The ©ay © <§>£ll Center Guitars Galore! New Montanan on sale $1(X) Lined inntrunientn from Mutes to Iuban! FRFFTAMIK H R I NK! I Cameras And Lenses I< ooi 3f,\ W Slh, Kugcm-. U740I Adel man on board for 1992-93 PORTLAND (AP) — The owner of the Portland Trail Blazers says t h () NBA team intends to * t K " Coach Kick Adnlman lo ii coni met extension soon. "Kick is going lo lx- buck as conch." owner I’aul Alien said Tuesday, dismissing rumors Adolrnan would ho fired or moved lo another position within the Blazers' organiza tion. Adolrnan. 40. has one year left on a three-year extension signed midway through his first full season as head coach of the Blazer* During his three full years as coach, the Blazers have posted a 179-67 regular-season record, have twice won Western Con ference championships and have twice made it to the NBA Finals. Adelman sought a contract extension before the 1991-92 season hut was told negoti ations would tw> held after the season After the team ad vanced to the Finalts^ut lost to the Chicago Bulls, speculation was Allen was dissatisfied with Summertime Specials Oregon West -fitness 485-1624 J. 1475 Franklin avid J: ames Duncan Author ook Signing-Reading Oregon author of the highly acclaimed River Why, David Duncan, will be reading from his newly released book. The Brothers K and signing copies in an event sponsored by the UO Bookstore. The Brothers K, an enthralling American epic about baseball, idealism and Seventh Day Adventism revolves around the Chance family—a pair of good-natured parents and their pack of baseball-worshipping children. Like Duncan's first novel. The River Why, The Brothers K is an expansive woric, full of life. Hardcover 22.50 (The Wesley Center is next door to the HO Bookstore on Kincaid) UNIVERSITY 13th & Kincaid 346-4331 • M-Sat or otico.M Adnlman's Job performance. "Kick has done an excellent Job," Allen told the Omgonian "Everybody In the organization was disappointed to lose in the finals this year, and in tho con ference finals last year, and in tho finals before that. But we've had an incredible lost throe years." Allen said it was impossible to set a timetable for contract negotiations to end "Bocausn of the long season and then tho draft, we haven't hod time. After the draft, both sides will moke proposals and It will bo ongoing for the next few days or weeks." KI IN KO S More Then Greet Copies Report Rinding IBM and Mac Rentals Instant Passport Photos Next Day Typing Service f ast Sell Serve Copiers with Auto Feed Next Day Resumes Next Day Business Cards Custom I shirts Cash For Textbooks Mon • Sat. Smith Famil\ Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 Summers Here! Get Yourself in Shape! We ll Get Your Bike In Shape! !" Minor "| Tune-Up i I on,w $19.95 I L ——— J !" Major "! ! Tune-Up ! | only $39.95 | a