APIS DUPLEXES Prospect Park 2 Mm apla avaftaMa now, OuM. country atmoaphera mi oonvenlem cHy tocatton. Other laaturaa Include pool, lenntaibaeketbell couna. roe. room A playground. Rig he pool 2S»ti ft Cham Kara Ca« U4I»1 Reserving for Fall Low Summer Rates largo, quo), lumonod t ft 2 Oadroomt. 1 Block tram campua i442 E ift. Mgr #10 or cob 344-4780 Shara Moo 2 OOrm una largo Mr bo. aunny country kach an lull ol charm. naor compu* *322 • dap 1049 MU SI No Pan, No Smoking Rool Eaton Northwoot 24 1-4108 Redwood Park Apt*. 0U4*1. Country Living WillI City Conurnlwnce UnturnUhsd Iftl ■rffm tint is mis Lew Uitimae-On Busline Equipped Weight Room. Spe Wood Perk A Playground Laundry FaeiMree Also Furniahad •ellea Studio, 1*2 B P I6oo to Mrs Individually Oecoraled Completely Furniahad Everything From Cable TV lo Lmene For Bad. Bath * Kachan On S*e Management Team 4103W. 18th 484-S778 WALKING OiSTANCE TO CAMPUS'! EUGENE MANOR Studio A 2 Odrm Great view LM lOO Sinning el A565 1050 Ferry Si. 102A 464 7441 IJTM* OLIVE Ugn. ought and iperwmg ton apart mem tJOOrmo mciuda* moat Mil Covered pawing 95 Weal 15th 404 56.51 Zb WALK TO CAMPUS Eitra apaciou* agm i bdrm. balcony, otl Atreei parking, laundry *255 ♦ dap 067 Panerkon Onve by men can Real Eauae Nonheeai. 545 4100 ah le yeuraeB w*h a prhrale bathroom, eleee le campua. In a new braiding where your aaaela ate prepared lor yeuT Co* the CeUeaWn. 145-1255 1*400 BONUS! UnNeraOy Manor So. 741E. 1 Mh Ave. 2 bedroom wan dan or 5 bedroom gna. your croc* PARKING * LAUNDRY Cat 603 0729 Groystono Townhousos Meaty ranotraaed 2 bedroom amyl. Large MO-0067 • Co. SITS Coe •05-4211 You n mc«u to con M our offin lot a it** feat of mimi mala Orfva by any locaMana that Maraai you, than cab to* an appointment lo aaa the tnatOa The lotto wing to a partial dal of artdfaaaaa dateile ara on out tal APARTMENTS StuAoaO BoMaama ISO Eaal 2«t" Mi Em i9f" 400 Eaal 191" 534 EM I4fh 760 Fav 191" 914 Eaal lan-Eommnd Ml* 191" on iUyero 979 Eany Lana 1350 Paan 1M0 Panarvon 1370 lag" 1609 Fany 1715 Mg" 1944 Kncwa f utntma 1911 Kmcam 1940 Mama 7795 09* 1501 Htfyan) DUPLEXES: 14 Bedroom e 93i i/2Eaal 14!" 1962 Kjncaad 2040 Kama M35E Amaron MOUSES 24 Bedroom* 11SO W 111" 1935 Unnanay 2000 AJda> No pat* Shown by appointment 343 Of 101" toa-nio Alao open Saturday 9 to 1 MS 22V21S $U 441 E ITMvOUAOS Prtvata rooms. AU U1 u 11« S PA®. Or* 444 laundry C*« now lor your Uovv m Bonus' 6B6- S4M0 Janmopa ♦ Co447-42H SIM WOVE-M BONUS! crummy Apartmams larga unas. quit compan POOL Sludwa. $27$ 1 Bdrm SMS 2 Bdrm. $76$ 2 Bdrm townnousa. S47S Can 741 32B4 lor snowing JanninQa ♦ Co _447-471 ( I bdrm lurrvunlurn apis Nf W cues cwariocaung lASraca NEW courtonops. windows. muscumd*. 