Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 05, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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We are offering $200 to any
one who can help us find our
dug Geronimo She is a Ger
man shepard mix. medium
sized HO pounds), blue k with
tan legs, face and throat
Shu was chained by our
driveway, adjacent to Hen
dricks Park, in the late after
noon of Wednesday. May 27
She was wearing two collars,
one with ID tags and license,
the other with an anti-bark de
vice I left her there after I sold
a chair to two students. Forty
five minutes later, when I went
to bring her in, she was gone
For four years Geronimo has
been our much-loved compan
ion. Losing her at this time is
doubly painful for us because
we recently had a death in the
family. If you think you have
seen our dog, please tall
343-8175 We will not ask any
questions, we just want our dog
Marna Brockhoff
Toxic Ron
Ron Williams Regarding
vour pedestrian but undoubted
ly well-intended proposal that
“certain people clean their own
backyards “ I took your advice
and must admit my yard does
look prettv tidy now L'xcopt, of
emirst', for the* on«* c orner < lut
tered by .1 slinking, ratting pile
of \our Enter,iId letters
I would like to burn them,
but 1 believe there ere regula
tion* limiting the number of
toxin* one tun release into the
Take me to your
I would like to congratulate
Brian Hoop on receiving the
Centurion Award for demon
strating extraordinary leader
ship and service to the Unit er
sitV You have set an excellent
example for all students keep
up the good work Not'
Dear Ron Williams I'm not
sure, but I think tin' editor
wrote the editorial ! hope this
helps you find the miscreant
th.it dared to. once again, dis
agree with you
Tables turned
Are you one of those who In’
lieve there is no hate in Me,is
Chris Keegan
Dennis Kennedy
Scott Camp
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“Look at the hordes down there, Phil. ...Have I ever
totd you what they look like? Huh?...Have I?"
urc 20-08' Arc you positive
that the Issue is simply the lo
cality of granting special rights'
w h.it it tht tables were turned ’
Imagine seeing this initiative
on vour ballot
"The City of X. Oregon shall
make no lavs granting special
rights lo heterosexuals, rapists,
mass-murderers, vv tfi- heaters or
child ahusers
If von still (ain’t see the hate
in Measure 20 Oil. you are son
ply blind
Greg Henrikson
Open 24 Hours
the copy center
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(503)344-3555 • fax (503) 344-0870
We hate to see you go, but before you move, give EWEB a
call so we can stop your water and electric service in your
We ll come and read your meter right away. That way
you'll be sure to avoid being responsible for service after you
So call EWEB before you leave, it will give us a chance to
transfer your service and say goodbye 484-6016.
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500 East 4th Avenue
Oltice Hours: 8 am until 5 pm
Monday through Friday
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