m RAYA’S L7/j a ( d7u i 1 (rt r LUNCH Mon Sal llam-2 30pm DINNER Mo«i Thur 5pm 9pm Fn.-Sat. 5pm 10pm Sun 4 30pm 9pm 1410 McJiawL lluulcvard ( >H U7477 74fl 1WJ1 Cdrbrate Haadcnfling WHO lit! tOimlevJudd SSK. t-jx. n_i m—i n«ffl leoay mws • kmc t i2iajimmy LanSysS ijo EugengPmmQnir 3pi» Suwrtmli’aw*** l«al Mis • Qnm fmt • U*» EMMtisatai 10m to Ma • MM 0* SHNE •Oft «0* * Exclusively Adult ^ Supports Diversity mention tins at) to receive 44% off Kama Sutra's Love Oil oO Tr n//<*i £♦«*/ (mu Jutu.‘ >Orfl 44% I~ ally t*wiK % I 040 bv M'Jt In the Master of Fine Aria Graduate Exhibit that ta on diaplay in the Umversity a Museum of Art. Bonnie Mitchell is showing thia piece, titled Virtual Praaanea #7. Goodbye Thegraduate students in the master-of-fine-arts program can finally relax because they are basically dune with their degrees when they have com pleted their theses and cre ated the visually stimulating, diverse and talented art in stallations that are nowon dis play in the University s Mu seum of Art, 14 "to Johnson Ln The best part is now left up li i the public to discover and enjoy the i real 1011s that these seven graduate students have worked on The exhibit serves to show the puhiu what the students have learned in their program of study and to im part with the viewers some of tfie knowledge they tlow pos sess The show has lieen running since May 17th and will con tinue through June 28th This show is a part of the graduate students' actual graduation requirements It is a yearly event that gives the artists a way to present the I culmination of their two years of work, stated Tommy (inffin. the museum s curator of exhibits The publics reaction to this show has been good throughout the years Griffin estimated that 4.000 to r>.(M)0 people will View ■I "The public approaches it with an open mind knowing the stu Story by Mia Bertelsen dents are experimenting.” Gril fin said "They enjoy the diver sity In 17 years, I can't name two that have been the same Diversity is the perfect word to describe this show since no two artists have created similar works JelTWyhorny took photographs during his travels all over ()r egon, especially in the barely (Kipulaled parts of Eastern Or egon The photographs were taken as he drove through the desert To explain why he chose to photograph a place that doesn't seem to he full of photo opportu nities, he said that he hx)ks for events "There’s a whole lot of noth mg out there, "he said When there's an old shack or an old trailer, you always look at it It's like an event for you." He further explained that his subjects, found in the landscape, seem to have found peace with the land In one of his photos of a water tank, viewers can see an eagle s nest on the side of it. ' ()nce 1 find them. 1 photograph them very document-like." he said I place them in the center of the photo with a lot of space around them." Wvhurny also photographed coyotes during his travels in the desert, and he now has another exhibition, titled "CoyoteToday," in the EMU's Aperture Gallery. He has had a strong public re action to this exhibition and it is si ay mgon display at the EMU for longer than he originally ex pected Turn to ART, Page 7 CASH FOR BOOKS Smith Family Bookstores 768 H. 13th Avenue buying monday-friday 9:00-5:00 Saturday 9:00-2:00 525 Willamette Street buying monday-friday 9:00-1:00, 2:00-5:00