Poet speaks with ‘her left foot’ f By Hope Nealson t;rr>efflid Reporter It's no! everyone who cimics awav from (hr (’arson Dining Hall raving about the food But then, Gabv is an exceptional woman "Gabv" Brimmer is a nation ally recognized figure who has written four books ot poetry not with her hands, but with iter left foot, Gaby has cerebral palsy and cannot speak. She communi cates with her left foot, tapping out sentences on an electric typewriter and clicking once for yes and twice for no. Her poetry ami lecture tours have made her a leader of Mexico's disabled community. Gaby loured campus Iasi week, speaking lo an education class with the help of volun teers and her attendant Imelda To commemorate her stay in Eugene. Gilv Council member Shawn Holes presented Brim mer with an honorary Eugene citizenship Wednesday along with some Euphoria chocolate Brimmer came to Eugene last month to receive treatment from the Oregon Rehabilitation Center for the deteriorating condition of her left fool After sin- suffered a seeming ly minor fill at her home last year in Mexico City, she gradu ally lust control of the foot Because she could no longer express her thoughts, Brimmer begun lo slip into a deep de pression. In June ltWl. Mobility Inter WE'LL PACK IT, STUFF IT, SEAL IT, TAPE IT, GLUE IT, WRAP IT, TIE IT, SEND IT, AND SAVE YOU A BUNDLE. Front ctwttputrr* *o furniture. artwork to futt cttvwi. wW*i you nerd it Aftd June! rtgfd !l«r*r % only uric IU«W to imwitJvf PAIC MAIL At every f*Afc MAIL Center you H ftn«i lYufmMMwl P*k4£»*& f MfTfH Wtto uw live mduMry * •itf’fnng arui njuiptiintt h>nu»irr tttAt ywit vtliaHtl PITT iii|ier!rct*i*tdrti**n Well gnn Itrlp you irirfl ttw Uettf n«-food of delivery tu mu! your need* 744-1607 Pioneer Plaza 1863 Pioneer Parkway E. Springfield Take Franklin Blvd. to Pioneer Parkway East to Pioneer Plaza. national, an organization that promotes and arranges travel exchanges between disabled people .ill over the world, sent a letter to ORC Mobility Inter national’s American headquar ters are in Kugene OKC, part of Sacred Heart General Hospital, offered to help, testing Brimmer to find solutions to her dilemma Outpatient Medical Director Bruce Becker, who helped work with Brimmer, said it was his |ob to figure out why Brim mer hud been losing the func tion of her left leg Becker said there is not a sin gle cause, but the diagnostic team has come up with some treatment plans and an im proved wheelchair University student Chris Brown, who helped tiring Brim mer to huge no, said it took a grass roots effort to get her here. "livoryone who is Involved volunteered their time and sup port,” he said. Brown said watching Brim mer communicate is a reward ing aspect of working with her "The most interesting thing is watching the whole process," Brown said. "Watching some one who is basically silent and doesn't tolk. to watch them spell out a sentence was very moving lor me." Brimmer was horn In l*H7 to a Jewish family that Immigrated from Ku rope Gaby Brimmer I'ri-Slar Pictures released a movu' ahoul hi'i life tilled (in/)> \ True Slor\ li dm u men is Brimmer's Iift' from her |i,irrnls immigration to Mexico from Austria to I'm ape tin' Third Keich .mil mils with Gaby's lift; ns ol I it'll Brimmer said shi’ was enjoy ing tier stay in hugene "The people have been real warm, and we’ve been touring night t:lubs, the campus anil newspapers." she said Brimmer said she espet tally enjoyeil the helpful people at Carson Hall, and thanked the people of lingerie lor their hos pitality during her stay Brimmer will return home Sunday, (one 7. 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