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Northwest Territo ries {Al’J — On Axel Heiberg is land, one of the northernmost points in the Canadian an ile, seals can be found with exces sively high dioxin levels Tourists sailing into Resolute Bay on a summer cruise ship are greeted not with pristine arctic beauty, hut with piles of rusting steel oil drums As musk ox and caribou roam the tundra, sometimes there is a ha/e over them - a form of smog created by Euro pean factories The damage civilization has wrought on this vast wilderness ■‘is of great concern for the health of the people in the arc tic and of great concern for the entire ecosystem," said Garth Bangay. director for the envi ronment at the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern De velopment At Alert on Ellesmere island, the very top of Canada. 15 sci entists from Canada, Germany. Japan and Sweden are studying air pollution l-rom studies of ice, ihey concluded that It has r increased by 75 pertain! since me More than H00 waste sites have been identifitKl across the north, some containing hazard ous material Last year. Canada launched an SH5 million arctic environ mental action plan It also has increased efforts to win cooper ation from oilier arctic coun tries The plan includes S25 mil lion for cleaning up 21 aban doned radar sites of the old Dis tant Larly Warning system. An other $fl 5 million will be dis tribuled io programs devised by local communities. About S21 million is being used to measure pollution in arctic rivers and coastal waters. The remaining S:tO million will be s|Mini on identifying and de termining the origin of specific chemical contaminants that ar rive by air and water from other regions "All the contaminants wn find in southern latitudes, we find in the arctic: dioxins, DDT. 1 Moscow police keep protesters from studio MOSCOW (A!*) — Police in riot gear forced a group of hard-line communists off tho grounds of the central televi sion studio Monday, ending an anti-government and anti-Se mitic rally that had lasted 11 days. Protesters’ reports that five people were killed In pre-dawn clashes with police were dismissed by authorities, and jour nalists saw no evidence of casualties. Several thousand police, many wearing helmets and carry ing clubs ami Plexiglas shields, lined the smarts uround the Ostankino Television Co. hours after the protest was broken up About 3.000 protesters later attempted to break through a police barricade. Witnesses reported injuries on both sides. The protests were tho latest In the capita! by Russians un happy with the Soviet Union's collapse and President Boris Yeltsin's free market reforms. "It’s obvious the Russian people ore still asleep. Why don’t they wake up and tell it like it is?” said protester Mariya Bitarova, a pensioner carrying a red flag ”1 used to live wonderfully, 1 got a 120-ruble monthly pen sion and it was enough for me in my old age and for my chil dren Now I get 1,000 rubies and I’m considered unfortu nate!" she suit!. * INVENTORY SALE! * If you ve been looking to get your bands on an Apple* Macintosh * computer or printer, and you need it FAST, now is the time to come to the Microcomputer Support Center. have these items availablefor immediate delivery, with many items at or below our cost! These prices are limited to our stock on band, and quantities are limited, so hurry! Macintosh ( lassie 2MB RAM 40MB HD $886 PostScript, 8ppm laser printer jlHkJpi resolution Cun he upgraded to the new luserWriter Ilf and Ug Macintosh II>i 5MB RAM 80MB HD $2187 MU* k> tfcgM* l<0 i»iifrn* U>.J* m4 Maf hktt IMM to «At.« tu»d ln-»d ^fu*rr» y*w»«»i amMuiitt u^m ^ C71 > itf ***** ■*»**•*» ** w»k» ,-+«w Microcomputer Support Center • 202 Computing Center • 546-4402 • Monday - Friday 9am-5pm IK'Ps, chlorine." Bangay said "It's a chemical soup *' In Iquluit. on Baffin Island, Andy Theriault wants to start with obvious pollution the junk left over from the U.S. base built during World War II and later used by the Strategic Air Command There are hundreds of tons of all kinds of scrap, Including a hillside covered with rusting vehicles. "I'm trying to find a way to got that stuff out and moved south,’ said Theriault, district manager for Indian Affairs and Northern Development. At the northern end of Baffin Island, about 1B0 miles from the hamlet of Pond Inlet, is the Mary River Iron Mine, which never actually became a mine. In the 1960s, a mining com pany built a trail into the area, brought in equipment and be gan scratching the earth for iron samples, said Alien Panlpakoocho. the Northwest Territories liaison officer in Pond Inlet UN reaches oil agreement with Iraq VIENNA, Austria (AP) — United Nations officials said Monday they have reached ten tative agreement with Iraq on conditions for resuming Iraq's oil exports. A U N. assistant secretary general at the Vienna talks, Giandomonicc Picco, said tho two sides agreed on a package to present to the IJ.N Security Council and Iraq’s government. “I think that almost all the technical issues have been cleared up.” he said. Picco said he could not com ment on the package's details, worked out in a round of talks that started Friday. 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