COMMUNITY Olive Street reopening pleases shopkeepers By Craig Howard Enwaid Contributor The passage of Measure 20-04, which proposed allow ing two-way traffic on Olive Street to pass through tho Eu gene Mall, has politicians and mall shopkeepers optimistic about the economic future of downtown. The measure narrowly passed in the Muy 19 primary, with .'>2 percent of voters ap proving the proposal. A total of 17.H3H voters supported the re opening of the section of Olive Street between Eighth and 10th avenues, which has been closed since 1971. A total of 16,190 Eugene voters stood opposed. The Eugene city council in troduced the measure, which was designed to inject renewed economic vitality into an eco nomically depressed down town The departure of large re tailers such ns Sears and the [Ion Marche seemed to signal a new low point lor downtown business Council member Kay Robin ette said he believes the meas ure's approval was critical for the future of downtown. “This measure symbolizes the city's commitment to renew economic activity in the down town area," he said. "This Is just a piece, but we're trying to get more activity and more traf fic will definitely make a vital difference Opponents of the measure, led by the group Citizens Unit ed for Responsible Budgeting, expressed concern about the in crease in taxes and downtown traffic, us well us the effect on downtown residents and senior citizens The grass-roots organization helped to nearly topple the pro posal, despite spending S2.332 less than supporters of the plan Downtown store owners wore pleased with 20-04 s passage, believing the opening of Olive Street will help to undog the How of retail shoppers "This is a good thing for business," said Gloria Codroy, the owner of McKenr.lo Honey Farm and Gifts on 100 W, Broadway. "To keop vitality in an area you've got to have movement because without people, nobody wants to invest "I don't promote cars or traf fic," she added. "Hut for the general health of business, you nttd'ttGMi Hopefully, the opening will also discourage some of the negative groups from milling around the mall area." Ray Moreland, owner of Rosewater's Deli downtown, said the re-opening will help to spark interest in his restaurant and other businesses "Our afternoon business was definitely down after Sears and the Bon closed," he said "Hopefully, this will encourage retail shoppers to come bock downtown " The service aspects td the street will encourage people not to drive Iasi," Moreland said "Plus the city will finally have to tear down those horri ble I si ih rooms in the middle of the street." City officials say the new road will have a distinctive de sign in order n> enhance the aesthetic image of downtown Sandra Gleason of the liugune Public Works Department said the official street design in cludes mention of "generous sidewalks," purnlloi parking on both sides and a narrow inter section at Olive and Broadway to help slow traffic. The now road will also tie lined by antique streetlights and contain brick accents in the pavement us well as a hand of brick through the intersection A BENEFIT FOR THE MUSIC ON THE MALL FUND $6.00 AOUITS A $3.00 i 12 t UNOCR RAIN OR SHINE SATURDAY JUNE 13 6 P.M. FOOD AND ADULT REFREbHMtN I a a PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT THE MUSIC ON THE MALL FUND TO PROMOTE MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT VITALITY ON THE EUGENE DOWNTOWN MALL THANKS 10: DU JINStN BROS PRODUCTIONS H.W MUSIC NiWS A 9S i THt KAV1 Don't give up the search! Try LOST AMD FOUND in the classified section. Create your own {_ FULL COLOR T-SHIRTS PHOTOsVtflWOK M««M QUAUTY IMA4II a hukt 4irr Iwkv kJnko'i the ermrr GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “29 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugana, Oragon 97403 ...we're moving soon to our new larger store and we're having a sale to celebrate! coming June 15th: A new larger store 2 doors west of our present location. The largest selection of art and school supplies in Oregon. Professional, friendly staff. SAU UMfllD TO STOCK ON HAND **■«. SOMI fTTMS IXClUDtO • ABt MARKCO W STOfif. CANNOT M COMWNf0 WITH ANY OTXIR SAU OS DTS How About You? X Father's Day Is June 21st Cards • Books • Gifts • Clothes M INIVERSfTYl U » ■IHUOUl