South African aovemment nearing disaster, Tutu says JOHAN NESBURG. South Africa (A»*J — Arch bishop Desmond Tutu threatened Monday to press for South Africa's expul sion from the Olympics, and President F-' W. do Klerk cut short a visit to Spain to deal with the country's political cri sis. The African National Con gress canceled scheduled talks on ending apartheid. But it said it would decide Tuesday whether to resume the negoti ations with the government and other political groups or Inten sify a campaign of protest "Our country is on the brink of disastor." Anglican Arch bishop Tutu said, at a prayer service in ('.ape Town for the 42 victims of last Wednesday's massacre at the black township of Bolpatong. south of Johan nesburg. The massacre has oxacortrat ed a crisis of confidence be tween the ANC, South Africa's largest black political group, and the government. Survivors claim police pro vided transportation for tho at lackers, allegedly Zulu hostel dwellers who support the Inkatha Freodom Party, the ANC's main rival. Tho government denies in volvement. On Monday, police an nounced the arrests of five workers from the hostel, but said no charges had been filed. Tutu said that unless tho gov ernment moved swiftly to pun ish those responsible, he would (tress for South Africa to tic ex pelled from next month's Olympic Games its first Olympics after being banned for 32 years Tutu called on de Klerk to permit an international moni toring force to patrol black townships and to put govern ment security forces under con trol of all political groups, not just the government "This is his last chance," said the clergyman, who won the 1UR4 Noire I Peace Prize for his anti-apartheid efforts Amid rising black anger, ANC leader Nelson Mandela on Sunday suspended a planned meeting with the government On Monday, tho ANC also can celed a meeting Tuesday with 1H other groups. No new dale was set If the ANC opts to slay out of negotiations there is virtually no hope of resolving the coun try's political conflict. Mandclu on Monday tele phoned Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ohali and ap pealed for his mediation in the deteriorating situation. U.N. of ficials said. Do Klerk was cutting short a visit to Spain to try to satvago his relations with the ANC and keep negotiations from falling apart. Ho was expectod to return af tor a mooting Tuesday with Prime Minister Felipe Gonza lez. cancelling a visit Wednes day to Expo '92. the Spanish stale news agency EFE report ed. According to EFE. do Klerk was in tho Mediterranean resort town of Mijas on Monday. The South African embassy in Spain said he was "on a private visit and does not want to be bothered by anybody." Mandela has Insisted that only peaceful negotiations can give South Africa a multiracial government, but he cannot ig nore the anger of his constltutents While he has been talking with do Klerk's government, violence in the townships has claimed thousands of lives and black poverty has worsened us a result of n three-year-old re cession. 1 Weasel’s World Kraig Norris ASTDUSiTHEK. « nc TWt£5rtDU>. 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