, i.. '"w CRAFT CENTER SUMMER '92 WORKSHOPS f . 4 : ‘ # * $ *' * tigl - CERAMICS BEGINNING CERAMICS 5jC Frank (invar This workshop is everything you need for a thorough foundation in ceramics Wheel throwing, handhuikimg. and gla/ing techniques will be covered. with individualized instruction for beginners and those with some previous experience (ilazexand 25 Ibv ofrlay Included. lHhours of instruction Two sessions offered 1 Mondays 6:00-9:00 pm (iosar June 2l1 Aug 10 (no class 7/6) 2 Thursdays 2 JO 5 JO pm Gosar June 26 Aug 6 (no class 7/2) IKIOl $40 *002 WO CONTINUING CERAMICS *{: Peter Mrser For ttic adventurous spirit with some previous clay experience Expand sour foundation skills and personal expression with clay Increase your throwing and handbuilding skills, make specialized tools, and refine your glazing techniques 25 lbs. of clay and glazes provided IK hours of instruction. Wednesdays 6:00 9:00 pm *003 $40 June 24 Aug 5 (no class July 1) II A N I) B U I L I) IN G /(' E R A M I C SCULPTURE * * : ■ Frank (iosar Explore your imaginative process Uirough working with clay, Ixam ancient methods of day construction; coil building, slab building, cars mg. additive and subtractive techniques. Class provides both directed and self -directed opportunities 25 Ibv of day amt gla/rs prov ided. 12 hour s of instruction Tuesdays 6:00 900 pm July 14 Aug 4 *004 $32 RAKU FIRING Frank .■*. I 1 ^jjj^Jp TABLE LOOM WEAVING Sfc ChrysUl Mc(.ul|f»n Rigs' Rags' Rags' Turn those old rags into beautiful rugs Create a one of a kind, rag a bag. or set of place mats Instruction m warp preparation, loom dressing and beginning pattern weaving will be given. Warp yam will be provided. 21 hour* of instruction Wednesdays 6 00 900 pm June 24 Aug 5 #002 $45 SPINNING AND DYEING Cbryatal Mctiutgan Explore the possiNlities of yarn design while creating voctr own handspun wool Start on the drop spindle and move rapidly to the spinning wheel. All phases of wool preparation will he covered Natural andchemical dyeing will be introduced CosJ includes fleece for you to dye your favorite color. 18 hours of instruction. Tuesdays 6:00-9:00 pm June 30 Aug 4 #008 $37 BATIK Rya Hank is an ancient method of drawing, painting and stamping a hot was resist on cotton fabric before dyeing to create unique and ficauiiful patterns and designs In tins class you will learn several batik techniques, inc luding resist dyeing tec hniques of West Africa Yoruba peoples One half yard of batik material, dyes and was provided. 12 hours of instruction Wednesdays 6:00-9:00 pm July 1-22 #<8»9 $34 REGISTER EARLY ! Class sizes are limited and preregistration is necessary to assure your space in a workshop! SPEED QUILTING Blnky Brawn Tiluhuhl Clastic quill patterns and modular piecing techniques combine to produce a traditional quality qujlt in a fraction of the usual time Select one of the following patterns: Snow Ball. Blaring Star, Around the World, or Log Cabin. The f irst ctass meeting will include discussions of patterns, color and fabric requirements and selections. All levels of experience welcome. Out of clau sewing time may be necessary. 12-1/2 hours of instruction. Tuesdays 6:00 810 pm #010 125 members July 7 Aug 4 #011 $28 non-members BEADWORK Kim Balsam F.xprcss your cream uy w ith colorful beads1 You will learn traditional and contemporary beading techniques, including Peyote stitch, Comanche weave, lace stitch, loom beading and others. Individualized instruction and guidance will enable you to design and create projects of your choice, such as earrings, necklaces, pendants, bracelets, anklets, pouches andmorc. All levels of experience welcome. Cost Includes a head loom for you to keep, warp threads and needles. 12 hours of instruction. I W ednesdays 6:15-8 15 pm #012 $29 members July 1 Aug 5 #013 $32 non members • * WHOLE BIKE HEALTH Frank Schwab Stranded by a broken bike? Never Again! Learn to overhaul hearing sets, adjust gears and brakes, and true your wheels. By die end of 6 weeks your bicycle will be overhauled. Bring your bicycle to each class. Allow $5 for rcplacemcnl bearings. 15 hours of instruction. Two sessions offered: 1 Fridays 10:00 am 12:30 pm June 26-Aug 7 (no class July 3) #014 $32 memhers #015 $35 non members 2. Fridays 1:00-3:30 pm June 26 Aug 7 (no class July .3) #016 532 members #017 $35 non members .. ... yMiP.t.Mgf!