Doutrta InkJ 4 ~t« * ’ ^ « $S0 Mtnt C*H Kj*>, 'M* *4*4 l*rg* d**k. $40 l t * A |«4 tmmdAmm, f«fl fi4a Ml MSA REFRIGERATOR I <0*1 trim almond 11 tygaMism w«fi *c4a <*» mokt* qcnU conddlon $?00 ot>o CflU Scow. 4*4 46116__ Swmtac t IM I iKStc CompiAtr com pobtM«t Typow*** Sat at* X*> 4839___ 70" RCA bA* IV |3&. f marvan mcro «>*ru tkvntfy ns**V |4V foreto* |10 Ai; qnmM aJ»*M 135 BUY OR TRADE WANT!0 miRtGf HAIOH tcx*«g kw rrsifu 644 ;«PETS f cm ‘>«J« AKC gotten inl'WHif m/Ma pi(P(irif'i ft «***«• m o*o v*o*% 917 ?739 us CARSTRUCKS MUST Si tl» l ttvtrvg US IO Hprvta AcCOWt XI . MB a ! I M AM c <.!%«*?«. PS WJ f^SOO IU* C4€» 7777 13 Voki»»g»« Out *«!*> And %1?0C VfiMi mi 9140 m Toyota Cerofla MB m • «*«. mu*i v«4 *»m*j %utn ipd 7 fUftcWbacfc, A< Mttftto HurfVk tfiMit) 31000 464 f3M iso MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS IM? Honda At««, 9ftC mrio* comMioM fkaJ, *mn hatftvm $&8b 464 QS».3?» n*.at 5pm §4 Mood* I felt Attn rv«* EwtWury ir gpixl OOnOAHW* %*&*) ot>o 34? 4950 •is A to* Hardy •3 Honda Atro S0 Hotmtit ,r«.} txtnory cna/m* angUjitmi $?o*» 34? 5733 ’55 BICYCLES B1AMCMI ROADBIKf 1 ? 5 I iretitwit cooBSiOn KOCaiOu Ca116tU 506a tot utt flockhopp*! mown*" txk». J.'SO fctoi 1 im. 5300 Cai! ly.i MJB/H/ Had 1Q ip*»d Goat) tontldion 5.30 too Cali Mi <42* 195 TRAVEL 165 COMPUTERS ELECTROWCS ; Presentation goes a long way! Hewlett-Packard letter quality printers at special student prices. Desk Jet 500 lor AT or Desk Writer lor Mac . .. $399 00 OREGON DIGITAL COMPUltKPKOOUCtS. INC 1-800-648-3702 iro SOUND SYSTEMS C»W" W« «<*l tdrWM V*«S VCR » and uwaoi I f*imftMO t 1.14 1 >1.74.141 > 7. Sai Smith Family Bookstore DID YOU KNOW? I mn though you «'« uvownJ ipnng ttwm. you r>##d to file • H eg i«*v Alton l iagttxbty Cwd •? your* ptanrung to ai'-ond tn* Si IMMt H Si SSION 1 hu*» r% *t«* bmo to Oo « vu wop by 353 Oagon Ho0 or »**» ftwc^NW * Ohr« DUCK CALL Nf GIST* M BY PMONt *» v VW>*MOff*i CliCiUA TO tXU «*•%} !>H» tO# Duck CaK. too you' Ft0g«Ur*tion I ;n ( bgitxMy Cord Stop by 333 Oogort Ha# o» tr*» ftug ->ifa« t Often_ FORGET ANYTHING? UK* M INC YOUR W* GfSTHATION fUOtfIK fT Y CARD I OH SUMMf H TERM? Stop by 333 Oragon Ma* or tr* _RoqtMrur % Qfkco ITS notToo late To w* you* Hagra-ifaton I s«Q^*jy QvvJ to* •umnttr wv «*rag*i O' \q an ^sdort«p#»w>ni«J gra^p *»• !M* UnnffrV?* II W y m«y t» »0r •»!»« buppO* HiAOHAQ COunnwfeng. A0v*-rtg «3vOC»CY CKMftM m wMfng m*rv crtf«c»l iNr* ng) ftvouOh !** f duOttOntf OpfKylv^riM PfO^A^ t*>0tof>g»ng poM:» Anvin olta* Mwanam* *r4h gwng too<» conducting wry*»nop* «•*< and seat**** t »«d‘i c. -I’Wk m ita* l toary c V fiyC*9*^ &&(.