Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 04, 1992, Page 3B, Image 14

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    Persistence pays when job hunting
Somewhere along with the
two-car. two-children, and
idea! exists the dreamy noton
th3t the college experience lasts
tour years and ends with a se
cure job lined up upon gradua
As the college career waxes
and wanes, the reality ot the job
upon-graduation scenario is be
lied Still, you might wonder it
some people do actually experi
ence that vision. The idea
wouldn't be in our heads ft it
didn't happen to someone
Many have never met or even
heard about that kind ot some
one. It is true, however, they do
exist Meet Andrew Seres and
Sarah Schirmer.
Seres. 21, was recruited by
Macy s executive training, pro
gram tor operations Translated,
this means that he I! be doing ev
erything trom inventorying and
shipping to overseeing pro!it per
square toot, per store "(It’s) a
measure ot how come this area
of the store gets more people
around it and buying than anoth
er area." Seres said
After coming to the university
not knowing what he wanted to
do and changing from a math to
a chemistry major. Seres finally
settled on a double major in mar
keting and management Until
that final academic switch. Seres
never had an always-wanted-to
do type of job
Am I happy9 That's an un
derstatement," Seres said. "I'm
enthusiastic, excited, scared,
nervous, anxious, and ready for
it I start Sept. 14, I decided to
take the summer off to play
"I'm gomg to be on the sum
mer staff of the summer camp
where l grew up, in Tumwater.
Washington, six miles south of
Olympia " he sad
Seres got the job through the
Career Planning and Placement
Service "I'd like to plug them,
he sad, adding he is writing to
University President Myles
Brand about not cutting the ser
vice or its funding
I think it's one of the most
valuable assets the school has.
Seres said. "It gives you the
tools to write a resume, talk with
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people, talk to recruiters
I interviewed with over 30
companies, not because l want
ed me tobs but because ! want
ed the experience .“ he said
Macys is in Chapter 11, but
now I have the experience on
how to get a job Executives are
payng thousands o< dollars for
these services and this is free "
Seres said one of the best
classes he took was CPS 199.
College to career, taught by Deb
Chereck, CPPS associate direc
This should be required lor
everybody to go through." he
Seres believes he got through
the interview process to the ac
tual job because of his attitude
"Recruiters are more im
pressed with attitude, behavior,
and personality, not the phony
stuff," he said. Attitude applies
to all pbs Who wants to hire a
Seres revised his statement
Attitude is for pbs where you
have to work with people He
added that he also showed gen
uine interest in the company,
wrote them a thank-you note,
and remembered their names
All the feedback I got from
Macy s incorporated the idea
that my personality and behavior
patterns fit with their corpora
tion. ' Seres said You know if a
company is worth your time if
they II let you be nervous Some
companies were so nice I had
cottonmouth and they gave me a
Seres attitude was backed
up by experience from his sum
mer job, working for Vector Cor
poration During the summer of
1990. Seres was hired to sell
kitchen and some sporting
Throughout the following
school year, he commuted to
Portland every other week to
tram as an assistant to the dis
trict manager By the summer of
1991. Seres recruited other col
Sarah Schirmer
legs students to do the sates
"I learned more on the |Ob
than m school. Seres said
"You learn applicable stuff as
opposed to theory, but both are
equally important
Schirmer s experience is simi
lar m some ways and different in
others Sehirmer, 22, will be a
sales representative with Warner
Lambert, a pharmaceutical and
consumer health care products
company, a position she really
wanted to get
About ninth grade. I (real
ized) I wanted to do sales,
Schirmer said "I though I d do
retail sales through college and
then go onto something bigger I
wouldnt say it s a dream It’s
more my path
Warner Lambert came to
campus m January but didn't
want to interview Schirmer be
cause she didn't graduate until
spring Schirmer wrote the com
pany a letter again asking tor an
interview, got one on campus, a
second interview in Portland,
and will be traveling to Vancou
ver. Washington, to finalize ev
Once I started talking to
them, they decided to adapt to
me." Schirmer said
Turn in JOBS. Page Mt
Thank You
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