THE VOLVO SPECIALISTS Shuttle Service MONDAY • FRIDAY 7 30 - 5 30 726-1808 FOW APPOINTMENT .Alpine Import Service Call/ JUNE 14TH FOR YOUR GRADUATION CELEBRATION! ON 7TH STREET Your hosts: WaiicJ & Johr Saleeby 388 W. 7th • 485-0601 » Lunch » Dinner > Banquets > Catering » Gift Certificates Available Dairy Queen SALE! PEANUT BUSTER BARfAIT k99c f GOOD r THROUGH JUHE14 We ie fxjvr^g a >fxi sate on O'eoMieo' If¥«» !h*;k tayen ol tool ho! fudge and crap cnjnc hy ptanuh With coo! andcfeoray DAlfJVQUJf N son s*"v She had to search two months before she got one. "I really had never had a problem finding a jot) before." sho said “I had to eat my prido a little bit when I didn’t get hired the day after gradua tion.” Goorjian said she believes she would have had an easier time finding a job if she had accumulat ed more work experience In college. She said she would advise current University students con cerned about the job market to meet as many peo ple in the Hold thoir interested in as possible. Nigel Giraudior, who earned a degree in geogra phy in December, hus been looking for govern ment jobs for a year. In the meantime, he has been working as a sales associate for Eugene’s Best Products Co., where he's been employed for five years. ”1 wus surprised by the overall lack of jobs.” he said "I read books that said you should be able to got a job if you’re qualified. That hasn’t been the case for me." Giraudior said he wished he would have taken a class on how to get a good job before ho gradu ated He said be thinks the University should re quire such a course for freshmen and sopho mores Former political science major Pat Herbert, who does maintenance and lab work for the Uni versity science departments, said he has some re grets about how he spent his college days. The fall 1991 graduate said he has had prob lems looking for management work because be didn't start his search until February. "Even a year before you graduate isn't too early to start looking." Herbert said. Herbert said he also wishes he would have got ten belter work experience while he was still in school However, he said he remains optimistic that he will eventually find a good position and he en courages other soon-to-be grads to do the same. “Don't be discouraged," he said, when asked . what advise he had for 1992 grads "just realize that it's going to lake a while.” PLANNING Continued from Pago 1 Elections Bonn! Applicants may hand deliv er the applications and ex change them for ballots. Vot or* can also mail in forms pro vided they allow enough lime for a ballot to be moiled out and returned. "Make sure you do what needs to bo done so that you vote and your ballots are counted, rather than naively lotting it all pass by," Davis said. The Lone County Eloction Board's address is 135 E. 6lh Avo The phone number is 687-4234. CASH FOR BOOKS Smith Family Bookstores 768 E. 13th Avenue buying monday-friday 9:00-5:00 Saturday 9:00-2:00 525 Willamette Street buying monday-friday 9:00-1:00,2:00-5:00