SPORTS Olympic hopefuls test themselves at Classic By Dave Charbonneau Errwatd Sports Reporter The stars, sun and fans all came out to Hayward Field on Saturday to make the IBth an nual Prefontaine Classic a memorable one. Nearly 6.400 funs wore in at tendance to sec some of the top athletes in the world, many of whom will compete in the Summer Olympics at Barcelo na. With the Olympic Trials coming up on June 19, this was the lust opportunity for many athletes to see whore they’re at heading into the Trials. The evening started with hammer thrower Lance Deal launching a 264-10 throw. Deal's throw was a meet record and just off his stadium record of 266-0, which he threw at the Oregon Twilight earlier this year. A world-closs field was fea tured in the steeplechase event. Matt Croghan won the race, which had five finishers under the Olympic qualifying time of 8:29.00. Croghan finished at 8:21.55. und former Oregon star Danny Lopez took second In 8:23.57. Croghan said it was the second fastest tlmo he's ever run, but he said it didn't come easy. "I really hud to concentrate and work hard to win this race," Croghan said. “I wanted to run faster, under 20 or so." Mozambique's Maria Muloiu ran un impressive 800-meter race She easily defeated Mere dith Rainey, the top American In the event, by more than a second with a strong kick at the end. "The pace was very fast — it was not a very tactical race." said the 19-year-old Mutola, who goes to Springfield High School. “I felt very strong at the end." Rainey, who has only beaten Mutola once in five tries, said she wasn't worrlod about Mutola on Saturday. “I just want to worry about making the American team and worry about runners from other countries later," Rainey said. "I do think Maria will bo the one to beat at Barcelona." Annette Peters, a former Ore gon runner, slipped past Mary 7 tried to pass Mary with a lap to go, but I couldn’t get by her. I tried again on the last lap, and, lucidly, I crossed the line first.’ Annette Peters, on beatmg Mary Slaney m the 2.000 meters Slant)y in the final 100 motors to tnkf) tho 2,000-motor ovont. Peters, who was trying to talk over a mob of autograph-seek ing children, said she may have got lucky. "I tried to pass Mary with a lap to go but I couldn't get by her," she said, "i tried again tin the last lap, and, luckily. I crossed the line first." Slaney said sickness held her back from her usuul training routine last wuok. which may have hindered her performance) in the race. "I feel like this was the first time I've really raced," Slaney said “When Annette came up on me, I should have been able to change gears, and I was un able to do that." Joe Falcon cruised to victory in the 1.5(H) and said he felt right at home ut Hayward "I really appreciated the crowd support," he said "I hate to leave L'ugeno. I should just stay here until the Olympic Trials." In the long jump, joe Greene had the third-longest jump in the world this year, behind Mike Powell and Carl Lewis His leap of 27-fi crushed the meet and stadium records, as well as establishing a new per sonal outdoor record Jill Smith, a former Duck, won the javolin competition with a throw of 1B0-3. Paula Berry, the 1901 NCAA champi on for Oregon, did not faru as well in the event, finishing sixth Angela Williams won (ho 1(H), Suzy hamilton was victori ous in the 1.500 and Russia's Yelena Pershina won the long jump Men’s track grabs 4th in NCAA Oregon'# senior class made II a farewell to remember. The Duck men's track and field loam look fourth at Ihe NCAA Championships Saturday In Austin, Texas, the fourth-straight year Ore gon finished in the top five. Arkansas completed Its "triple crown" by winning the overall team title Saturday and taking the cross country and Indoor track championships earlier this year. The women's team, though, will return one of its scorers from the national meet Senior Kim Hyatt and sophomore Camara Jones scored all of Oregon's 10 points at the meet, which was good enough for 22 nd place. The Louisiana Stnto women walked off with the team championship for the sixth-consecu tive year Art Skipper loti u number of All-American finishes for the men with his championship in the Javelin Also on Friday. Tye Van Schoiuck and Kick • Meatier repeated as scorers in the steeplechase. Van Schoiack took third, and Mostlor made hi* fourth All-American finish in sixth place. Docathletos Pedro daSilva and Muhammad Oliver finislmd third and fourth Saturday with the top two decathlon finishes in Oregon histo ry. daSilva broke his own school record with an 8,17B, and Oliver had a PR of B.087. Put Haller made his last run us a Duck a third-place finish In the 5.000-metor run. Bob Cray, who foiled to qualify for the 400 hurdle final, cruised to a sixth place in the 1 IQ hurdles. For the women. Hyatt settled for third in the javelin with u 170-10 throw. Hyatt became the first NCAA women s javelin thrower over to become a four-time All American Though only n sophomore, Jones took fifth ir. the 400 in 52.20 (ones broke hor own school record In the event twice during the week, with her best mark a 52 07 Senior Lucy Ntisrnla and junior Nicole Woodward also ran the 5,000 Saturday, hut they did not score Nusralu took ninth, and Woodwurd finished 10th. Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen Vf U , OjfAMlAS FXfP If) fit/ HILL5 VC AH, I TlUMK-m'u Jus r j./vy c.oW fof< jHftff *oum oR. 50 rnt/J wfu r* 5Ct Wi/«A A<^in) y -—-7— (Y/ T1/ R ) IN ON! r*ORl \ Hi A*' i . A< . V d'l {') , ' L Weasel’s World Kraig Norris WUCOMLU GMDUffiCW^Z TMC ItMINCfi or Mr OKW CMOJnCH. MO M f»&3 ... atwe/T'M^AKTWor.. 8lam slw Blah sum skip &A>iau*hAX TEGUU «AM Slaw SuDL fluua oujui aoc xt* Hex mow oaone cbcne pwitue wattle mArri£ W - UK MAN. THAT'S NUMWElOW! TVtCi OLD WICK#1 • PKj UKE fUES IN THiS HEAT! Oregon Daily Emerald SEE YOU AGAIN ON TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS STARTING JUNE 23! 105 PERSONALS AlllCooMf Eph. 1:17.19 My UMI tnand. ha lovaa you K> much mom man I oo and I ova you a wxxa lot" IH Du p/ay-ng ky you ins kjiww Hava a Happy B.nnday Wadnaaday OanWIa BIMBO WnaMtadOOm' ihta | want »ui» Tha tag mova* aimoui iwa Cant *(< io do a again in ina tail BEANBBA1N ODE CLASSIFIEDS 1-STOP SHOPPING 105 PERSONALS Slava, Good iuc*i w*h t-n«a lova, Janmlar fi^iToTmy O0£ P*l» Hem joO m* year. and rm nappy to nav# had in# opportunity to «Of» w*th you Good to* »n m# fufura* C Blatr _EtMot, 1981-93 jaftray- tkiwr many mo*#? Into mo>« BaD* yOura in* graotfe? And }u*! *mmmrnt>mt. »*•* V tar you *0? atw*y* D* CiOS* to my n**rt {if you Qrng mo C#a/QQa, thf a1) 5iO«KlV/r/ Who would've thought us Spillcr gaU would turn out so cool? Thank* for four zany years. I can't wait to sec what the future has in store for us! 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