»5 APTS DUPLEXES Prospect Park 2 txfrm apt* available now Quiet, country atmosphere m convenient city location Other feature* include pool, »*nm* basketball courts, rec. room A playground Right pest 75th A Chambers CaH4A4-65S3 Reserving for Fall Low Summer Rates Lar go Q^-et fufnisneo i A 2 ped'OOm* 1 D'OCK from campus 1447 t • 8 Mg’ §'9 or can 344 47fcQ Share nice ? Ddrtn unit large vng •O0m Paring t b* so CampyS $245 mp RoS 485 0345-346 'b'5 SOUTHGATE Urge 900 squat* toot 1 txj'm apt ? ourm toernnouse ave»* soon • Poo- ano sauna • On s '» laundry »ao f OS . Ne»v campus • Qn OuV'ne 2145 Patterson 145 4471 Studio and 2 bedroom apartments Pool utunory wea’hen/ed f ve buddings. 15th A Htfyard location 4fl4 9977 Unbeatable furnished 1 bdrm A studio deal 735 E 17th. laundry, parking Avail Juno 15th tor summer $240 summer $325 fall Lease 'equtrwj Reserving tor fan See today or call 343 2114 Walk to class 1 Ddrm apt. ava-iabe June 15th No pots $335 Cali tiia. 34$ <->281 Why Rent? When you can own your own 2 bdrm. 2 bath condo m Willamette Towers Conveniently located at 1313 Lincoln $45,000 call Gad Newton. 4B4 2463 Unique Properties, Inc _ 1 bdrm near campus. Gu-et anract've June I5lh. no rent til July $405 485 6267 484 7441 1 » BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Studio, on site laundry (aotties 465 0790 _ 2*1 bdrm apt* avail 6 15 Campus, *n btk. tree pkg. uw *ncl no 'ease $30Q/$37 5 345 4 0 33 2 bdrm. turn. Quiet grad OWg Clean Covered parking Oshwash $4 75 mo Avail Jur>e 16th 1200 ferry 343 3318 AFFORDABLE Greyttone Townhouses New ty '©modeled 2 bdrm townhouses 5 minutes to downiown Small pots allowed $375 Jennings ♦ Co683-4719 FIR TREE APARTMENTS 1140 Ferry Street 1 barm >265 2 bdrm, $370 Nice units Coded entry bunding Close 10 campus Balcony, laundry coverod parieng avati Furnished or unfurnished same price Call tor showing Jennings ♦ Co.883-4719 Sunny 1 bdrm. near campus’ Quwi Smafl complat New carpeting $ knoaum Car pod. laundry, no pais N*»' t796$36> 1437 High. 344 7434 GARDEN TERRACE APTS 1803 Cardan Large 2 bdrm. close to campus and not tubs Cali Paul lor showing. 344 1 721 $2% Jen mngt ♦ Co883-4719 GREENWOOO APARTMENTS 1065 Patlaraon RARE opportunity to bve m this an ceptonai complex l arge 1. 2 and 2* bedroom un,is. avatab* soon New carpets boors, count on op* Laundry ptflung gorgeous courtyard to enjoy th# sun“ Can Jed for moa »n1orma ton or 10 raw 342 2183 Janmngt ♦ Co.883-4719 TrImTLOCATION ON CAMPUS Bright, cheery. umque 1 bdrm du pw* ''ewer paint and v»nyt hard wood boors definitely deserves a specie* ♦*> v*n|y and bath c ova* yd parking 4 tGSQ lorry St. 102A.404 7441 15TH A OLIVE lignj, bright and sparkling toft apart moot $300 mo mdudMi most util Covered parking 96 Wt»v 15th 404 5633 WAIK TO CAMPUS E*ira spaciou* Ugftf i bdrm oa*cony. 0*1 W'OOt parking. .aundry. 1235 ♦ dop 967 Patiorson 0»v«* by tn«" can Raal Estate Nonhwwst. 30-4109 Would you Uka a ratify n*ca room all to yoursslf with a pnvata bathroom, ctoaa to campua. in a nsw building whara your maalt ara praparad for you? Call tha CoWagian, 343-1255 °“““***^ 111 221235 llSP"* 441 l 1 Tth-QUADS Pnvata rooms, All UTILITIES PAID. On »4a laundry Ca* now tor your Movo In Bonus' 696 5480 Janninga ♦ Co443-42H SIM MOVE-IN BONUS' Chantilly Apartmanta largo units. qu*«» compioa. IKXX Studios. 