Dads making up time, researchers say By Ted Burnham Emerald Contributor Tho gap between father and child is growing smaller, but kids still spend much more time with mom titan with dad, a University researcher says. "The big chit net? in fathering is that tho father has gone from being totally uninvolvod to be ing a playmate." said Beverly Fagot, a University psychology profossor and early-childhood specialist "From very early in the child's life, lathers do more of the ploying and less of the cart providing than mothers,” Fagot said. Fagot recently lead a study at tho Oregon Social Learning Center in Eugene, where site learned that even in families (tint decided to. take ;in m’nfi.tnr ian approach to child-rearing, fathers remained significantly loss involved with their chil dren than did mothers. The study, which involved more than 300 families witli children who wore 12 months, 18 months and five years old, showed that a mother em ployed outside the homo will spend on average of seven to eight hours a day with a young child, compared to the father’s average of 30 minutes. Researchers also found that In all throe age groups, fathers are more likoly than mot here to engage in positivo interaction, especially play, with their chil dren, Tho study, which was funded in part by tho National Institute of Child Health and Develop ment, surveyed homes with fa thers. Local families volun teered to be interviewed and studied. The study itself was com prised of four one-hour homo observations, three telephone interviews and two three-hour labs involving each parent. In an article Fagot and gradu ate student Richard Hagan pub lished in the journal Child Ue vrlopmrnt last year, the study found tho bluest gnp between parents was the amount of time they spent instructing their children. Fagot says her research indi cates that mothers need to re member the importance of playing and that fathers need to help more with tho routine care of children. Fagot said children appear to do best when both parents an1 actively Involved in both ns pests >e Supremo Court Monday gutted Its land mark Roe v Wade ruling, which legalized abor tion, Keisling suid. "The lifeless body of Roe v. Wade has been de livered up to us in this docislon. The ghost of it is still there, but if you touch it, it disappears into thin air," Kolsllng told a crowd of about 1,000 pro-choice supporters at a downtown park. Diane Lynn, executive director of the Oregon chapter of the National Abortion Rights Action League, said the court's decision was an insult to women. "For two decades women were deemed capa ble, competent and trustworthy to control our own lives.” she said. "For two decades the right to choose has been our right and our freedom "Yesterday, the Supreme Court said 'Not any more.' You are no longer capable, you are no longer trusted in that most personal domain "Now wo are only one vote away from the over turn of Roe. which will send women back to the buck alley.” Dean Roberts of Portlund handed out pro choice signs to the crowd before the speeches be gan “It's the same old battle for women.” Roberts said. "We gave them the right to vote but we don’t givo them their own reproductive rights." A 27-year-old Portland woman who identified herself only as Cybeie carried a sign reading, "I'm not mother material." "We’re really upset about the court's decision that minors must got parental permission." she said. "Some minors havo bad relations with their parents. "It’s not the parents say. What makes minors losser people?" Vicki Turner. 3<>. of Portland, came to the rally with her 2-year-old son, Michael. A sign on his stroller read. "We Will Not (k> Back." "In 1950. my mother had to go from Oklahoma to California to get an abortion," Turner said. "Sho nearly died.” fwE PRINtI J BETTER $«99 J ? PHOTOS J • Developed & printed _ I • 12.15. 24 exp 1 | >36 exp $5 99 J • 4x6 superpnnts add $1 ® JOIN NOW! DOC'S COCKTAIL RESEARCH TEAM 165 W. 11th • 683-8101 CHINA BLUE RESTAUANT ItyourcSmm, tool I » S73 S. IStll 5 nivAt iv tiO &*J*jdibioi ¥ *' lake vUt AVol!a»>lw J GERMAN AUTO * SERVICE, INC. “29 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugana, Or agon 97403 TUESDAY is 25 Cent Night Guido's 13th & Alder 343-0681 WE HAVE THE BEST PRICES IN TOWN! COPIES SELF SERVICE ALL DAY! Tkfi Cojwj Sbji 539 E. 13th Ave. 485-6253 Open 8:30 am-7 pm Mon.-Fii.