Michael Am, spokesman fer Arizona's Corrections Department
PAU. PRANCE (AP) - Richard
Vircnoue of Prance gained the
leadersyellow lersey as the Tour de
Prance returned to its home country
Monday after a weekend in Spain
Three-time champion dreg
LeMond of the United Slates
remains with the main contenders,
but had some minor difficulties,
twice having to change a flat
The tour, which covers seven
European countries, heads to
Bordeaux today