*' t**iS a*rjtx loACtV"*g eip»»>enc.© Api#y 10 '•’»* i S5ir^-tHfc-4j* f^tonnol t 'tKtrf'An i*' 89Sl A^j^ri .v w fx» g p^*tx**y CP*m> ?0 tn'wnw Compete <#> Ow&cnption avrtiiahw Iwt fWttpt*orv«. Room 7*0*- ftocona Roof. Computing Cam** To app*y wbmts wumi to Ota*)* D« l tty TftOC) Computing CttnUK &y Jorttt X). I9«g_ Aquat*c position. W S I l r« AquttlC Cttntor 3S?6 Donald t ugona. #/406. Ai!«nt*on P«r%onna4 SUMMIR JOBS’ CU* a hood fc’art on a parted tjnmtt job Training Mewx-rt tor lumma empioym«nt staring soon Appty now at (J Ol O I«anm0 34b >03 .. Success Hate: EXCELLENT Temp Source can halp till your needs. Accepting applications lor current and summer |ob openings We have a variety ol pioductlon labor |obs TOP WAGES. ALL SHIFTS Apply Monday thru Friday, 9 00 a m to 4 00 p m I MJO Oa h Mifd 20S OPPORTUNITIES THE SAFE ZONE 1 The Safe Zone is a pink triangle in a green circle. A person displaying this symbol is one who win be understanding and trustworthy if a gay, lesbian or bisexual student or co-worker needs support or is seeking a positive environment. (for more Inlotmatlon cal th# Studont Activities Resource Office. 344-4000) ?iO HELP WANTED MKl HOCOMPUTf H S« RVICf S Hym •eraipwig v *yn^. &&?*<&><**% Uy 'at WMoi Con»-'i«8 KW« ana pufcfxsa sfar' wppon •*>■» Mv* Mtwy. 9OO0 ayfmuntM'V- *■« omnrvt*s«n«t **■#* !!***■«# pay tS-fo SWiou* Agfr t Hoixr: m tty* pitting Cf»li 49 G T F poixion- Aul Counwto? S«rtfV9J Job t»«r,p!i(n» 9 apOMKign il 100! Uruv«»4|i St Coi-^j (Ml* ?'l« An AAtOC ln*n* in r«ur future with OI»tf Adecrthmg 21S WORK STUDY EMU CRAFT CENTER Wort study pos^om «v«tWw itperttoc* m jowatry. photography. WOoOwrOrturg wane WXPV ate Apply ground hoot EMU 346-4361 Wort study paraort arttft good *yp»ng .»• ' i *rfh HAUL ’M#wd«d Approa i S ?C hours. 15 15 SO Cal HOC a? Joumai ot EnvtfonmanUM law A legation at i*h 380 t 220 HOUSES FOR RENT Ckoaa to campus 3 4 4 tx)rm houiMt k¥ rant. comm«r»ong Ju>y 1 Summa («ws 48SQ790__ Summii rantai- baaut'HA housa, campus araa 1500 • uW ChuCA. 4S4 0504 225 APTS DUPLEXES APARTMENTS FOR RENT 11m W'l'W rates 60 IMI tron campus U’4 A«j*h Sumtnar 1-170 Big 1 bdtm? bath dup»« 3V» ptks iron campus Symmw ran! w<* go ?*st 667 7916, tv msg BiacKstone Manor 1750 Alder St 687*0684 Reserve for FaX Term, $565 mo • dep Umm) Undercover parking Hoar MvA< School1 or.n-% Court vt t/^iry Camput i, 2 8 4 bdrm dupiaae* and townhouM* I ow iumnw rales Drrve by 771 779 f ifilft and av' 144 8920 Campus Apartments Furnished 1&2 Bedrooms Summai rates >276/8425 486 2823 CLASSIC M •. a* remoQfcHed kk© ?