LETTERS New Habits I’d like to tell you what I spent my time doing when I participated in the University Day Litter Patrol. I picked up cigarette butts. As a former smoker who has thrown my share of cigarette butts on the ground, it was fit ting that I should spend two hours picking them up. 1 also have some idea of how smokers think. Thore are smokers who throw butts on the ground who wouldn't dream of doing the same with a candy wrapper or soda bottle, who recycle, who voted to shut down Trojan, etc. Many smokers disassociate cig arette butts from "real trash" but you (if it applies) need to be reminded that butts uro trash and must be discarded correct ly. If you work or go to school here, you are too old not to know heller. I know how inconvenient it is to hold u smelly used butt in your hand or pocket till you see u trash con, but you gotta do it. I know you think it makes your clothes smell to slip it in your pocket, but you already reek of tobacco if you even smoke one cigarette. Trust rnu. Here's what I did when 1 smoked outside: pinch off the light from the cigarette, step on the light and throw the rest in the trash can. It is an easy habit to develop, especially when you remember that halving the butt on the ground is Uttering and you are doing the right thing by being conscientious. Eilaon Harris Architecture Student Window pain After ali of the letters written in to the L'meruld against the actions taken ut the Federal Building, I wanted to express my support to Brian Hoop and others who look part I felt very angry and frus trated from the results of the trial of the four white police of ficers 1 remember earlier that day seeing the rally and think ing, "What can bo done to make snmiHinc actually listen7” ll rectus every other day we have rallies and marches on the University campus This was a radical solution, yet would any one have noticed Eugene's rally otherwise7 This was a chance to express how- many of us were feeling over the trial of the four white police officers I do not agree with violence against people, but these wore )ust win dows Windows can be Tfc placed. I wish people would put their energy into working for justice for Rodney King und all people of color, rather than the energy they have spent at tacking [Irian and Carlos. Julia Morgan Student Piece of pie 1 am ashamed and embar rassed about some of our Uni versity leadership. With today's rising tuition, budget cuts and dropped courses. Brian Hoop ond other University students' actions in the "protest" ul the Federal Building give the stu dent body us a whole a negative image to our already luke warm community support. As the University must con stantly munuuver to protect its receipt of state and local fund ing. these irresponsible actions by our so-called "leudors” do nothing to help put our s< liool In a more positive light These events have made many ques tion giving (he University a greater piece of their tax-paying pie. They don't enjoy the thought of sponsoring irrespon sible. destructive, violent be havior. Compounding the insanity was the far t that other leading University students tried to de fend this criminal behavior by providing support and legal in formation to these students by using University money The University has always been a haven for free thought and ex pression However, when we begin to let our emotions con trol our actions, we should tie By GARY LARSON "Well, them they go again. The Stenbergs are atways acting like lit# ie one big musical." hold responsible for our over expression*. with no excuses. We should never stoop to the level of the police officers who brutnlly boat Rodney King. Our community should respect our University, not be embarrassed by II Nick Smith F inane* Sensational 1 have the highest regard for [Irian Hoop and felt compelled to write ufter the continuous at tempts at character assassina tion by the media 1 believe they huvu been irresponsible in focusing on the sensationalism of Hoop's alleged actions on ono day and have Ignored the "behind the scenes" work thut Hoop has done. He is an exumplo to ull of us us someone who not only talks a good tulk but "walks the talk" regarding diversity Hoop is one of the few Euro-Americans to truly attempt to make the University u place with no bar riers to people of color. I hud the privilege of working with Hoop on t» group com posed primarily of students of color who attempted to address racial issue* on campus Hoop was respectful of cultural val ues and masts and always con slrin live Hoop has Im-oh a leader in working on the race and gender requirements. Hoop has been a mentor to ami has helped stu dents of color to secure posi tions of leadership in the Uni versity at large I (relieve that one's character Is judged by one s deeds. How ever. I see tho alleged crime of kicking in a window ns 1 per cent and the nlnivo mentioned work as 99 percent. I also be hove that when Hoop partici pated in the rally, he wus mak ing a political statement that expressed a long history of frus tration. anger and hopelessness in dealing with u system that expresses one thing hut does another As a faculty person of color. 1 appreciate his efforts Sandy Tsunayoskl Statf Psychologist Mon IUM VMl Print Film Rod 135/24* 100ASA -|99 Overnight 2nd Set 3* Prints 99* 1-Hr Photo 4' Reprints 1/2 OHI Print Flm Rot 13524*100ASA -jSS 1-Hr Photo 2nd Set 4* Pnnts 99* PickAny2 Day’s Deals FflEEPnrof in 10 customers raceme FREE Fifen Ttiurs Frt Sat * Free " Film m Bring Your I D! UNIVERSITY OF OREGON R .■ THE GAMES BEGIN JUNE 5 Not lor honor. Not for country. For his wile and child.