?:s APTS DUPLEXES Slur* Me* 2 Mm uni Iwg* luring room Parking i w 10 campu* 92*Vmo Woe *AM»»V3M'V> SOUTHGATE larga. 900 *qu*r* tool. 1 Mm apt 2 Mm toamhous* aval won • Pool and sauna • On *** laundry laofcDa* • N*ar campu* • On busfcn# lUi PHIWKlt 343-MT1 GARDEN TERRACE APTS I Ml Cardan Larg* 2 Odm, c>o*a lo campu* *nd hoi luO* Call Paul lor Showing. 34* 1721 S29i ■Hnnffta* » Co._M3-42U GREENWOOD APARTIKNTS^ IMS P*tt*r*on RARE opportunity lo Uva m thtt •icaption*! compiai Larg* I. 2 and 2* tudroom units avaiiaoi* soon New carpal*. Doors. count*rtop* Laundry, parking. gorg*ous courtyard lo anjoy tha sunn Can Jan tor mor* information o' lo viow 342 2183 Joining* « Co._MS-4211 Redwood Park Apts. 0ui*t, Country Living With City Con%mr\i*nc* Unfurnished 1ft2 Bdrm 1370 to 4465 Low Utiiitiet-On Busline Equipped Weight Room. Spe Wood Parti 4 Playground Laundry Facilities Also Furnished Suites Studio, 1 * 2 ftfl 4600 to 4675 Individually Decorated Completely Furnished Everything From Cable TV to Linens For Bed. Beth 4 Kitchen On Site Management Teem 4103 W. 18th 484 5775 ^wmking’d^stanc fc TO CAMPUS" EUGENE MANOR Studio & 2 txJrm Great view Uli! incl Starting at 4365 1050 Ferry Si. 102A. 404 7441 15TM 4 OLIVE Light, bright and sparkling ioft apartment 4380-tno includes most uli Covered parking 95 W«4l t5ih 404 5633 Would you Ifca a really nice room all to yourself with e private bath* room, close to campus, in a new building where your meals art pre pared tor you? Ceti the Collegian, 343 1255__ 225*35 441 E. 17th QUADS Private rooms, All UTILITIES PAID. On W# Laundry C«ii now tor your Move In Bonus' 606 5400 Jennings ♦ Co.663-4212 "HmSoMOVE-IN BONUS* Chantilly Apartments large units, quwf compel POOL S«ud»os, 4275 i bdrm. 4335 2 bdrm 4365 2 bdrm townhouse. 4425 Caa 741 3284 for showing Jennings ♦ Co.664-4311 2 bdrm furrvonlurn apis NEW deck ovenooiung MWaca NE W countertops w.ndows mtmbfcnds. paint, carpet NICE! 4350 Summer rater. *85-6167 745 E 15TM AVE You cant beat tha puces on these ,243 bedroom units Only 4*95 and 4545* 1 Block from U Of O library CaH to *«R at 3*3 9907 Jen rung a » Co664-4218 2 Blocks to U of O RESERVE NOW! NO RENT TIL SEPTEMBER (limited f available) CaM Don at 344 5695 to see • Immature 2 Bdrm. 2 Story Apts • ioeai for 3 O' 4 f»eopie • Private pa:-us ovenoo*,ng the M race per'eci tor BBOs) • Peaceful w« in and sa’e • Great summer rates Mill RACE APTS (behind Traouown Pgrzaj taj42*» Beautiful furnished 1 Ddrm apt on tree-fined street Ava^ Summer Qua*. safe iignt I3QQ 464 295/ 046 3034 Great otter* Sob*? ? Ddrm apt Ms Draco Apartments OWy I300WWH t okx> from campus Please caff Sfy^nor,. 