DEVELOP & PRINT • 3” PRINTS *J97 ,„J | 50 36*^" 2nd exp set coupon must accompany order. 1 CAMPUS 1 HR PHOTO i I 1231 ALDER • 683-2500 Engine Service J000 S. B*rt*ls*n Rd »8 • Eugene OR 97402 On* block north of W. 11th • Noljn Ind. Specializing in German Autos for 34 Years * Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen • 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts ! SUMMER’S HERE! Let J-Mar Biologicals help with next year s tuition. By donating plasma, you earn $30** lor your first two donations and help save a life at the same time. Call 683-9430 for more information. 1901 W Xih Avc. Eugene . FIREWORKS Continued from Page 5 him not to use it.' said council membor Paul Nicholson Further criticism was raised by members over the sudden proposal and enforcement of the ban The (lily Council held a mooting Wednesday to consider the ban and enforced the amendment Monday, loss than a week Inter Little time was available for a public discussion and the consid eration of loss of money to the fireworks dealers "We have a long-term responsibility to make on ofTort since we are facing an imminent danger." said City Council member Bobby Green. "This is not the way to handle it. but we're trying to do something." KIDS Continued from Page 5 day and is unusually strong for a 7th grader, by? profiting 1200 pounds Thursday, he broke the state shotput record by eight feet, throwing 50’H” Sprague said he has been working with Track City for three years, and owes a lot to his coach, Christensen, who held the slate* room! for the .shot In 1967 Sprague said ho likes tho shotput event the best lor dif ferent reasons. "It’s groat |ust to got out and see everyone compete," Sprague said "and 1 usually llko things I'm good at." Kvonts will continue every Thursdays starting at 5:30 pm for kids and Fridays at 5:30 for 13-year-olds and older, includ ing sub-masters (30-39) and masters (40 and older). Junior scholarships also are available for low-income chil dren who wish to participate via Oregon Track Club. Oregon Track Club junior membership signups for S5 dol lars (including a t-shirt) allow children to compote for free in any throo events. Call OTC at 343-7247 for more information. Weasel’s World Kraig Norris NMAJCHA NOTHIN'! DOIN' . SU86A? 1 I I'M TPnNT FIND T>C coc*^ TAixtNG aw'". SC I CAN WW SD*AE CASH! / rwK NEU.. l£fS KEEPOPENING £M , AfC WEU. OPIM EM ASVJtCCl \ • J 20 BEEftS LATfcft .., A*»flNAiir,I CAME t> THE REAUZATlON THAT . 'MET, I NEVEfl WU. BE *CAN OF HEHffT WEINWCS! * \ RESUMES Give vour resume a professional look, by having it typeset at letter Perfect Graphics Suite 500 EMU 346 4381 9-5 Mon-Fri Oregon Daily Emerald too BIRTHDAY GREETINGS I .“ \ 105 personals CHRIS s CONGRATS ANO GOOOIUCKH THE FA OfflCE u s TYPING SERVICES EAOLE EVE TVPWW-EOmMC By »ip«n«noo<) antv Ph 0 dinart* ion tiudani Anord«No adAixial «*»* i«nca 1*0* 484 7488 wrev__ A! M44TW. ROBIN a’oRAO SCMOOi APPROVED »IN' "'•‘•"•A back wound T am paper?? u» wu™ •* voi Edtong IM* pi ON CAMPUS? GUESS WHAT'S IN THE BOX? r • A campUte meal in a box • Only 15 ea. I Ml IYFBM) Call 346-4303 FOR NEXT (MY SERVICE! m TYPING SERVICES Ft TNG FINGI MS typing *ervlce F IBt KCUII1F, protMieiu! II «1 page, up 4*4 8011 JO THE TYPH40 PHO Ifyi* sip IBM cnmpaMMi Accut**«l 8Ka08|MnBaMB c*n BBS €068 anytime__ Peggy'* Typing Sendee I ipererxud lypnl ollenng vurwjra on IBM compute ayalem *nd laaer pnntal MiMPonotMu HIM Cell Peggy »i 141-4888 PNOffSSIOMAL TVP#4C AMO word proceewng. idling free p*Aop«lel)»e»y Honda. BIST88? THE WOHD SPECIALIST S~ Woo Pnxa**mg * DeaMop PubMMng Grad Scnoa Approved l ■* primed •dung grapruc*. d»**rtnl*r >o computer I QBDdJnunOB 7j ' -i StW f . : » Typing 8 word ptocaaamg 6S oenttdoulM* sxitved laaer page ?4 nr lumarouid Free campua prex .y.Q*l l»«iil»jn« 13 484 *1648 344-4510 quai ti v wokii riuKT-«iNt; ,M*Muik MUtNX «ittuwonr»u ♦» M )r<* fthtit 605 E. 13th 120 TUTORING Mwnngw off lea HMUnl, Ml ima lo* turnmar Pan nm*. '*> w noun uartmg M »rm typing rnixw 45 WPW Fang. anano» in company non* da Vowfl dnvan near** naaoad ~-bring imm lo X)1 Monro* SUM Monday FnJay I 5pm iM FOR SALE M!SC CHwon Iptphon* paw and pracfic* amp lfK» rww JXJG Cal (>«**». M4 3!rf» ___ Good wiuto itew and macMng cj'ufcMK tn good »hapa and tturdy 13$ ot JfiO *w born Ca* Mopa. aas?f32____ Nintendo. rxrkjtte* 7 QiW* * rap par ISO Ca* Cody, 342 4037 THK CLOTHES NORSK htly tat, Hi* perfect mAKWi for women win* low (MIm! 720 K. 13th («rn»i fnwn S*creel Heart Ibepiul Pa ft inf in lower level) EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS A g44 0707 or XO OOM GENTLEMEN’S ENCORE CASH FOR SOI LEVIS nilWMwn*_MM1W1 tro SOUND SYSTEMS CASH*!! w* buy m* and una VMS VCK» and iwm Tnompaon EMKMnco. 