-' nr .;SV' ■* GLASS STAINKD GLASS SPECIAL Murk Keefer C'elehrale the sun with beautiful colors pervading your space Nocxperiencc is nec ess.uy to build a small stained glass piece Bring a simple design or pattern. Tools ami materials provided. 5 hours of instruction Tuesdays V00 5:30pm July 7 4 14 #018 $10 FLINT KNAPPING Craig Kat/at An introduction to stone tool working techniques. Participants will leam how to make obsidian and flint tools, such as knives, axes, and arrow points using antler and stone hammers and flakers. Raw materials and knapping tools will be provided, but bring a pair of leather gloves. 8 hours of instruction. Tucdays 6 00 8:00 pm #019 $25 members July 14 Aug 4 #020 $28 non members INTRODUCTION TO CLASS FUSING Mark Keefer Rediscover the ancient Egyptian artfonn of glass fusing This two session class will cover primary fusing techniques and allow students to create a few small pieces of jewelry. Tools and glares provided $ hours of instruction Tuesday and Wednesday. 6:00-8:30 pm Aug 4 & 5 #021 SI7 members #022 S20 non members * CLASS CASTING Kick Laurance Create small 3D works of an in glass This workshop will introduce you hi annealer casting using plaster molds and glass fnt. With an overview of model and moldmaking and annealing procedures of glass, students will be able to complete one or two small relief sculptures All materials provided. 8 hours of instruction Saturdays 12:30-4:30 pm July 18 Sl 25 #023 S35 The EMU Craft Center has various hand and power tools for current UO students to check out on a 24-hour basis. A limit of 10 tools may be checked out at one time. Rental fees an? $.25 for hand tools and SI .00 for most power tools, and must be paid when tools are checked out. Valid student I D. must be left as deposit during the rental period. _ ___ «■ '? '.papas' ill. f —4 PHOTOGRAPHY 1. BEGINNING PHOTOGRAPHY Rebecca Thompson/Andrew Harvey Learn how 10 use your camera, develop BA W film, and make BAW contact prints and enlargements. Photographic composition, the camera, and darkroom techniques will be covered. Bring your empty 35 mm camera to first class. FUm, chemicals and some paper will be provided. > 8 hours of instruction. Thompson Two sessions offered: 1. Tuesdays 3:00-6:00 pm July 7 Aug 11 *024 Wednesdays 6:00-9:00 pm Harvey July 1 Aug 12 (no class July 8) *025 S42 S42 TIT INTERMEDIATE PHOTOGRAPHY 5j* Andrew Harvey Thu course is designed for photographers who arc already acquainted with general darkroom procedures and have an interest in fine tuning the process of exposure control Study the Zone System and use a variety of papers and developers to produce prints with desired contrast ami depth. Aesthetic considerations, subject mailer, and composition will be included Students will need to provide their own black and white film and pa)ier ss well as one roll of color slide film Bring cameras to fust class Chemicals will be provided. 15 hours of instruction Wednesdays 2:30-5:30 pm July 1 Aug 5 (mi class July 8) #02h V42 PENS, PAINTS. PAPERS 1 <*£?$£& -is l DRAWING Klalna Jamieson If you can see, youcandraw! Geared towards heightening visual perception and observational skills, this course takes several exercises from "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" and other sources. We'll also look at examples of work by masters of the art of drawing. All materials provided. 1S hours of instruction. Tuesdays 6:00-8:30 pm #027 $29 members lune 30-Aug 4 #028 $32 non members WATERCOLOR Klalna Jamieson Experience the magic and excitement of water color painting. This introductory class will cover basic techniques, plus experimental work. You will leant color mixing and matching, [hawing experience is helpful but not necessary All materials provided. 15 hours of instruction Thursdays 6:00 8:30 pm July 2-Aug 6 #029 $42 members #030 $45 non members CHINESE BRUSH PA1NT1NC l.f-Yun Yeh Would you like lo paint somethrnj with a special flair? Come and join us! Lei's have some fun with Chinese brushes and black ink We will learn the traditional way of painting mountains, flowers, bamboo, anil more; step by step. Cost includes two brushes, which are yours to keep, paper and ink. 15 hours of instruction. Tuesdays 6:00-9:00 pm #033 $39 members June 30-July 28 #034 $42 non members * T-SHIRT & POSTER SILKSCREEN Peter Meyer Print your own T shirt, poster, or cards Learn the photo emulsion method of siikscrcen stencil We'll discuss various inks, stencil methods, papers and fabrics. Allow $ 15 if you want your own screen Ink and some stencil material provided. 