ATTENTION STUDENTS: We are pleased to announce that we have recently signed a contract with the Uni versity of Oregon—to give you Moving Services at a Discount Rate! • GO ANYWHERE SERVICE: Local, long distance and International life . • Ask About Our Moving and # Storage ^WaDrhm rnocnAM 683-5453 2380 W. BROADWAY Create your own ( FULL COLOR T-SHIRTS from your PHOTOS® ARTWORK HICH QUALITY IMAGES A PERFECT GIFT Shipping Available * Volume Discounts kinko's the copy center Campus Location 8*0 EAST 11TM AVI EOCENE, OR 87401 114-7884 MEMORIES Continued from Page 11B tor breakfast Some woman made a rude comment about my breakfast and sard Ob that s ter rible and she gave me a dirty look She was sell-righteous about it The clerk put her in her place after she left.' Curtis said Aime Baissac. a graduating senior in sociology and romance languages, had her mosl memo rable e»oefionce in college, not here in Eugene, but on a Univer Sfty program to Ecuador I just learned so much and met some really great people who could iook beyond then wo'ld and understand more, Baissar said My host family d leach english. Baissac said ' Jon Motohiro. a graduating , senior in marketing and manage ment. said tha memory that stands out most in his mind is his first impression of Eugene The first thing you look back on is what you thought of school i saw a fiekt of sheep by the Eu gene airport and thought whal did I get myself into The airport was one little shack and now its totally different. Motohiro said Coming to she University, I had no idea where Eugene. Ore gon was. he said "The first thing i d-d was go straight to the encycioped a Our perception of Oregon it, so limited and when you see a small airport and sheep you think uh-oh Rachel Pollm, a graduating senior in sociology, had iwo memories that stood out above the rest One was very recent for her of the Rodney King trial pro test on campus and the other was being a facilitator for wom en s studies classes i was upset about the trial so I got out of classes early and went to the protest It was the first lime I as a college student heard black voices on this cam pus I knew of racism before but never heard about it from the mouths of the people who expe rienced it," Polltn said "I left the power of people who cared coming together mak ing a statement I was scared when people started breaking the windows The most powerful moment was when we raised our lists lor a moment ol silence. I lound facilitating women's studies to be an eye opening ex perience I learned about over coming homophobia I learned that I had been raised in a homo-phobic environment Learning to overcome it was the most important part ol my expe rience It was the first time I had positive role models that were lesbians The facilitators were a tight group and we would go bowling 3nd hang out together.'' Pollin said This is just a small sample ol the wide variety ol memories the graduating seniors are taking away with them. Enjoy your time at school because before you know it you may find yourself reminiscing about your times at the University Mia Bertelsen SCHOOL Continued Irum [*aj;e KB mg on the GRE, so rt should be taken while still in school, even it the student does not plan to go to graduate school directly after graduation The results ol the test are val id tor live years Students should also check to see what other tests the school or department they wish to enter may require Financial assistance in gradu ate school is seldom based on need as it is with undergraduate study Applications should be submitted early, because schools often make decisions on students before the deadline Support can be offered in a vari ety of ways, including fellow ships, tuition waivers and loans. 'Graduate schools are very interested in students who have a specific purpose and long term goals." Strange said "Good stu dents can usually get some form ol support " For some programs it is wise to take some time off after re ceivmg a bachelor s degree and spend some lime ai a job, belore applying to graduate school, ac cording to a guide tor prospec tive graduate students prepared by the Council ot Graduate Schools in Washington D C Of ten these programs consider that the quality of a person's experi ence in the work place after the bachelor's degree is as impor tant as a good academic record Strange, who is also co-au thor of the book. Applying To Graduate School, agrees For students who want to take some time off before going to a master's program, they should remember to stay in con tact with people about letters of recommendation." she said They should also consider tak ing some community education classes or doing volunteer work ' The Unrversrty offers a variety of master s programs, including music, business administration. architecture and allied arts and journalism, as well as offering in tegrated interdisciplinary studies, which are planned according to individual interests. There were 1,768 master s students and 1.246 doctoral stu dents enrolled at the University for fall 1991, with the average age of masters students being approximately 32 The University's schools and departments determine their own specific requirements for gradu ate admission and degrees. The Graduate School requires 45 credits, with at least a 3 00 G P A m all graduate courses taken in the degree program Some departments require more credits and may require addition al transcripts and/or tests for en trance into certain programs Graduate classes for tall 1992 begin Sept 28 and applications are due by July 17. -Tonya Robison * INVENTORY SALE!« If you ve been looking to get your bands on an Apple* Macintosh* computer or printer, and you need it FAST, now is the time to come to the Microcomputer Support Center. We have these items available for immediate delivery, with many items at or below our cost! These prices are limited to our stock on band, and quantities are limited, so burry! PostScript, 8ppm laser printer 500dpi resolution Can be upgraded to the new LaserWriter Ilf and llg Apple's classic dot-matrix printer Handles multipart forms and color documents $275 2MB MM. 40MB HD Keyboard $999 2MB MM. 40MB HD 912KVMM $999 3MB RAM. 40MB HD $1649 5MB RAM. BOMB HD '$2187 toUDtf ihMI Microcomputer Support Center • 202 Computing Center • 346-4402 • Monday - Friday 9am-5pm \fi a common tfiomo wo know wall. Within #w tart yoar, wo'io holpod noady 1,000 poopU find #m tyf» of ronkd howling #Mt bort fid tfioir nwdi • W* track dtoronkd markrt for you • Wi ofcr a curtotniaod • Our (mi «*o naming ami baMd an how long you 484-4055 1217 Oak Sunt