SPORTS Track-end-held athlete Bob Gray received the Emerald Trophy at the University a annual student-athlete recognition dessert Tuesday. Duck dessert honors top student-athletes By Erick Studenicka Emerald Contributor More thun 50 of Iho Universi ty's top student-athletes were recognized for their academic achievements in the annual stu dent-athlcto recognition dessert Tuesday afternoon. Truck and field uthletes Bob Gruy und Camara Jonos and soflbull player Tracey Simmons were among the participants re ceiving special recognition. Gray received the Emerald Trophy, an award based upon athletics, academics, and citi zenship. Gray, a French major with a 3.59 CPA. was the Pacif ic-10 Conference 400-melor hurdles champion this yoar and was second in the 110 event. Tho senior has also partici pated In inuny community pro jects. including an elementary school reading progrum and Team Council. Joncs received the Higdon Award, reserved annually for the top sophomore student-ath lete ut Oregon. Jones, who es tablished a new school record of 52.40 in the 400-meter run during her qualifying heat at the NGAA moot in Austin, Tex as. Tuesday, has u 3.4H Gl’A and is a previous academic all conference selection Simmons rocoivod the Jack son Award, which is based on athletic and scholastic achieve ment und leadership and Inspi ration. A physical education mujor with a 3.21 G P A . Simmons led the Ducks in KBIs und was named lo the GTE aca demic all-district team In addition to her athletic and scholastic responsibilities. Simmons made numerous op pearances this yoor bufore vari ous committees representing Oregon studont-athletos. In order to be eligible for scholastic recognition, each student-uthlcto had to maintain a 3.0 GI’A while participating on nn intercollegiate team. Graduating seniors were also recognized at the dessert. Former athletes Duvid Blair und Lisa Karnopp were the fea tured speakers Graduating se nior and All-American wrestler Dan Vidlak also made a speech on behalf of the senior class STORAGE across from the U of O NEW UNITS Personal or Commercial It’s to your “advantage" to call: ADVANTAGE STORAGE 933 Franklin Blvd. 344-3009 Search begins for new golf coach By Steve Mims E KWtU CootnOutor A search for the next head coach of tho Ore gon men's golf team is under way. but no one Is expected to be hired until lire noddle of the summer. The position opened up whon former hood coach Scott Kriegor ended his eight -and-a* ha If year tenure last winter to take on assistant pro fessional job at Broadmoor Golf Course In Port land Kriegor was replaced on an interim basis by former Duck star Shawn Atchor. who led the team during tire soring season. Under A Ichor, the Ducks finished in lire lop 10 at every tour nament until u disappointing 17th-pi.u e finish in the Western Rogionuis ended their season. jam in Kiund. assistant sports Information di rector. confirmed this week that the thicks are conducting a nationwide search lor a now hood coach. Oregon placed an advertisement in /VCAA News Ihis tmmlh, and Kiund said that about 2S people submitted applications before the May 27 deadline. A comm it to* composed of assistant athletic director Barbara Walker, women's golf couch Renee Baumgartner and woman's haskatboll coach Elwin Holny is in tho proems of narrow ing the list to a manageable number before bringing iht: finalists to Eugene for Interviews The committee will then expand to Include a local golf professional und possibly PGA Tour star Peter jeoobaan. a former Oregon All American, to conduct interview* in aliout two weeks. ' "We're looking lor someone with good expo rtence," Klund said. "Somebody who played college golf and possibly with previous coach ing experience." All-Puctfte-HJ (Conference selection Jeff Ly ons will I hi next year's top returning player, and he said Oregon slundd look fur someone with leadership and responsibility "We need someone who is supportive and positive toward us," Lyons said Oregon will Ihi young next year with Lyons and Cam Martin the onlv seniors on the roster. Other iettermen who will compete are junior Kandy MtGracken and redshirt sophomores Ted Snavely anti I'aul Kegali. "I want a roach that lias experience with couching a loam before," Snavely said. “Some one with a structure for practice and physical fitness. They have to cure about how we are playing, not Just what scores we shoot " Klund said tlwi committee is hoping to hire a new ctsich In July and have the Job tlogin Au gust 1. Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen wO' fjot AMOfWR RALLY/ LOOK i*T AU- 7UO$t LOit»% C wAWtiHG A«P t^AvINO S'C.U$ WM AT Oo-r^-y -THHKTHfflL --, ACMlfVf? fHA HA' wH*f * furtrt OF JLTiMATt pwfttfi 'ohAhoiA^_icr poT-Ht-APi'/OOf-Of 1 roueH . oo rou $1 III- flC L 0K> AlW 0kinl> A»J APHint TIC SHUIA9U r 5]( A Tjwr 01T Li T'5 flfiCH. 7 w< M 5ofAt^/, J __, r*ont Fjfr mhpy 1 r f^MOO fOlfUS* ' V Kraig Norris Weasel’s World K* AN KWt ON me jiucur RAar, we go UVt JO Uf* SAJCEJQCK AT THt NU3VT IMOl! SMP. TW£ STlTHfl l£ACB6 have OEQaAOa eoccir oh papehppccucCi.wwch HAVE OCSTWED « HA3W! Cf 5i£ Flip WfEWl. AMD... M£r!Wmj»CXCf tx£ media's NU*n*c ramm Of OLH FB££ SKEOt. MW ON CMMI 1!>T'P‘.G5EK.:CES nnnz'znnn »xs ns TYPING SERVICES JO THC TYWNO WK> 17 ftx Mp IBMcampMWa ACCOM*-r Mi>Oi«ii'Ma OMMOOM «"*■"»» the worn tMCMuart Wam ProcaM^g • OmM