Gotti’s lawyers argue for reversal NEW YORK (Ar) — John Gotti's tederal murder and racketeering convictions should be over turned because the Gamblno crime family boss got an unfair trial, defense lawyers told a federal Judge Monday. Two Jurors also have boon quoted as saying the trial was unfair and that they voted to convict Gotti because of government pressure Judge l. Loo Glasser said he would rule Tues day on whether to hold a hearing on the defense lawyers' arguments. But ho refused to delay Gotti’s sentencing, also scheduled for Tuesday Gotti wasn't at Monday's hearing Gotti and a top lieutenant, Frank Locascio, face life imprisonment for their April 2 convictions on racketeering charges that included murder, mur der conspiracy, obstruction of justice, gambling, loan sharking, extortion and tax fraud. Civil-rights lawyer William M Kunstlor asked in court papera that the verdicts be set aside be cause of "gross misconduct" by prosecutors. Kunstler asserted that prosocutors engineered a juror’s dismissal just before the start of delibera tions "merely boenuso the government did not like her or thought that she would be unfavorable to its case." The defense also said one juror was unfairly bi ased against the defendants because she was mar ried to a former FBI agent. That relationship came out not during jury selection but late in the trial. “I do think that the cumulative effect of all of this wus to create an unfair jury which was de signed to convict thoso defendants,” Kunstlor said. Assistant U S. Attorney John Gleoson called Kunstlor's arguments frivolous am! ' fflltid with gross, deliberate misstatements of fact Recently two of the jurors who convicted Gotti in just 13 hours have come forward to complain about the trial The anonymous jurors were se questered in un undisclosed hotel throughout the 10-week trial because of allegations of jury tam pering in other Gotti trials. "I truly believe that Imth Gotti and Loot sc In wore not proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt,” one panelist, identified as Juror No 12. was quoted by the Daily News as saving He said he voted to convict because of prob lems at home and fear of the government. "I'm sorry that I didn't hold out, but I was un der a lot of pressure," he said WNBC-TV reported last week that another juror wrote an apologizing letter to Locascio, saying the jury voted to convict because "wo were so fright er.ed by the marshals and tlu; KOI However, another juror, in a letter to the judge that was made public Monday, said the trial and deliberations were fair. "The jury analyzed each count methodically and completely, applying critical detail to the law as prescribed by your charge There was never any mention of fear, favoritism or unfairness," wrote the juror, whose name wasn’t disclosed Gotti. 51, and Locascio. 59. have l>een in |uil without frail since (heir arrests in December 11)90 Gotli was convicted of orchestrating the Decem ber 19H5 assassination of Gambtno tx>ss l*aul Gas tel In no to seize control of the nation's most pow erful crime syndii ate Bush sians emeraencv urban aid bill WASHINGTON (AP) — Pres ident Bush signed a SI billion emergency urban aid nnd sum mer jobs package Monday, say ing it was "only a beginning" to the radical reforms that America's crime-ridden cities need. The measure replenishes fed eral disaster loan funds deplet ed by the Los Angeles riots and Chicago flood, and provides $500 million to put up to 414,000 teenagers to work this summer. Bush declared a budget emer gency to pay for most of the new expenditures. That action will add almost $944 million to the federal deficit. The 1990 Budget Enforcement Act bars deficit spending unless the president declares an emergen cy The relief and jobs package was scaled down to fit White House demands from a S2 bil lion version originally passed by the Senate. “I turned aside efforts by some in the Congress to spend more for tho sake of spending more when the urgent need is for fundamental change to pro vide hope . nd opportunity for people in the inner cities," Bush suid in a Rose (notion cer emony attended hy lawmakers and Labor Secretary Lynn Mar tin. The head of one private ur ban policy group, Lynn A Cur tis of the Milton S Eisenhower Foundation, called the aid package "too little, too late. The federal government is of fering a Band-Aid when major surgery is needed.” Curtis saiti the cities need a comprehensive policy "that be gins with Head Sturt and Job Corps-like programs for all eli gible children and youth Bush, too, called the emer gency aid "a beginning, only a beginning.” He urged Congress to "pul an end to the delays" and act on the rust of his urban proposals, including a crime bill, the so called Weed and Seed anti-drug program, enterprise /.ones, wel fare reform and school choice. "it's imperative that we make a fundamental change." said Bush. Sen John Seymour, K-Calif., said afterwards that every day's dolay makes it harder to get a more comprehensive urban f I f T V CENTS Oft S P f C I A l 50C OFF Large Iced Mocha SI! f*sl 13!) *<»M ♦ Hut It tilt M Itltillft Sues M»« Iri ) 3t I Ui I ( lt« I 3 413 (443 Cilltt ♦ Issrtsst ♦ (MtiwicMs ♦ lit Regularly S1 60, NOW S1 10!! this special gout) through July 3, 189? 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