Tiananmen Square Remembrance JUNE 4, 1989 - JUNE 4, 1992 At I VtnoiWMiors man Inn;! wnh banners prutlaiminjE then solidarity A Government troops lonit a harrier outside the Great Hall of the People to prevent protesters front entering A Detachments of the IM.A arrive on the square. We shall never forget! Our sorrow and outrage shall not diminish over time. ^ ▼ A worker pauses in the middle of Changan Avenue as Links roll out of lire square and a confrontation develops A woman mourns (he tragedy and ^ death of a loved one. ▼ A demonstrator is beaten by several soldiers. I'AII) I < >K HY (' IIISSI SI-. S l l lH- N l AND S< H< >I.\KS ASM >< I \| |« >N. I Nl\ I RSI IA < >1 < >KI < R >N Dun.itioiis lor victims rc«|ucstc«l. Nlakc checks puyahlc to ( SSI . |*.< >. |to\ .'*>14. I\«ij*cne, « »R ‘>7404 A Hours after martial law t\ declared, a human wall of resistance meets a tump convoy attempting to enter central Beijing Ak A hunger sinker faces soldiers in from of /hongnanhai A Goddess of Democracy in (he twilight symbolizing the dawn of a new era BEIJING, CHINA