0444. carpal r*CE! $350 summar I4I44 *115616/ 745 f 111 HAVE You cant baa) llw prlcaa on maaa 2 A 3 Badroom unta Only $49$ and $>45 i Block Iron* U of O library Cak » now al 743 9907 Tannings ♦ Co_M3-4211 2 Blocks to U of O RESERVE NOW! NO RENT TIL SEPTEMBER (Mm lad • avsHaMs) Can Don al 744 MBS. lo aao . tmmaaiuaa 2 Bdrm. 2 Story Apis. • loaar lor 7 or 4 Paopw • Ptmmo panos cnrsriooamg ma Mmraca Ipanocl lor BBOs) • PaacaU. was 14 and sala • Gnaal summar ram Mil RACE APTS (Donmd TracMosm Pint) -Ca au.n 260 MEETINGS Bmu«*uI Iwnikhwd 1 Mrm apl on iraa knwd uraoi A»*l mmmar Quwl u» »gnt S300 *»» ?»V>»6 XW Quad clow to NCWipuo, w conrttonmg. pnvWta OaWV parking PIMM COM Co-nw MS tW ROOM M HOOSC ftwotot Own now H m«# Swot usnmo naudw uH. MM I V compiwwy tummnwd loawsd IV. mi Horn campus Slavs 0> to. sss otw Subtatting Urg« lludm aponmwnt f irvtnod won concwonwg Mew $ opjL-nXrt 48S 6D6S__ NIC*, quiso quad Only IITOmo s mo has mil mciudsd Now caipwmg Coll SSSSTSI to apply I month I too. tary* ? Cnnm ktfnmhad, i em u cam pun parking pool laundry luMw kurnrnwr J4» 00.In I bod room* m 7 tworoom nouw t Block Irom campus Wamar aru oryx Avanoow Juno <• Call 546990? 240 QUADS SUMMER *1*0 Campuft v, ttk ut ".. Wai* lo tamp** **om th«*« nawrly r**u»t>«%r«(d quart* * »’r vas» t mrarx* * * | aoMi%n( l ocation ' • Srwtf* ftaiMuich^n * 0«v« by 1 /SO HMyarrt (»n artwy txtfwnrt 174? Mi-yanJ) Haw t >43 4109 245 ROOMS EXCELSIOR RESIDENCES Room MMi now SJOOAno nurnmar rata nOuM miMwi cm m am QuM nMn nouioooM. cum to campua SuTuno noma lex rant m Victorian alyU IwuM S?KMno umw raw, xtcI uM m; nmam-*?/? REDUCED RATES! S MO to campua. afiarad MchorvOaih mXfl nouw Mol I pnona mOudad in rant Utiwlup W-4ISS STUDENTS’ loaning to. a homo k* MM? W Mould you M mtaraalad *t Iwng at a tludanl coopnrotivo abaca as man and unman coma Ugainor to craata a ctaan. tala and tatannaiy maipananra homat InaCnaanaa Houaa may bn tor you Vou can anyoy good Uod. com noma to a ctaan anvwgnmam and mam to» ol caring paoprn Imataatad’ Ca« Cana at J4J s*?4 Ur mora information or atop by I8S1 Onyt iGS ARAB STUDENT UNION MEETING jiy*. Ifc ^ *JI LlJ>j ^ 0I4JI w-i • jjliil ^ y^* l!*l» I+SL-ISaJ j FRIDAY, JUNE 5TH 1992 CENTURY ROOM F EMU, 3:30 PM Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Wattorson i n tXJ KMOW. MOKES. If 7 30 Oi-VIN (S M ML UKE 6 JO AND E Jo OLXMiS. BET ME Wt 60W6 TO ~s (E TWT ttrt DOKT m SHUtf A STO» VMl£ >CWfc V4MTVMG for mt*’ Xt>M* OUM CooU> 0* It FOR. HIS CUSS TWIN IU MUUE IT OONN H*)*K CAM IUJJSVBM1 IT. OK, NOW KWkT SWXAD QU« STOW BE *80WT> CMWHS NOT MEV£ LETS MtKTE ABOUT m.' VCE MEL HEE MOO MOO.' 0SMM6 CWW tSEASV 100 JUST MAtf h 3VS MOUTH MO MO 90NL VtMR* mROOMS Mrs OMVX. CaauhhJ 5 badroom houaa. na>arhmgi.