Your hosts: Walid & John Saleeby JUNE 14TH FOR YOUR GRADUATION CELEBRATION! • Lunch • Dinner • Banquets • Catering . Gift Certificates Available ON 7TH STREET 388 W. 7th • 485-0601 wwwmmwwm We ship your staff home! CiK 1 to 1000 pounds, computers, stereos. TVs S' Insured, custom packing O' Boxes for sale Bt UPS. Emery. Motor Freight 2705 Willamette Street • 344-3106 (convenient parking) "Oregon" and "Eugene" Prints Many styles to Choose from From Crable & Russell Congratulations to our 1992 Gradsl Saturday 9-6 30 I EUGENE I ATHLETIC Sunday 11-5 Mon. thru Thursday 9 30-6 00 • Fn 'til 7 pm «——< M Waal Broadway • Eugana, Oragon • 343-1288 |~_Q~| , Downtown Eugana Avoid long lines at the post office Buy stamps at the UO Bookstore. Attending graduate achool it a daap commitmani that ahculdnt ba takan lightly P*»»o by Ua BMMin Graduate school is hard work Researching schools and programs and keeping in contact with potential recommendation writers, such as instructors and employers, are the most important aspects of preparing for graduate school A sincere interest and dedi cation to a certain field is also essential tor students planning to go on to graduate study, be cause graduate school involves specialized knowledge and concentrated study in one area "It a student has to ask the question whether or not to go to graduate school, they proba bly shouldn’t go." said Marliss Strange, associate director of Academic Advising and Stu dent Services "Students should go because they love the discipline ” Applying 10 graouaie scnooi is a long and complicated pro cess. which should start in the junior year The first step is to make an honest evaluation of career objectives. Strange said a junior should create and maintain contacts with potential reference writers through classroom work, volunteer work, research and employ ment Research is very important m applying to graduate school and a school should be chosen on the merits ot the specific, specialized program desired, not on the general rankings of the department or school Stu dents should do research care fulty to choose a school that will best suit their needs and talents Photo by Ha biWm Students looking to axtand thair aducation ahould atari looking at program a thair junior yaar. "Researching a graduate school should be done with the same seriousness as applying tor a job." Strange said. "You need to ask the right questions, dress appropriately and realize that it takes time.” Students need to work closely with faculty in their de partment and area of interest lor advice and guidance on where to go. The University’s Graduate School also helps steer students m the right di rection and is a good place to begin getting information on schools and programs, said Lisa Duba-Biedermann, stu dent affairs program coordina tor at the graduate school. From there a student can look at school catalogs in the library and then should follow up di rectly with the department at the schools of interest. A solid bachelor's degree in virtually any field may serve as a prerequisite to most profes sional degree programs but tests, applications and letters of recommendation are also re quired "The Graduate Record Exam is required by approxi mately 90 percent of graduate schools." Strange said. "Stu dents should prepare for It dur ing their junior year and take the test early in their senior year. H possible." She also said students usu ally score relative to their learn Turn to SCHOOL. Page 12B kwes mm Restaurant and Lounge (|;>l»i ne $e nnfc* -(/liiieriemi 1 TlT’Ooi* ORDERS TO CO 343-4480 *M7 franklin BlvtJ. Mon.-Ihur.~- I I (HI j.m |«> 10:10 p.m. fr».—> I l:(MI a.m. to Midnight \4l. —NiiMin In Midnight Sun — Noon lo 10: 10 p in 50 OFF Any Yogurt* (*except small cones) Cagipus SUBSHOP 1225 ^lder 345-2434 N« vslid on drlivrry or with »ny oihrf discounts or coupons One coupon prr customer E»p< res 6/12/92