wtdao MtUdN ORIENTAL BUFFET Everyday low prices M-Th 10:30-7 • Fri 10:304 Sal 11:304:30 I 1275 Alder 683-8886 J_| Engine Service 1000 S. Berti>I**n Rd. *8 • Fugene OR 97402 One block north of W. Uih • Nolen Ind. Plata Specializing in German Autos for 34 Years • Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen • xs2=E=* 342-3952 ^ Student and Faculty Discounts STORAGE across from the l! of O NEW UNITS Personal or Commercial .» A Its to your “advantage” to call: J ADVANTAGE STORAGE ‘>33 ('ranktin lllvi! 344-.3(KI,> Court OKs suit against University SALEM (AP) — Animal rights activists may sun a resoarr.h committon at the University of Oregon over the open mootings law, the state Court of Appeals said Wednesday. The court said groups don't havo to be directly affected by a government decision to sue a public body over alleged meet ings violations. A lower court had ruled that animal rights groups didn't have legal standing In sue the Institutional Animal Oire and Use Ciommittite Tho committee is supposed to ensure that animat research projects comply with govern ment and University standards. In a lawsuit, two groups claimed the committee violated the statu open meetings law in approving a professor's project involving surgery on monkeys in March 1030 The lawsuit was filed by the People for the Ethical Treat ment of Animals and an affiliat ed group. Students for the Ethi cal Treatment of Animals. Circuit Judge George Woodrich of Lane County held that the groups didn't have ade quate grounds to sue. The law says anyone "affected by a de cision of a governing body" can go to court to enforce it The state argued the animal rights groups had shown only an "enthusiastic" and "politi cal” Interest in the committee's decisions. The appeals court said a plaintiff doesn't have to show it would be affected by a govern ment docision. "The entitlement given by the law is access to tho process by which government roaches its decisions." the court said. "It Is often precisely because a person's Interest is 'enthusias tic' and 'political' that access is most important " Part of the groups' complaint involved an executive session of the committee to which they didn't have access. Weasel’s World Kraig Norris *«: s ste/e mewm - CfiiMSTT WOOSTER - AT UJWJ'S. REACT K) SCOW.. o HE . COULD...OC AU THE...WAIT..,MR..THE. .10! WANNA GC SACK TCMTPlACX? / C YAl I IF Oregon Daily Emerald LOOK FOR GREAT CLASSIFIED DISCOUNTS IN TODAY'S PUCK BUCKS! 110 LOST & FOUND FOUND UM k*n Swim Gray mu/ /Ml. Found 6'1B wound c:ampu» 746 41?g/345a?6l LOST: Gold gmdualton pm mwwd OSA. 1S?9 Tr»» mm my grandmoih m * »*1 h*» mucti umt44 07*. 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