1122Oafc. 3430273 Two Convaniant lacattona 700E IJMi S2SWW*matl* (cam put) (downtown) 345-1031 3*3-4717 BUYING HOURS 04.14-F Ol. * 0. N4 03.0*1 Smith Fomltv Bookstof i« CARS TRUCKS GOVf RNMFNT SEIZED V»c» Irom J100 lord* Mon olon Corvmol Chovy* Surpiui B;ryon Gtjdo (1) BOS 96? 9000 l d S 964? It you havo aomothing lo toll, you have aomatNng lo odvodiM OOE CLASSIFIED'S >95 TRAVEL Bt-Coaoui travol agancy Vary choap arrpiana Ichati tor rtarnanonoi iludom* Japaraaa ok Cat Mka. 344 9707. 34649S4 Looking tor omMtout, aoit moliwaod. and hold wytung paofNo IncrndUMo Ouamoat ogpoduroty oipnndmg mo Eugona Tromng «4 Da provtdad For moio mlo can Jaoon. 3444146 _ RalaU SatoACustomar Sarvica SUMMER WORK ini rau>i chan 400 FT t PT poo, tamp » porm. «ai hit. no nip nac •* Irani Starting Pay Rata S10.2S CoMaga Studanta: paM iiaamahtpa poaalMa and aaon actialanMpa aaorkaO For nto an jak aganlnga in klaaka, Haaai. Waakln^on, Oiagan Nartiam Caklarnia, Naitharn Nanada. Maho, Utah, Hantana Wyoartng, can out 34-kaur Haglanh Plocanant D< factory latnatha location naaraal you: (707) 573-JSiO Local a«ico _nuntar, (30317*3-0770_ 210 HELP WANTED run ano (aching inis unship WITH ESCAPE few Sludaa' In March olONIe* U«ug«t wan Datrc cuncw and ortica »w* Mommy atP pond Appnaalion* avatlaDia EMU Mill Maw 10? pm DllUK a Jmy N>_ ODE CLASSIFIEDS 1-STOP SHOPPING Tachnlclan Job raijuifiimants mcluda 1) Budding. modifying and KWnng wKHomcMnc* aquipmeni ms lab oratory trlura* ?) Corainjcling cuttom caMa aaaamona* 3| Asvaimg in main Earwig a computar natworx Muai Pa prottnant wan uandard nano loon and know now to aordtn baarMiad panes mould contact D«v« Bfumbtoy M 34S4S16 EARN tnoo by panopenito m a tanguaga •i par want For mora mo coma to Straub »i GRANTS A SCHOLARSHIPS Maior rtaiafaaa For Iraa mto anna or can Mena* For Coaaga. ?uv Wdiamana • m^EogniAORSTaOS^CSIO^^ CELL CULTURE Aaaoclaaa SclanUat (Poartton MiM) Tie tuccaailU candWNa ai Nava aapananca in ona or mora ol tna lor lowing davalcpmant ot can Daaad auyv adaptation and propagation ol cat Knot tor racaptor aipraaaion. I rant lad ora. and auaDnmmant ol primary cat cukuraa Fam*anty wan tranalormad and non iranaiormad human and ammo urea a daarrad Eioatant tianto lachntqua and ra con) leaping u« ara ragurrad lAnanom 5 years aipananca m cat cutura laboratory a prslarrad PANLABS, INC tocaiad m lie grata ar Saana araa. a a growing .rtama nonal company promdmg RiO ser vicaa to tna pnarmacauticai mouairy worWatda lor 21 years SuOmn CV wan narnaa and pnona numoars o> mraa ralarancaa lo PANLABS. INC ARn: tkaaan Raaourcaa (Includa Poaitton Ntanbar) 11 MM Norm Craa* Parkway South BotttoN, WA M01I An Equal Opponunay Emptoyar 710 HELP WANTED EARN MONEY Raiding Books! I10.000.yr ncotnt potantial Oats its (1)004 062 0000 Ell Y0642 Car* gtvsr tor severely menially hand) capped 20 year otd tomato Trade room one board m largo oomtonable homo near doorrnoom E ugano tor 20 24 hours ot caro par mam Cars grvar has 2 largo mmacuMs turnished upstairs rooms ash private bath Soma sharod cooking Non smoking lamals 4044702 Catt attar July 13th Chad stOMrvtaor/kghi housakaaping 11 yaar ok) boy 12 noon 3. 3 daysr weak OSmour Car rolarancas a quoad 343-4070 WANTED Assistant RasOant SAanagsr Smas oomptas ctoso to campus lighi out a* InduOat rant crads for mora into caH TIM at 682 7271 or apply at Jonmngs t Co Propany kksnagiament. 400 E 11th Ana , Eugana. OR 87401 40 GIF po oS ton A sat Caunaaler. Services lor Stuoant Atntatos «itva? 6.1 %«3 Joe daacnpuons 0 ap pnaaton at 1601 University Si Closing data 771S2 An AACOE employer 215 WORK STUDY Monaetlon Services Assistant naaaarcfupflicQ work m support ot paanesjs retorm shorts *S SOAv Northwast Coalition lor AAsmauva* to Paanertas 344 5044 istlar 11 am ) OMca managar. Oregon Marnai SturtOM Program Challenging position 1011 hrsAak l5 7Mv ComputOr skits. spread sheets. manage accounts. horary searches ale 344-4800 Work study quaMad only WORKSTUDY JOBS love me outdoors? UO Outdoor program Worksiudy only! 346 4365