LETTERS Leeches I'm tired of someone’s sexual preferences being included In studies and discussion of cul ture and race. I'm not going to get Into the question of whether homosexuality is an acceptable lifestyle. But I do want to say that I don't think homosexuali ty Is a "culture" anymore than cigarette smokers or bookworms are cultures. Homosexuality is using the guise of being a culture in order to gain legal and societal status with valid ethnic cultures such as African-Amoricans or Chica nos. The homosexual commu nity claims that the passage of anti-homosexual laws, such as 20-08, will eventually preside over ethnic minorities as well This just isn't provable. The homosexual community is fighting for rights, freedom and acceptance in society. But it should not do so by leeching onto’the ethnic-cultures band wagon. Doreen Raster Fine Arts Especially fair It’s funny how Springfield Is constantly ignored by The Kirg ister-Guard and the Eugene public in general until now. But since the (X1A measure has passed everyone makes it their business to be involved in Springfield Peoplo aro given the right to vote und if Eugenians don’t like the out coinn of Springfield's primary, then it's really too bad since It was the choice of the citizens of Springfield It seems that the measure has boon blown entirely out of pro portion Every single citizen is guaranteed Constitutional rights regardless of their per sonal life If a homosexual is fired or denied rights in other circumstances there is already recourse available, therefore they need no special rights. Measure 20-08 only prohibits special rights, so why does ev eryone who Is homosexual think thoy will be denied po lice protection or fired from their job? If we worn to adopt special rights for homosexuals, then a whole now series of laws re garding people who arc a little different from the crowd would also have to be adopted, right? Wouldn't that be the fair thing? The United Stules is a boullla halsso for everyone and whal people do in thoir own life is nobody olse's business ... that is if they could keep it that way Diana Marquardt Springfield Get real Lowering the cost of educa tion here at the University was a major issue In student elec tions this year Fortunately, most student voters recognized that cutting incidental fees was not the solution for fighting ris ing tuition prohlnm. Now students have the op portunity to do something reel to lower their cost of education VOTE' If Gov. Barbara Roberts erts holds a special session on tax reform this summer, this will be our big opportunity to counter the effects of Measure 5 A mail-in ballot will be sent out to the lust uddross at which each voter is registered, to lie returned by Sept 15. So if you haven't registered under you summer address, you won't re ceive the ballot and you won't gel to vote. Registration cards are avail able in the ASUO office. Suite 4. EMU. Absentee-voter cards are available for those students who will live out of stule for the summer So take a minute to register at your summer address, and when you get the ballot In tile mull, fill it out and send it in This Is your chance to directly impact the cost of your educa tion Tracy Oannls ASUO Club heaven In response to Otto Helwog's letter (ODE, June 3) I called Da vid Lee for a copy of the speech SUMMER FUN FOR EVERYONE! SUMMER RECREATION CLASSES Aarctnca.1knti AanX*» AarUaikflMfmfiAwUaa Aentotct CoculTmnng AtaJurm* wiAuul HoB*Yfcg» Mat* Yoga Ww/4 WhrtttiU Low Hpocl AoriXAs Swing BaftuomWortotiap HwTwMiManadl Un MW UM UH MW UM UH MW UH UH UH H |l wnfcll In* 7 OOarn 7 OOwn 12 3Qpm 6 3Cpm 6 3H»n 4 30pm 7 00*m S3Cpm t?Xpm Am IS-August 12(• wwriu) UH S 15pm Am OJA 1«(4 wMks| M 6 30-^pm m s-eaopm UH LualKl) O«f220 Gar 220 E*47 0*220 0*220 £*47 1*4/ E* 77 E* 77 E*36 E*47 OwXBSO GwrXBH) (as Pout Low Impact Aorctotc* 430pm 17 Octohar 1 (7 wrawfcs) UH 515pm E*47 MECHCAT10M Am ZSAugua* 13 UMl SIB SIB SIS SIB SIB S18 SIB SIS SIB SIB S2t SIB $18 $15 SIB (InctjclM mikwr matx&xl courts) MUWH 63Q*m-10O*jm F 6 30wn-S<*t»n Sat-Sun CtOSED LEMHTONPOOL hHWhf 6 30»rv7 3C»m WMt 12a**T>l 30pm Sal-Sun CtOStD MUWHF 7 OOanvS 30»fn MUWtt 1130wn'1?Xt>m MUV»» 50Cprr>70Qpm F 3 OOpm-rf 3Dpm MUWVI 5 3t^xrc6 aqpm Fal Scfxrtjt* E Mttigw For more information call x4113 or come by 103 Gerlinger Hall to enroll Helweg gave during Jesus Week Unfortunately, Lee Is out of town until July (Consequent ly I decided to cull (Campus Crusade for (Christ to gel more Information before lumping to any conclusions about Helweg’s opinions regarding non-Christian flawed morals The woman I talked to was very polite, respectful. Informa tive and (Christian Not U-ing a (Christian, I was eager to hear her opinion regarding my desti ny 1 was astonished to discover that a Christian who might have robbed, raped or mur dered would go to heaven, whereas a non-Christian who led u life unselfishly caring for others would not She informed me that this is the case because only (Christians can lie forgiven and therefore they would be the ones honored with such an eternal privilege Those fortunate enough to !>e inducted into "(Club Heaven" might expect to share eternal life with members such as Ted dundy, (Charles Munson, ]lm and Tummy, Churlos Keating and countless other liars, swin dlers. racists, murderer* anti rapists t'.oo. I can't wait Whore do I join, Otto? Angia Froom Biology POLICY The Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print all letters con taining comments on topics of interest to the University community. Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than 250 words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must be verified when the letter is sub mitted. The Emerald re serves the right to edit any letter for length or style. Thtf Bay © §&\\ Center Guitars Galore! New Montana* on »ale $lt)0 Used instruments from Mute* to I ul>as! FRICK TAMIK H'RIMC! ameras And Le uses Too! 34\| W. SlIi, ICugvi». 1*7+01 IS r ACMMUMOM iHMM-ftuW U •AftOAM ftfcMtt CM IAU MOW 4 ftU MAf U-TU Wt AAVt Wrtf ■ HO l> *> • MMlft b ****** t« >.*> Th r U 9h«y 6 00.9 00 M Wittifim HuM • S«J»rt,j Domnufbn r HHAL 7 35. 9 40 pj DARKLY CLEVER* ■EUECmFVWGL. DON’T r Larry Fishburne & Jell Goldblum k-J?_ Nightly MO^tghf DEER COVER] Disappointed With Your MCAT Scores? Don't despair! Stanley H. 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