Gays plan protest for Perot OLYMIMA, Wash. (Al») — Gay right* activists vowed to disrupt pres idential hopeful Koss Pnrot’a rally on the Capitol steps Thursday. Stephen Michael said Wednesday ho and hi* supporters would attempt to submit his own presidential nom inating papers at the same time the wealthy Texan tries to file more than 50,000 signatures with the secretary of state. Disruption of 1*0rot's sprees ii will follow, Mic hael said. Perot organizers expresses! disap pointment, but tolerance, Bnd one spokesman said Perot needs to clarify earlier statement* about no! wanting homosexuals in his Cabinet. On an ABC call-in program on Monday, Perot said ho would insti tute no ban on gay Cabinet secretar ies, t>ut sold "I don't want to destroy someone" in brutal Senate confirma tion hearings, suggesting that their sexual preference would become an issue. Perot rally participants will be asked to provide no resistance to the protesters, and Perot may simply end his speech and walk off. said spokes man Mark Linsny of Seattle RU-486 confiscated at airport NEW YORK (AT) A pregnant American woman returned from Eng land on Wednesday with a french abor tion pill to challenge the United States' ban of the pill as an invasion of her right to privacy Customs offie oils at Kennedy Interna tional Airport confiscated the woman's dozen RU-4fMi pills. The woman then hold an emotional news conference to criticize the food and Drug Administration's ban on KU 4ftf> ”1 feel very strongly that all women have the right to follow their own medi cal advice," said the woman, who iden tified herself as Leona “This denies my rights ... It denies me the right to control my own body " KU-486 has been used legally by 100,000 women in Britain, France and China. Lawrence Lnder of Abortion Rights Mobilization said his group would file suit on behalf of i.eonn in U S District Court He and others at the airport blast ed the Bush administration for the pill's ban "ft's very clear under the Bush admin istration that when woman’s health needs clash with their right-to-lifo ideol ogy, women's rights loses,” said Patricia Ireland, president of the National Organ ization for Women Oregon Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS ms /fOlYI THI PUZZlT\ Be me 1« person to Urn 500 EMU after 9 a m. to correctly solve the cro>stword punie and win , $5 . in ctatufted advertwnfll y us TYPING SERVICES EAGLE EYE TYPING EDITING By oipcHMj*mjjiJ Ph D fRMWPta ion wutjnnl AWcnlab** ariftonN «v^« tare* lagaJ ryp»ng 4H4 /WA' ^Asnsi __ _ ____ At 144-0799, ROMM at GRAD SCHOOL APPROVE 0. ?0 r**t (MCA ground 1mm papw* f uH mum* %m vc* f’dong l mum p* ON CAMPOS! 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