SPORTS Prefontaine prepares athletes for Olympic Trials By Dave Charbonrteau Emerald Sports Reporter Track fans will goi a chance to see somo of (ho United Slates' (op Olympic contenders Saturday in The Prefonlnlno Classic at Hayward Field With the Olympic Trials only two weeks away, many athletes arc using the lath annual Pro fun mine as a tune-up for the Trials Among those scheduled to compete on Satur day are decathlolc Dan O'Brien, runners Mary Slonov. Annette Peters and Mozambique's Mario Mutola, and last year's three lop pole v.miters in the country. O'Brien, who is one-half of Rocbok's "Dan and Dave" commercials, is the favorite to win the Olympic gold medal. He will compete in three events at the Profontaine — the pole vault, long jump and high jump. Slancy will run at Hayward for the second time this season. In the 2,000-meter event Her first ap pearance was at tho Oregon Invitational when she finished second in the 5,000 to Peters, a former Oregon truck star. Peters was added to the event when Vicki Hu ber had to pull out of the race with a bad back Mutola wus the winner of tho 1,500 at the Tl t Bruce Jonnor meet two weeks ago and will run her specially. Ihi* BOO. al I he PrcfonUtine against the lop-runketJ Americ an. Meredith Rainey Korv Tnrpcnning. Scott Huffman and Tint Bright were ranked 1-2-3. respectively, last year among l S pole vaulterv and all three will com pete on Saturday In thtf men’s 1.500, |oe Falcon will try and win his third straight race after winning at the Modes to and lonner meets He will he challenged hv a lute-entry Jeff Atkinson, who holds the second fastest American time behind Falcon The high |ump and long pimp are also loaded events Thomas M(Cants. Mark Reed and t.oo Williams -ire the top competitors in the high lump, .mil world ranked Joe Greene and Andre lister -ire llte favorites in the long pimp Torn Iordan, the meet’s direc lor. said Satur day’s meet will be the best in years ’’Tills is the strongest Field we’ve had since Jordan said "’llte athletes are pumped Because it’s an Olympic year, most of them are in peak physical condition " The meet begins al t> pm with the hammer and winds up wilh the men’s fj.O(X) al B :1() Tickets are St 1 reserved. $7 general admission and $5 for children and seniors i Light or Amber $89 (Pony Keg $55) Special, Bomber or Stout $99 ($60 Pony Keg) Please call 686-2739 to reserve Additional charge for deposits I M U Joe Falcon will be /ust one ol the United Slates' lop Olympic contenders competing in the Pretonlaine Classic MIYATA DAYS June 5,6,7 SAVE BIG ON MIYATA BICYCLES • Pre-season pricing extended ( • FREE accessories (or Miyata Bicycle Buyers I • Meet the Miyata Rep • All Miyata bicycles come with Paul's famous sen/ice Free MIYATA t-shirt * for first fifty customers to test ride a Miyata bicycle NO PURCHASE NECESSARY PAUL’S BICYCLE SHOP 2480 Alder 342-6155 BICYCLE WAY OF LIFE 152 W. 5th 344-4105 Oregon Daily Emerald LOOK FOR OUR 1992 GRADUATION EDITION, IN TODAY'S PAPER! LOOK FOR THE 1992 GRADUATION EDITION IN TODAY S PAPER (MIDDLE SECTION!) Thank you Graduation Edition participants! And 1 congratulations to all the graduating seniors! .. ^V'**.*.... ■ THE DEADLINE FOR OUR LAST EDITION (JUNE 8) WILL BE 1 PM TODAY! LOOK FOR OUR SUMMER EDITIONS, STARTING JUNE 23! too BiBTHOAY GREETINGS | oh no knows it's her birthday! Happy 22nd! Get ready to par lay! 105 PERSONALS MYSTERY GIRL Tnanni ky in* ttQMtft >n my irmh I oonl know wr>o yOu ftf*. but I nopo to kM you Biiin HUH! 7hanfca for • groat yoar, Alan and Shooo-la' Hava a tornfie »*»•' Lovo your "portatrie' boot SELL YOUR BOOKS FAST IN THE ! ODE ^ CLASSIFIEDS! Section MS >A 105 PERSONALS You d bo willing loo * you hod plocod on td in I ho Ofogon Doily E/noioM Cloooillodo lot uo on>rk lot you Col 146-434) no LOST 4 FOUND 1700 REWARD Dog. 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