344 6356_ Quad close to campus. a*r conditioning. private Dam. paring P^tso call Connie, 666 936P____ ROOM IN HOUSE avaiaDw from now t»l mm Sept. $22S*mo include* uw. cape T V . completely *ufp'*hed located t m. from campus Sieve or Id 666 4566 ___ Super large, clean, quiet 2 Ddrm apt 7 oik* from campus Washer disposal & parking A«a>f summer $4SQ*mo 464 1 763____ 1 month tree, targe ? Ddrm furnished, t btk !o campus parking, pool laundry SuOtei summer 345 0056 240 QUADS Large newer quads. nw*t «0 ursverv’y All ulAtres paid ‘966 M»rn» ft 45. month 663 ?24V SUMMER St60 Campus v» Dm. uMii.es included, tree pkg . quwt no tease Sept bonus. M rushed reference* 345 4033 SUMME R RATES • $1 75 Waik fo campus from ire** newly re furbished quads * Private Entrance * * { luaewt localV* (icm»' uctwMn pmnMga* Juno 20m to Aogu«I 201" £ icirtirt '•*»T«nc*t CM Pomona I 233 M3B S»«» It Thr* Summtr JIMt'65 NwuW f r** pr»g CWar” 1 t*k 10 UO On wo «0<> ?tS £ tain Dov*. 883 2808 2SS ROOMMATES WANTED Famate n—da • houMmat* to fftftre COTf ? txUrn Nx>«« Kw »u»Wn*f V«k> Qu«t. *•«! to CMi* and M n*Am J^T^mo • v, utl ? mm tKiMi to c+rwsk cm oe?3_ Moot non-wnofcof to fttwr* Larga 2 !>«*aoro ap4rtro#m Parfttng.'CttDMl "«w 120&rmoron 34? 3720 HoommitM rwadad k» 2 'ooro* a. I2tn and MW ft SO *1 70 686 8260 295 ARTS 1 ENTERTAINMENT WOW HALL 8th & Lincoln WED/10TH Holy Rollers & Now William FRI/12TH Skumba Kudana Anzanga SAT/13TH Forced Entry & Cruella & Victims of Internal Decay THUR/18TH Samples Road Tripper FRI/19TH Rumors of the Big Wave SAT/20TH Either Orchestra SUN/21ST Summer Solstice Masquerade with Onomatopoeia All Age* Welcome 687-2746 320 SERVICES 25S ROOMMATES WANTED Roommilt or coupl* Kit i AJH*.I oodroom |re’ 50-mo T raftA, )44 6*M RoommiU wanted IO fcf'Ar# 7 tx»rm Apr CtOM to tamput |T50mo • V, un 4*4 0 * 35 Progr•***•' 0P*n mmOod. k»n '*kct? &wt fx* an*. Amort, grounded. n<#. groovy *iv*kKM to »noro 4 p*n* N)M«4i «r«n :>** mwxfcaJ •roman IT^O-mo • i*H> Avar* Am* 10tn 484 05«Q ! room mat* want Ad *x 7 OUrm ap< t fin A M-fyanj f 190 mo • V» addnOty • dap Sfl* 54MO J roommiiti nooditd tor iow?w 0«g 'xx/Mi « 1?1f> «rxl H4y#rd 0«y fteVmo 48^0^3__ 2 fOommitM wantad "or *umm«ir and or «? 93 *cN30< yOA.' 4 Ddrm 7 NXiW At And JoNaraon Sommaf rata* and iota o* pKtfMH • Aaron 343 4ym»__ ? loommiua wantod >0 *fvv*» 3 Odrm rxx/*a 3 Woe** *o campw* |tft3 mo • Vj utn' $4J5d*oo« 343 39 .'3 270 CHILDCARE Chrtdcar* n»«d*d for 3 children »n my noma Vom 7pm on Nmad par^ponaton l *4. 998 691C Chdd car* for 4 mo old « my Nxrw» 75 rv* n*«o* N*nk1 rahnncii If anaport Alton Start 131kk* 344 9757 MS ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ART CINEMAS 492 E 13th • 686-2458 MCIXHT mow* fc«*M Ik* MBW i.i i>iii»mi|w>.» 4mm IWkHIMIM Tim uHkittf i«ifM4 • ■ Ilk* R«llMi •••(*•* • !