1275 1 Ddrrrt. 1335 2 bdrm. 1365 2 bdrm lownhousa. 1425 CaH 741-3294 tor thorn*g Janninga ♦ Co443-42H 2 bdrm IgrjVunlum apis *4 WOOCk ovorioo* ^ Miuraoa MW count enopv wmdovrt. mimpunds. pam« car pot NlCl' 1350 sum mar rata* 485 8187 745 E 15TMAVE You canl boat tha prteoo on moao 2 4 3 Dodroom urvts Only 1495 and 1545' i BtoCh from U 0* O library Can »o at 343 9907 Janninga ♦ Co 443-4211 2 Blocks to U of O RESERVE NOW! MOMENT Til SEPTEMBEH I limited < available) Can Don at 344 V&i to w . Immacmaia 2 Bd'm. 2 5K*1 Ap<* • Ideal lot 3 0> 4 Ptaopia • Pnvata pano* ovanoomng iha lukwace (partaa lor BBO *1 • PeaceM. mt* m and tale • Croat tummor raid* MU l RACE APTS (behind Track town Pi//aj ***** . c* •*>**»• 225 APTS DUPLEXES You *»• N»)coffl« to com* to our oft*-* tor'* free list of aveifabl# rent it* Or tv* by any location* that int#re*t you. then c*H for an appom tm ant to see th* in*«d* The following i* * partial »*»1 ot addrt**** detail* ar* on out li*t APARTMENTS Studio* *3 Bedroom* 190 I ma ?4th 3ttt East tgm 460 fast '»* 534 ta»i t«th *66 Em it** *«mf urmthad ‘>45 k 4*» #72 H*yard #79 I *"> lane ?35# Poor: t >60 Pattarlon mo t+9* *600 I »rr> t ?1S H^t ’(M4 K ---. JkO 1 ’940 K»rt* 2 .’85 On* 350’ Hdyard OUPl I JtCS 2 6 Bedroom* 631 t •? E«tt urn 106? Kincau 2640 Harm 363b I Ama/on HOUSES 2 6 Badroom* ttWJW Itth 1855 Un«v*rvty ?0€0 Aldor No pet* Shown by appointment 343 W tOth 606 It*) Alto open Saturday 9 to 3 2J5 SUBLETS Beautiful furnished t bdrm «ipf on tree itrenJ ttrwt Avti>; lumm* Que# -gru >300 20b/ Mc> >034 Quad close to campus. air conditioning. pnvata D«iHh parking please can Connie 606 9369 ROOM IN MOUSE avaAa&t* from now 14 m«j Sopi $22S*no include* ut-l. CAtM) T V eomprotory turmshod located t v« mi from campus Sieve or E d 606-4580 _ Nica. quiet quad Only |t?(Xmo w mo tree Util mckided Near carpeting Cell 48b 3/61 to apply 1 month frae, '-arge ? bdrm. turrwshad, t Wh n &*»»• ’ ‘.i hOUte •or lornm** $i30*mo * uM 1469*99 EXCflStOfl RtSlOf NCC9 Room Above | uvw» Cat*. #vn now ii'CO’mo •ummpr 'M«CK4«i >4*h*» C*» 344 26a? Ou*ei mature hQusanoM CXJ*e to earnout Summer room* lex n»nt «n VtCJOren stye house $230*no tumma* f 174*0 4 i **»•• *4% Ar'xl ' *Kl vO'f •naMpemsive home7 f f,« C hdNoa HOuX* may tie tor you T(X < a^soy onvwOnrWKM .VXl 'T;«4»; ui* ©1 •'-*•■ • y p©Op*W }~>W«irv«ld*J C*y Cj4WO Af 34 .1 2674 |y m»XO >ntOfm,aJOn or Mop Cry tft5t Qnyr ^ 2675 ONYX. 5 twdroom house iKMriy remodeled qu*«l ipacmua dec * t*s »y aid gar *9* N»»«i volant house mates tor summer wtow ye»v Ment ft 70S’30 tot Summer Cat* 663 7145 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Nail non imokif (O Share arye ? bed'uom apartment Patuf^cAOw $200mort'' >42 3770 RoommitM needed lor wmmer ? 70om*i 17th anti M $*50 ft 7Q 666 9260 Roommate or couple !» I AM*'.I Oad»wr** $16.