PROBLEMS WITH THE UNIVERSITY? The Office of Student Advocacy can help regis tered students who have problems with university fac ulty. staff, policies or procedures including ■ STUDENT CONDUCT CODE CHARGES ■ SEXUAL HARASSMENT ■ DISCRIMINATION ■ UNIVERSITY HOUSING ■ ACADEMIC DISPUTES ■ FINANCIAL AID ■ FACULTY MISCONDUCT ■ PUBLIC SAFETY ■ BUSINESS AFFAIRS ■ ATHLETICS ■ UNIVERSITY RECORDS ■ UNIVERSITY EMPLOYMENT We are a free ASUO program providing profession al services for students in campus related matters Call 346-3722 or stop by 334 EMU to set up an appointment. EXCELSIOR CAFE ^ CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST 8-11 M-F LUNCH 11:30-2:30 M-F DINNER Seven nights a week BAR OPEN ‘TIL MIDNIGHT light meals, coffee, (lessens. & drinks j 342-6963 • 754 E. 13th Ave. LEVY Continued from Page 1 pick up t!>een no indication one way or another whether that's in the future,'' Wessells said. "But we're hopeful and that's why we want a special session We hope that something hap pens to stem the tide." Brand expressed similar sen timents Final adoption of the Univer sity's budget proposal will come from the Oregon State Board of Higher Education, fol lowed by the governor, who avid J ames Duncan Author ook Signing-Reading Oregon author of the highly acclaimed River Why, David Duncan, will be reading from his newly released book, The Brothers A and signing copies in an event sponsored by the UO Bookstore. The Brothers K, an enthralling American epic about baseball, idealism and Seventh Day Adventism revolves around the Chancefamily—a pairof good-natured parents and their pack of baseball-worshipping children. Like Duncan's first novel, The River Why, The Brothers K is an expansive work, full of life. Hardcover 22 JO (The Wesley Center is next door to the lit) Bookstore on Kincaid) UNIVERSITY OF OlECON 3 13th & Kincaid 46-4331 • M Sat would include it in her budget proposal to the 1993 Legisla ture "It's important for everyone to understand that there pro posals must be approved bv the board, the governor untf the Legislature." Brand said. "Ob viously. we hope that tax re form will occur soon, because wu don't believe that what will result from these budgets would be good for Oregon. However, at this stage, we have no alternative." Roberts announced June 4 that she will call a special ses sion of the Legislature and if a tax plan is approved by u ma jority of lawmakers in the House and Senate, it will likely go before voters in a special election in mid-September Roberts will announce later this week when the special ses sion will take place (mid-July is expected) and the specifics of Torn to CUTS, Page 6 f'fiwy—! 1 AfXEY I 8 CURRY DISHES_lg.3.50 « | sm.2.50 S 8 VEGETABLE RICE_3.50 8 • CHICKEN BREAST | S STEAK_3.50 S S YAKISOBA ? “ NOODLES_lg.3.50 S : sm.2.50 5 | SWEET 4 SOUR ; S CHICKEN..—3.50 S I Take Out Available I i Across from Dairy Queen 3 8 1306 Htlyard (145-9555) 8 (iMIMIMMIHIMHUHII Cash For Textbooks Mon. Sat Smith Kamil) Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651