*<•••'» BUILDING BOMBS 4 DEADLY DECEPTION iManwtieiM "tin The waterdance upwanr toto le herosj f* |kli> . * I Mr. MONKVI'RKK rTHMiiruam », aMi, II lit NOW (0<' GMKM*. 0*rtf1 CtXtf/Ol COUA44M i/39 Pay* anC 344 SMt < UnpUnnad Pregnancy? W»* tan r*o*p Conl«dA*/'!ia> f'UM B.muynt 6&7 BfcSl MOVING MATTERS Mav« (ruck going to diffrrrnt lot alion* including Portland Minimum tost. )» people will thare rijviuwrv 345-291 5 Storage S2Vmonih amt up Free bones! 342-5383 DOWNTOWN MINI-STORAGE Chambers A River Rd tOSI CON I ACT LENS? VV.i cj n*tp' Over 3.000 contactt m vac*. Iwmpofttry +Mir*u% if thmaHuU Wo ermrg« 10 c*» you/ doctor lor firmer,ptAjo Cm) RAJiBOW OPTJCS _341 3333_ cup 4 teve V.I.P. TAXI Is offering car load discount from the U qf O area. Willamette & 18th to Moss to the airport. $ 10. Jlrst pass. $5. each extra pass. Reservations required. Cell us. 484-9020 Jo tl-ocy Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson BASEBAU. is an intelligent stw. THERE'S MORE TO IT THAN BRUTE FORCE f p IT MW SEE* SION. Box nuns &sjax. ns A TTUNWNS MAM'S GAME HERE'S A. LOT Of ST8ATOT TO CONSIDER .3 kiri \ FSPECim.lt Nt Sight t now the WAT «f PIAT' / FIRST reason to MSCOTER T*€ifTH base SETo A GrqSI Pr»KT WD QIC FFSE "SET CWT OF JAIL <48 CROSSWORD By Eugene Shaffer ACROSS 1 WWII org 4 Pub nn**J*» • Conway ul 21 Miklary <»«*aufc 24 Enjoy* Ih* slop** 25 Hawaiian garland 26 Fkxwn or rod i#ad in 28 Craatur# from ‘GuHivat't T»av«*h‘ 31 'A Ear* w#4 to —* 33 Chat k 1h# growlh of 35 l unch or brunch 36 Shod Itshing bn# 38 ! »:> «>! 40 Summa# on tha !i*m* 41 Rim caprdty 41 Tb*yt* M« *v«d*nf‘ 45 C«v*Hw »hnn* 47 Sailor 44 Sup*r via*d th* op*f alien 49 Watch of CkKk 54 My — and Only* 55 M.v*r m Franc* 54 look fir at pru* 57 Bag cw houM t*Aft ill 54 CotUlf amt tacKwl 59 Anpoft potting ahtx DOWN 1 Tab* scrap 2 luau d»h 3 Goal 4 Caleb or discovar 5 Fairbanks nativa 6 Actor Rstrw 7 What Don Quuota doas at wrmdmtfts 8 Undar handad 9 Work ratord to 09 producing country 11 Aromatic hub 18 Mound slat 20 Author O'Ftaharfy Solution tkn# 23 min» 21 Wo* is 22 Saa so allow 23 Fulsm. Mountain and Pacthc 27 Tumi tipacta Ions’ lad 2» Swaai wo»d 30 Corrida chaais 32 On* aimad band* laaluf* 34 Modal ex plan 37 Chailofl* t mrknania 39 Anagiam lot ’spaiad" 42 Slightly nral 44 Swiss canton 43 Mum and wal*< 46 I log ganus 50 (Via ul an agncul l in ai casl* (India) , 31 Lambs mol lot 52 Aimy bad 53 Spanish quaan This Week diet Fie - Shawn Kve Kim Muck '■ -..isjk 'MBv:-.-- ■■ y„ ■.>>. >rt\' Father's Dax Is June 21" • Cards • Gifts • Clothes •Books Take something home to Dad! Last Week To Sell Books Back at Buyback! Are Your Friends Graduating? We have some good gift ideas! tHave a Cjrcat Summer!