Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 04, 1992, Page 5B, Image 16

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    Go practical on graduate’s gifts
Ask any graduating college
senior what they want lor
graduation and most will
tell you, "a job." That may make
gift-giving a little more difficult for
those ol us who have Iriends
and relatives on their way to the
"real world." so here are a lew
First on the list is a new car.
Why not? Many car dealerships
oiler students rebates or low
percentages il they choose to fi
At Romania Toyota Subaru
Hyundai, they feature the "Grad
uating Senior Program." Gradu
ates receive 8 75 percent financ
ing on a new Toyota and no
credit is needed to qualify. Ro
mania Chevrolet Geo oilers stu
dents an extra $400 off any
Chevrolet vehicle in addition to
factory rebates
Riverside Pontiac Mazda
Volkswagen is currently featur
ing a $1,400 00 rebate on the
Mazda Protege, a smaller. 4
door sedan starling at $11,000.
A good mountain bike or ten
speed is an environmentally
friendly alternative to the car that
could be used to get to work as
well as for weekends enjoyment.
Bikes range in price from about
$250 to $1,000, depending on
the make and model.
Housewares always make
practical gifts. For $69 99, the
Bon Marche offers the Krupps
Mini Espresso Machine. A coffee
maker, food processor, or waffle
iron are other items that would
also be useful for somebody who
will be living on their own.
The Williams Sonoma Cata
log features cast-iron muffin and
cookie pans m flower and sea
creature shapes for $22 These
are more interesting than con
ventional baking pans and look
nice hanging on a kitchen wall.
Gourmet foods make great
presents, especially when put to
gether in gift baskets because
they are packaged beautifully
and most have a long shelf-life
Pastas such as "Pasta
Mama's" black fettuccme (made
with squid ink) from Newman's
Fish Company on 1545 Willam
ette. or "Eddie's" rad-pepper
pasta from Sundance Natural
Foods on 748 E. 24th are inex
pensive, costing about $2 to $4
per package.
Crackers imported from Eu
rope sell for about $1.99 and
could be packaged with wine.
Try putting together a ’“break
fast basket" with McCann's Irish
Dialtaa and glaaawara an naeaaaary llama lor tha moving-oohon
thair-own gradual*.
Oatmeal in a can tor $6 99, a
bottle of maple syrup, and buck
wheat pancake mix You can
also add a cookbook or kitchen
utensils to the basket, for the cu
Probably the last thing a
graduate wants right now are
books However, they do make
excellent gifts From self-help to
coffee table items, they offer in
formation, as well as enjoyment
Escape While There’s Still
Time bookstore, located at 488
Willamette, specializes m sci
ence-fiction. fantasy, horror, and
Hungry Head Books on 1212
Willamette features books that
offer thought-provoking looks at
our culture and history The Peo
ple’s History of the United States
, by Howard Zmn recounts
American history from the per
spective of the people, especial
ly the Native Americans.
Before heading off to a nine
to-lrve job. it may be helpful for a
graduate to read Jerry Mander's,
In the Absence of the Sacred.
described as " elegant prose
(on the)., rediscovering of more
soul-satisfying ways of fife." This
book is a hardcover and sells for
Those interested in photogra
phy, film, or the environment
may appreciate, Andent Forests.
a collection of photographs,
costing $16 95
J. Michael's Books on 160 E.
Broadway has the largest selec
tion on ad. photography, and ar
chitecture. One book architec
ture graduates may Ifce is the
new paperback for $29.95,
called The Wright Space, on the
work of Frank Lloyd Wright.
If you're heading over to a
Gourmet foods
make great presents,
especially when put
together in gift-bas
kets because they are
packaged beautifully
and most have a long
mall, Waldenbooks carries some
titles helpful for business majors
such as, 1,001 Businesses You
Can Start From Home for
$14 95
Subscriptions to magazines
like The Writer, or other busi
ness periodicals would be suit
able. as well
You couid gel a set of por
traits of your favorite grad at Ex
pressty Portraits, where special
‘Graduate Portrait" packages
range from $39.95 to $294 95
Photo albums and picture
frames arc nice to give to
friends Hallmark has a special
album called "College Memo
ries" for $14 and picture frames
for $18
They also carry certificate
holders for $9 and an assort
ment of Cross pens starling at
Video stores like Suncoast
carry films as well as “how-to"
presentations on cooking, fit
ness. business, and travel. A fan
of cartoons may like the Fanta
sia gift box, selling for $99.99.
The Citizan Kana 50th Anniver
sary box, also $99.99, is an idea
for film lovers
Turn to GIFTS. Page 7B
rFlowers For
Graduates 't
Express congratulations with - (
these specials: '
Gardenia Corsage Fragrant "Star Carer"
$8.95 mixed bouquets
’ Dozen Long Stem Roses S 7.50
\ ~ $5.95 Five bites
* . $3.95
■ ^ _i[ Phone orders welcome
r _ Knijltlm 4H5-4659
Shake Y°ur
“Enough food
to feed a fanuly
/ 4 '
of 4 or more!
wtttil topping
crazy bread
(4 piece order)
^sssksssk is
1930 FranWtn
u of o
Lttde Caesary^j PizzalPizzaT
TWO gnat ptssasl 0*t low prtc»‘ Alwiyil Alwayil
81/*X11: 20# White4*
Color Paper- 5* self-serve
Astrobrite-60* 6*
The Copy Shop
539 E. 13th Ave.
Now's the time to sharpen up your
appearance as you head out into the
professional world. Create a classy
look for your interviews with a hair
cut and receive a
(before noon only)
Nellis .JOICO
PREcisioN Cuts
609 E. 13th