‘a#** baa KW-wm Ml 3J» Room mat a lot aummar Na ] Dam. km. laundry, hugn yard. 3 baa lo campus WOO C*i Saaamn. MMW Ptograaahr*. opan mmdad. km. na*. but na arnt smart groundad. rvca groovy lanvraM tiudam vrarand 10 hftara a pm* houaa a ah Ska mmdad •Oman *?SO*mo • dap A van Juna l«h 404 05*0 I roommates waadad ha surnmar Hg houaa ai nth and Mayaru Only *10Vm> 4000113 I roommala* aranlad kx lumw amdaa a? *3 school you; 4 bdtmr? bafh hourw al »n and JaKarton <*M* and has oi ptusa* • Aaron 343C810 4 bdrm housa oagmnwg Am* 14 Juna Iraa' Cloaa lo campus, laundry dock Only »i JVmo Cat 343 *J01 2*0 REAL ESTATE WANTED Mouning July Aug 4? yr old tamara wuUan Irom Wacomm tanks hrrnaiwd room Wa iwuaasa (714) 230 0001 2/0 CHILD CARE CMdcat* nMdwl lo* 3 etwldwt m my twn* bom 2 pm on Nwu.1 tfan»poru»uyi l am. <*H0_ CMd cat* lot 4 mo oM«my fwo hr» NomU rolmtorxiM Sion lV txx,» 344 320 SERVICES Cortardsrmg abortion? ComaMr iha atamativak milNOHl mm an) COrMdanMd, 60/ 06S1 79J ARTS A ENTERTAINMENT mtoorwm i JOTO IE HERQS CA< I LA ''ether of the Brid nm« mu THE MQNEYTRss 320 SERVICES Storage $25/month and up Free bines! 342-5383 DOWNTOWN MINI-STORAGE Chambers A River Rd punned PanMhood oHr>» vttanancy iui wth untoUMd counuttnQ 344 941 I Episcopal Campus Ministries ThwMMtey l****«fl tueha/»«l SJOWn 1W( t#h 'Mf**' p»oy am l re/yu/a* *#cor*r WSTK.I IOST CONTACT UNS7 W« can nwp< Ov*> 3,000 curtain m uuck. lecnpucary kunart il nauOwi Mu c Megs i«j cal fom 'kxn* kx p>Ux< CM HAMkJW OPICS _343 3333__ r V.I.P. TAXI (s offering car load discount Jrorn the U oj O anxi. Willamette A IHlh to Moss to tin- airjioit. $10. first pass. $5. each extra pass. Reservations required. Cell us. 484-9020_ n CROSSWORD By Eugene SheJJer ACROSS t InsutniJn hat «*■»•■ 4 Sliotlei. m the U K OSmai 12 Oo* PlMWI Inlogy 13 [UW bloom 14 Teiegiam 15 Otxnout 17 *1 Dteam o( Jeanme* ilai 11 Chaioad padcle 1* Jamat Joyce* homeland 21 Stuck 24 Bando of Blown 42 Balk snappishly 44 Maicutaan do/an 46 taiga barge 50 Magna — tauM 51 Scandma vtan mellopoln 52 Magndcenl 56 Spinnaker. •9 57 Front at a «H> SO Nawei. m Bert*> tlai 50 Hamlet * 0 lived option 0 Veidi 60 Eveigieena opera 61 Weed 10 Smal Solution lime: 23 mine. DOWN 1 Young boiur 7 Simile centei 3 E i loom mote t due, perhapt 4 Claik Kent s papei 5 Umbrella pad 6want lor Chi ml mat " 7 •Wayne's World* 25 Odd. In Havana 26 Val 20 Want otl 32 TV emcae Madmdale 34 Sick urn 36 Mr tefleiman 37 Tier 30 Kipkng lad 41 Band SOLVE THE PUZZLE Be ike Are perawi (attar 9 am.) soughed 11 Iianvn* 16 I apdog. lot shod 20 Audience 21 Wattla 22 Met melody 23 Went clamming 27 Harvard ea-piety Oeiak 20 Golden hoita 30 In any way 31 Smalei 33 Snooper* 39 Lubricant 34 Detader 40 Parratt' tun 43 Energetic 45 Waved he 47 GoBer Aoki 40 Smooth taking 40 Hart to And 53 Contempt Me 54 Succor 55 Si ad ad the kick m in i, r 1