ART Continued from Page 6 Diant' Tarter has an installa tion that includes paintings, a statue and a shrine dedicated to the issue of her hair All these pieces relate to her thesis, which addresses the issue of women and their self-perceptions. Her work centers around the realization of how women’s self perceptions are based on com paring themselves to women in themedia. Her work is a personal expression of how the media has affected her "1 was using the imagery to criticize itself.” Tarter said "A lot of the material is from women's magazines that define the (beauty) standards I hope that people will come away with a little bit more awareness of the images they see of beauty in the media." One of her most interesting pieces is the shrine she created which is called. “My Identity is on the Outside of Mv Head In stallation." She felt that being a redhead with long locks dictated her identity. Her long hair stopped people from seeing past that part, according to Tarter. She has her actual hair hanging from the ceiling, illuminated by a cube. This cube "represents the inner light that most of us hide,” Tarter said. She photocopied her hair and placed it on the floor to give it a feeling of a pond with rsa ]WEO ADVENTURE WWW mun gigiwww FwTwiri ★ ★ ★ * 211 * Rent one movie i * and second rental "i * of equal of lesser J 2 value is free J * • Special Coupon Oder* ' * 1888 Franklin Blvd. i * A(nw(Ho7-11 on Vtaid) ^ ^ ^iivmsTA^ veto i ★ 344-SS i STUDENTS? h Ai* yuu mm, or tlo you know mm' m K• iK* )»• <4 • ••ful* i#< *kr*k#«*. M ytw (m« Wm^ ifc* ■»«■**#. Wmi vm « * n+umu. « k>« 4.* mmI mJI k««« m SO tnM» Uk i«» ucto Ik# h MOVES’ t wii —4 >UyWi prwMi. ttt ! 11* KAVE 9*.} Protcvtu I A CLOCKWORK ORANGE.. " Am»o# k p#» tot tni to**# n«r <4 ■ „ h-w-t—» W*KMM.«*U.CW*U- »»* ; JUNE S.6y7.«nan ; 4 DAYS.Ft.. Sat. Suit 7&9:JOpm h SunUt 4 A 6:30 pm ; > Studcnu (any age), Senior, m (55+) to Alter-ablc: $1.50 h KidaCFfii under): $1 m Naal W«4: ^ Dial M Fur Murtiav ? In 2 W«*. 1 Heartland K«|p« J WHY GO ANYWHERE ELSE? 3 The McKenzie J 630 Main St. * Downtown Springfield 747-8349 'I was using the imagery to criti cize itself.' - Diane Tarter ArVst stows in it Bonnie Miti hell created her installation by using a computer as well .is other media to make art Mitchell started working on her thesis about a year ago and pre sents the viewer with something unlike what most of them have ever seen (adore She attempts to make the viewer part of the art She stales the human inter .11 lioni reateslheartexperieiu e There are photographs of faces on the wall with "fat es larger than life looking on the viewer so the person would feel this sense of presence,” Mitchell said The faces are covered with computer created designs to act as a veil between the face and the viewer The second part of her installa tion consists of computers that have these same faces programed on the screen Viewers can hear the breathing of each of the sub jects. knowing it wascopied from humans but also created to have a machme-like quality to it The eyes of the faces open and close with a machine-like qual r ily to give the feeling that there are people inside the computer However, they are also very me chanical-like in their movements This "reinforces the myth of the intelligent machine." Mitchell said The museum is o|ien Wednes day through Sunday from noon to 5 (H> p m . and the exhibit is free and open to the puhlii Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Sat. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 W ^T^Recycle This i1 1111 paper Starting at only $5.95 you can enjoy a light meal in the Oregon Electric Station l ounge. Chtxwf from over 10 menu items including: ❖ NACHOS SUPREME ❖ ONION RINGS ❖ CA1AMARI ❖ BARBECUED POKK ❖ QUESAD1ELAS ❖ SAI Al>S ❖ FRENCH IMP ❖ FISH & CHIPS ❖ BABY HACK RIBS ❖ FLTTUCINI ❖ PRIME RIB ❖ FRESH SEAFOOD ♦ SANDWICHES ❖DESSERTS ❖BEVERAGES C^wish ON SALE NOW The Campus Source for Music t Jhce ihJJlu/iic EMUl 886 E. 13th ACROSS FROM THE UO BOOKSTORE 345-1010 TictifN