18 hours of instruction Tuesdays 6:00 9:00 pm June 30-Aug 11 (no class 7/7) #035 $39 CALLIGRAPHY Jennifer Kancher Write beautifully m the Humanistic script. Developed during the Renaissance, its elegance and legibility became the model for many of the classic typefaces in use today Try your hand at calligraphic play as we practice with a variety of designs, techniques and media All materials provided including pen and ink for you to keep 8 hours of instruction Wednesdays 6:00 8:00 pm 8031 S17 members Julyl5-AugS #032 $20 non members BIKES: Cables, Bearings, Patches, Tire Tubes CERAMICS: Tool Kit, Stoneware, Porcelain FIBERS: Silk, Silk Scarves, T-Shirts, Dyes GLASS: Copper Foil, Glass cutters, Solder METALS: Silver, Saw Blades, Saw Frames, Findings PHOTO: Paper, Chemicals, Film WOOD: Hardwood, Sandpaper, Plywood, Dowels Tho University of Oregon Is an equal opportunity, affirmative action Institution. Starred Classes Require Craft Center Membership. « "b BEGINNING WOODWORKING Sfi Alan Hat Irek/Hr ad Nil* Materialise your ideas m the wood *hop Ctc«lf a project while learning power uxil me anti saloly Instruction w ill cover project design, wood properties, hand anti |»>*n tool use. and joinery Allow for cstra shoji time and cost of your project. 21 hours of instruction Two sessions offered: 1 Tuesdays 6:00-1 00 pm June 50 Aug 11 2 Wednesday s S 15 K 15 pm June 24 Aug 4 Nile #046 $42 Hal leek #017 $42 * LIGHT TABLE MAKING Pat (Jrtrenwell .Architecture and an majors can make tile ultimate light table This design incorporates your May line and Horen into a shape that fits studio desks ui lawrcnce Lockable, portable, and functional, dm table is a must for your studio space Wood and screws pros Ideal. Students w ill need to purchase their own glass, lights .uni Borco 1 hours of mstr tic lion Saturday, July IK. 12:00 6:00 pm Thursday. July 2». 2:00 5:00 pm »01H $2H » ♦ INTRODUCTION TO JEWELRY: 5jC FABRICATION & CASTING TECHNIQUES James DaiUng This overview of jewelry techniques includes lost was casting and fabrication Demonstrations include design, design transfer, cutting, filing, was mode (making, sjaumg and investing, casting, riveting and soldering Two or more projects can he completes! during class. Some materials provided. IK hours of instruction. Wednesdays 6:00 TOO pm #041 $56 June 24 July 21 FIMO CLAY JEWELRY Crrtchen Yost/Rebecca Schuman A Summer sjiecial taught by two accomplished limo artists from local high schools Make unique jewelry using colorful FIMO clay. Mis your own colors and learn techniques of marbling, millefion, and int ised design to create beads and brooches All materials pros klrd 10 hours of instruction. Thursdays 6:00 8:30 pm #051 S2K members July 2-23 #040 $51 non members -r INTRODUCTORY SPECIALS 35MM CAMERA USE Andrew Harvey Learn the "secret" meaning of all those numbers and letters! A short lecture will explain how your camera works. Includes discussion of film selection and composition for better pictures Bring empty 35mm camera to class. 3 hours of instruction. Tuesday. June 30 6:00 9:00 pm #042 S3 MUGS & BOWLS Frank (ioaar Tired of Tuppcrware? Think you'd rather starve before eating another meal off of plastic? Artistically hand build your own mugs, tumblers and small bowls in this workshop Clay and glazes provided 3 hours of instruction. Friday. June 26 1:30-4:30 pm #043 $5 BEADED BRACELETS Kim Balsam Make colorful he ailed bracelets using lace and flower I lilt'ho Bracelets ire fun to wear and make great gifts' This is a good introduction to bcadwork for beginners and a chance to ask questions about beads and beading techniques 3 hours of instruction. Wednesday. June 24, 6:15-9:15 pm #044 S5 TIE DYEING Kathy Kale Turn your tee shuts, shorts, and socks into w ild and bright tic dyed items. Create a variety of patterns using different tying and dyeing techniques Bring up to three prewashed 100% cotton items to dye. 3 hours of instruction. Two sessions offered: 1. Wednesday. June 24. 2:00-5:00 pm #045 $5 2. Wednesday. June 24. 6:00-9:00 pm #046 $5