*** fKWm $35*.: 1 bdrm >400. ? bd»m 647 ‘j Summer rale*. avert Juno l5*b .’44 f itssf, s Poor Chuck. 683 924? ___ _ ONE BLOCK TO CAMPUS Vury nee, 1 4 2 bdrm apt A van Juno iSm 1452 & 14S£V» t 19th $2958395 343 6000 __ Maple Arm a 1346 Ferry Si N*jo aoai. I bdrm. fn&y U*C Jars, oft si prt»g 632S-mo Ca, li'M 485 8252 Nt AH CAMPUS1 Laifia 2 bdrm * pj!x> F nencPy qu*>! comps#* good storage Carport, laundry no p»?s 0*r** managed' 8196.8469 1437 344 7434 Near campus Hendrick * Park Ne*fty i«rr.taJ4N«il Avrt new 1 bdrm & study. i person. $325 7 people 8375 3428gl8_ __ Nice, spacious. Of struet parking. 3 bdrm dupfei Hr#pi, po*cn i v* bath 629 h I7lh QnJy $65Gmx» Avert June 15m 14*3 8933 W-.i 90 ?.»v Center of Campus One bedroom No* carper. (JU4rt Parking Summer rases no* $29C 485 8 ’» or 66 7 0821 Prospect Park 2 bdrm apis available no* Quiet, country atmosphere * convenient city location Other features include pool. tenmabeaketbelt courts, rec. room 8 playground Right past 25th 4_Champers Call 484 6333_ Reserving for Fall Low Summer Rates t arge Quart tonnhad 1 a 7 bedrooms 1 block from campus 1442 f 18 Mgr 4*9 or cal' 344 4 760 225 APTS DUPLEXES Club W»»h Apartmanfs 4 W" iTOC'mo *«B '• tMw. tjriu*h*d 1 barm apt Sam# am* >275 485 8187_ Hityard Apanmanta, 1 bam tom* lomttnaa. 4 bat* lo c*m pm No earn Menage* «v*-: U*ity anefnoo*' 973 Ittysua Apt I 1 bdtm 1 bah m oto*> houM. imwaa. *nMth*n7*d *5?Vmo 731 Matt 1HIV mam Ml 485 8Mt? Of 485 3680 LARGE. CLEAN. OUIET EMERALD APARTMENTS Fumanad 2 Mm. i b» U d O Raaarvmg ky iwtw 4a« Summa nM •Dttnwaww >0>tpotai • Irg KfJcfian ana cabman •Cwatb pacing *Sundack •Laundry New, aWtctanl Management 883 8919 tar* at Chasa Village IN* tummaf Ovy S250 Clean wavie* 4 oryof f omftrwa Can Hugo. 34.1 5175 Studio and 2 bad room aparimanta Pool laundry laotitim woa;non/«d try* budding*. i5ih t Hrfyard location 484 9922 REDUCED RATE N>cs A qu*ei. iatgs 1 bd»m. 2 t»k& lo campus, S?9S/mo 345-4155. Sunny 1 bdrm. near campus1 Qv*x $ma« complex New carpanng A Kno •sum Carport, laundry no pels N»ce‘ 1296*369 T 437 High 344 7434 SUPER SUMMER RATES NOW fit SCRYING FOR FAIL -AVAIL 8,15 Largs, clean, quiet 1 bdrm. 1 wn UO New noon. waM Newton 404 2403 Unique Properties. Inc 1 bdrm near campus, Quart. «•'tractive June ii»ih no ton W July $405 4858267 4W4 <*441 \ ! BLOCKS THOM CAMPUS Stud>o on site laundry tacffc1*Nft 485-0/90 2-1 bdrm spit avail &rt5 Campus, V* (Xk. tree p*g utd md no lease $300*3/6 346 4Q33__ 2 bdrm. turn. Qua*! grad DOg Cean Cohered paring Drshwash $47Vmo Ava