Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 04, 1992, Page 11B, Image 22

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    A graduate trip down Memory Lane
Wrapping up four years of college can be a
difficult thing to do for some graduates
Many of us have grown so much and have
many experiences to carry on with us in the future
paths that he ahead
I had the opportunity to interview seven seniors
about what memory at the University was the one
that stood out the most for them as they reflect
bach on their time spent here.
This isn't an easy question to answer because
there is just so much that happens to a student in
four or more years. This is what various students
had to say about their experiences
Eric Tait, a graduating senior in political science,
said his favorite memory was that of fraternity rush
during his freshman year.
The experience of meeting all different kinds of
guys and then finding a house where I felt comfort
able was great," he said. "I had all kinds of precon
ceived notions about what to expect before coming
to school.
"By joining a house I met a group oi guys wnere
I fell comfortable.” Tait said. "The seniors could
help me understand what I could expect of my
classes and the University in general. A big thing
for me was having a group of people I could relate
to that soon.”
Mark Zevenbergen, a graduating senior in lei
sure studies, said his best memory was that of per
sonal discovery.
'My fondest memory was investing time with
people in school You get more of an education out
side school than you do inside school." Zeven
bergen said.
"Getting to know Jesus Christ better has been
the most exciting experience for me during my
years at the University. Getting involved with Cotie
giate Christian Fellowship was a place where I got
to know God better, I found great friendship, friends
and fun.
"I took longer to graduate, but it's been more
worthwhile to enjoy my experience.1 Zevenbergen
Tina Reeder, a graduating senior in finance and
marketing, said her memory was that of being tear
gassed by the Eugene Police at a local party one
‘ 'Somebody threw a beer bottle
and the police began to tear gas
its. As we were running some guy
stepped on a beer bottle and it
flipped up and cut my leg. We
were like a herd of cows."
- Tina Reeder
spring night
"It was the first day of really nice weather, she
said "We got to the party late and we pushed our
way through the crowd to get to the band We
thought they were going to start playing again and
then we figured out that people were cheering be
cause the police were threatening to throw tear gas
if we didn't clear out
"Somebody threw a beer bottle and the police
began to tear gas us As we were running some
guy stepped on a beer bottle and it flipped up and
cut my leg We were like a herd of cows
A lot ot people went 10 me next party out i worn
home,'' Reeder said
Greg Curtis, a graduating senior in telecommuni
cations and film, had his most memorable memory
was doing crazy things that freshmen are some
times known for
"I remember my freshman year we decided to
go to the beach and it was about one in the morn
ing." he sad We got there about three or four in
the morning We had a tent that we set up near the
"Everyone else had a blanket or a sleeping bag
but me I was trying to share everyone else's all
night long I basically froze because it was about 40
degrees that night. Obviously I didn't sleep much
because it was so cold
"We left the next day without paying and I went
to the store and bought some wheat thins and coke
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