* 50rmo Yntha 344 6714 _ Piogi*»•»’»•. open minded, fun newt but not an* vnart. grounded rw.e groovy !em»rv*t student earned !0 v’varu «» p*nA 'vouui w<’> • «u» maxled woman $?50mo ♦ dep Awm June 16m 464 0560 __ 2 roommate* wanted » ** I MRU house 3 biocKs to campus $i«Vmo ♦ V» $65 ws trensponeton Sian 344 9252 200 MEETINGS ARAB STUDENT UNION MEETING o ^aJ I <*.. *kJI j\y> J. J «S,LiJU W^JI «>‘*J ^jjJI LJ»J £ 0I4JI wljLA.'il «».;L J>* • j wjx wtk$ LJLc j FRIDAY, JUNE 5TH 1992 CENTURY ROOM F EMU, 3:30 PM Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson ALL RIGHT CALVIN. GO AHEAD NUATS KX* STOW ABOUT? r DONT KNOW VET. BUT I K SURE ITS GOOD' VW STOW \S ENT \Tl£P • won voeas. nit wanHdme TIGER. SMES TUE OM. _ NO THINKS TO CAW IN. M. TlWt TRAILING CHOWDCRHtAD" ft THERE WEtt mi BE A. PROBUER’J P» * CEPMU SHMEX W«.8AU WHEH I GET HOME 295 ARTS i ENTERTAINMENT MCOaMT INOWI V,**. u telMM hoi§—* wn BUILDING BOMBS A EAOLV DECEPTION * .to ®arn ns % I0;V* * 1' # JC e Waterdance rWiD^vtUr »* toto le heros N>|MI. » 14 A NOW '4«lWiN »><< 1IIF MONEYTREK i:TWMiiriiarnii N'lkll. tlli A*OA»ti«IWiVMt,lVt| THE MONEY ! REE • • Anti RHrk *•««*»• I kMY COUSIN VINNVj po* t*o*t **o mi rm mjdJ *o ti itwmm m rmt tmm*i o WOW HALL 8th & Lincoln TONIGHT Jambay with Jim SATURDAY Daddies with Skunkin’ Pickle All Ages Welcome 687-2746 320 SERVICES 300 FOOD & ORINK KEGS TO GO! Te«*rn & B#*r Gerd#« 2*0 WrlHMVtt«• 344 0*1» 'HMMMtifunNcMft* S* >«■*’ TV ***)« c.4 do***»lc » h1 «r%jo*1 t*0# jtod i*fU> t 4 Um.K> Q<' I4P Sol tint; Something? Du if fii»l!...l)o it t hpdp! %v ith OUt ( J.ivhiThhI Advertising Call Uii 4 U t to tiiul nut how Planned Parenthood Pip infection ctsuclt* twMh coni rot coum*»iMTg Day*. At«f ovwwtg* 144 041 1 Pxgmni? (>«* to f*'<**«'* Conhttontwli !'«<* l*w.S^y IMHtHfttK'.Hf i&f ftfftt Wf DOING PHOTOGRAPHY At HUMS-Pit tNTVNtGATIVI S J4i0 t 29 TIM* Tom.foNTmTITIT n:. ; 7v. ' ■ tiftnpotiRfy fw, <» No t ten ge io < a you' doc So# kx pr t*%*~ r vp< «on (' i*h WA80W Of1 * K S MUi22 Murage $25/monlh ami up l-'rec bones! M2 538I DOWNTOWN I MINISTORAGE Chambers A Rivef Rtl _ Ciip A *V.I.P. TAXI is o[lt'ruuf inr land discount Jfom the U nj < > tiiiM. WillanuiU• A I filli to Muss to tlu■ turjjorl. $W. Ilrst (kiss. $5. each <’.*1rn [xtss Reservation* required. Call us. 484-9020 V CROSSWORD By Eugene Shaffer n 13CII ACROSS 1 Blue 4 Store VIP 7 Caesar. •9 12 Summer dunk 13 -W»n !he Boys 14 Vmou'i over 15 Chore 16 Hehears ■ng 16 Wall SI wlMMkll dealer 16 Applies nckrack 70 Janet's (angle* s 22 Mosul 23 Bewil dered 27 layer? 20 Spiritual. Moses* 31 Figure ol speech 34 t assoed 33 Forgot ones lines, e g 37 ool (renege) 36 Former •corns 30 'Caughl ■n—rc 41 Match *4com 45 t® Mhni 47Mulda 44 f 52 On* - ms&oo 53 Vacuum tuba gas 54 Malory booh chapl ar 55 Ot* a»nad 56 Tola* ala 57 - f rsncnco 54 Innapa raid* DOWN 1 Wbita ft co fttar 2 Worship 3 Smgar Hoona 4 Sort:#*#* m day) of 5 Atior Chart#* 6 Motd lh# nc#p<#r 7 Droop* • F u*s • Mu UXmarm 10 Th# tan# of your M#7 It German arid# 17 Mann < M# . VI . •tc * 21 Artillery none* * 23 Take#* on# n own i 24 Dunk 25 farm * I# mm# jORJMOfi unn mmi 1> Addition 4»y 8 Ostrich'» cousin O P«ftn« ot plat a 11 Jwna 12 Ckxldas* l atm 13 Squid squat 6 Chas* pMK« 7 lt«m r.one salad by f unt 0 Undar *orkl 7 Pal. bokm tha borda# 3 Gassou* atamant 4 Mora than miftad 5 Ttwpa doad 6 Kho maims 4 Run up tha phono bdf 9 Bobby ot hock ay Old compan on 1 Jack ol 'liar nay Mr Aar* LA m