wumpbh'i ww wiWBWiwiriWWWBft^ JOIN NOWI DOC'S COCKTAIL RESEARCH TEAM 165 W. 11tt1 • 683-8101 HOUSE RECORDS BUY A SILL \NIW» k USED “ r.j co'$, It its,* ^vussims 1 \W/ * 2 S t K. 131b AVENUE tUCKNt, OREGON, 97401 — "1 C Waffle • Cone ' t/ 'W -,r. /Mfir (Regularly $150) fjN Campus SUBSHOP 1225 ftldor 345-2434 V4 \ .iJhI on ♦ l*4»v»,ry *•» with *»nv tHltif (Im C >»»*• I 7/l4/'0 ^ &/.IO BANG SALE! June 29-July 3rd • Free Accessories w/atl '92 bikes (14) to 10*. o( bike s pncel • Most accessories on sale • All '91 bikes at clearance prices! • We will be closed the 4th of July MM/MS M CTClfS / Bach Festival to end with long-lost tribute By Daralyn T rappe Emurald Associate Eddor Fugono's annual Bat h Festi val coma* to n dose Friday with a c hanc e, to hear a 12'1 year collahoration that ha* been performed c»n only a few rare occasions. "Messn per Rossini," which is a mass for Italian composer Cfloact.hino Rossini, was pul to gether in IHt.M by ins friend and fellow composer f.uiseppe Verdi as n tribute*. Verdi commissioned a mass in his friend's honor, hut took the unusual step of asking 12 Other composers to work with him However, political and ll nanc lal problems, as well as some infighting. I'dl the pic* e unpublished and buried away for 100 years Tho slory of the composers tribute eventually drifted mlo legend and many assumed the work was never at tually writ ten Hul in 1 *Hi9, .in archivist working in Milan uncovered whal turned out to tie the lost work A German mndui.lor named Heltnulh Killing got involved after a lime, helping to get the work published Killing, known to laigenians lor the past 2’i years as the di rer tor and one of the < reators of the local Bath festival, con ducted the world premiere of the tribute in Stuttgart just four years ago It has hooti performed only about 25 times sim e then am) RHIing will bring it to life again Friday at B p.m m the Hull Center's Silva Concert Ha^l to bring this year's two-week ovnnt to a close Background on thn music, how it was written and the rest of thn history behind j[, will bo given at 7 p m before the show It is part of the series of talks called "The Inside Line" that has preceded many concerts, to give listeners insight into the works they are about to hear Another major Festival event lakes place tonight at H p m in the Silva Hall when Polish con ductor Kr/vs/.tof Penderecki takes the stage to oversee two works, one of whit h is an origi nal ho composed Penderecki will bo joinod by the aslobrntrd Lithuanian cel list David Goringns and by the Festival Orchestra In addition to his own work. Penderecki will spotlight the music of Russian composer Shostakovich who composed his work during tho Stalin re gime when many restrictions on artists wore in place. Shosta kovich's work reflects his oppo sition to political control over art. Berlin's Petersen Quartet, the quartet-in-resident o for this year's Festival, performs Wednesday at fi p.m. in the University's Beall Concert Hall. Tickets ore available for all events. For more information, call 340-56C0. Democrats offer chance tor aspiring nimmaKers By Daralyn I rappe f nwjf.iUl A’,vi witi? 1 fMnr Whtil tio you when you cornhine dis enfranchised youth with .1 steady diet of M I'V and a< 1 ess to video equipment* Tlic Demur r.llii; National Committee is hoping it niak.es for the hesl jmlilicnl lummeli iiil of (he year The PNC is tillering $5,000 to the person who Siihmtls the hes! entry ill a 1 onlest ■ ailed " ttl Sei mills Over Washington Col luge students, espet tally tfiose study ing film and video, lire encouraged to lake a shot at helping to "< hatlge the 1 flannel on .1 failed presidency," as the 1 onlest flier says Waller Collleih. (onlest coordinator. said the idea eame aliout when several UN( higher nps were hrainstorniing uhntit ways to tap into the youngest voting Mock a group that ronsislenlly has one ol the low esl turnouts at the polls "They were trying to ligure out how to gel young people interested III the PelllO eralli I’arlv. how to get the MTV generation involved in changing the leadership ol this country," Collleih said Turning that generation loose with video cameras and dangling a carrot ol Sri,0ot can lx- ei ther anti Hush, pm-Dotnoc rat or some corn hination of those two "It needn't lx- what you think ol .is mud slinging," Collleili said "Just make your case Mark Steit/. I)N(. communications dirix lor. said in addition to drawing people to the partv, the contest is also a wav to draw in talent lor the DNC. "This contest is an aggressive rei ruitment effort to find the next generation of political talent in America." Steit/ said It's also a chance lor aspiring filmmakers to have their work shown across the entire nation and seen hy the likes ol Academy Award winning director Jonathan Demme and producer James I. ftrooks. who are among the Judges The winner also gets a sa reening in Los Angeles with an audience of film and tele vision industry VII** The second place award is and the Ihird plac e pri/e is S25I1 (iottleih said about f>() entries have been receives! so far, but he recently got about 1(H) requests for applications. He added that people with tin' highest quality film and cameras and access to editing labs aren't the only people who should ajiplv “Wo know students don't usu.tlly have a lot of resources." Cottleib said "What stu dents should concern themselves with is just doing the best they can with the re sources they have at their disposal." The winning entry may he reshot depend ing on the physical quality pi the film. Cott lelb said, but tie- filmmaker would definite ly be involved in the process The contest is not open to film, video or television professionals or political consul tants. all contestants must be IJ.S citi/.ens and each must sign a release statement giv ing the DNC exclusive ownership rights to the entry All expenses incurred will be considered by law a political contribution to the DNC.. The commercial tan be shot on film or video but must lie submitted on a 3/4" or VHS videtx assetle Knlries must not over 30 seconds and must bo accompanied by a completed entry form and entry tag An itemized list of expenses must lx- included. Entry tapes will not be returned. For more information and an entry fo’in, write to 30 Seconds Over Washington, Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St S.E , Washington. D C 20003. Entries can lx- shipped through first-class mail and must i«- received no later than July 17 at the same address Winners will ire an nounced in August you 're Invited to our garden ‘faire ‘Weds., 1u(y8>h 10:30-4:30 at the *110Bookstore i 13th & 'Kincaid - 346-4331 " {liinltn Parpens from: *‘H 'rruMls tjanien Center & ‘Ihulls -!fu ‘jLmxr ‘Market 'iiner if aniens ’‘Jferft tjustafson. Poneot Club ‘■-X'H’ Cixilitum of Mtematuxs to ‘Pesticides ’‘fun 'Jim>‘To-‘Tips \ htfanic Solutions Pest Control 'f lou Xr .'Imuufinjj ’Qmtoing/llswg fierbs ’‘The :lrt of ‘Bonzai ’Summer food‘Tips & 4Tastin0s-JTofu Palace & Salsa tie Casa