50^ OFF ANY V MENU ^ J ITEM ftr i ( , f, 17 *>: “TCBV” : The Country\ Ikst Kxjurt. 31)1 Uw I Ills Markctpbci Ui>t I8fv8 IVanllin lllvil, I miMui ViHarJ *asoa oes “REFLECTION IS OUR BUSINESS” aftKJS* Q VUARN£T SPECIALTY CLOTHING. HATS & BAGS ONE OF THE LARGEST SELECTIONS IN THE NORTHWEST ACROSS FROM SOCKEYE'S 524 VALLEY RIVER CENTER 345-9437 Photo by lit BoMeloon Getting a job these days is tough, but there are some things new graduates can do to make it eas ier School ends, job search begins By now we’ve ail heard about the nightmare ol a job market graduating seniors are facing, and tew people see that changing in the near future Bui knowing which fields are expanding, getting practical ex penence while in college, and mounting a serious job hunt during the senior year will ease your way into the work torce This year's seniors have been Imdmg more jobs in entry level business management than any other field this year, said Career Planning and Placement director Lawrence Smith According to a recent Busi ness Week article, manage men! will continue to grow as government agencies sink into debt and taxpayers demand more services Already, private enterprises are managing pub lie transit systems, prisons and |Ob framing programs Careers in health and lei sure will also grow in the next decade because ol our aging baby boomers, according to the article Consumer spending on toys and sporting goods has increased this year, even through the recession Demand lor quality health care will con tinue to rise in this already sta ble held Demand tor computer ser vices. software and data pro cessing continue to expand as technology increases As com panies start trading texts and video tapes, information man agers and coordinators will find their job market expanding As on-line information becomes more important, information providers will also be in de mand In all of these fields, gradu ates with hands-on experience will stand the best chance of finding jobs Work experience is the hr* t thing employers look a! when searching for new em ployee d Chene Wheatley, co-owner of tvans and Wheat ley a high-end employment agency m Eugene Wheatley said .en a de gree doesn't have much mean ing if it isn t backed by good work experience, and that many students don't realize this until they are faced with the tight |Ob market Allan Shapiro, director ot Mi crocomputer Associates. Inc . agreed Shapiro said he hasn't been hiring recent graduates because he prefers expert enced people, but added he would be interested in recent graduates who had worked be fore applying lor a pb with his company. Summer employment and volunteer work will better pre pare college students for their prospective careers, but stu dents also have to be aggres sive in their pb hunts. Leslie Wright, student em ployment coordinator, said most graduates who haven’t tound employment and who come back to the university lor internships "haven't seemed anxious" to lind a pb. Instead ol waiting lor em ployers to seek their services, students should start their job searches now and be persist ent. Smith said, adding the more time graduates spend on a job search, the sooner they will find |Obs Hilary Jansen, a double ma jor in journalism and econom ics, said after graduation she plans to set up shop at her fa ther's office and have a full time job searching for a job ' I think I have the skills I need and I'm happy with my self.” she said. Ellen Shaw prTnt"and dIvelopTnc "! 12,15, OR 24 EXP. COLOR FILM 4x6 SIZE ADD $1.00 36 EXP $5.99 — NO LIMIT WITH THIS COUPON COLOR REPRINTS 3*5 5/s1 Turn your favorite color m negs into extra prints for 4x6*4/j friends & family •asmmfeg.oniy “•Shutterbua FASTEST FILM SERVICE ON CAMPUS M ACROSS FROM U of O BOOKSTORE OPEN 9-5 DAILY