Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 04, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Sports accepts its
new budget cuts
_i Bill Byrne: No one
should feel sorry for
athletic program's 2
percent cut next year
By Colleen Pohlig
EroerakJ Depone'
The Slate Board of Higher
Education's decision to slim
down state intercollegiate
sports at Oregon's three main
universities an; being met with
compliance and a sense of opti
"No one should fool particu
larly sorry lor us in relation to
what is happening to the rest of
the University." said Athletic
Director Bill Byrne. "We have
to take our share of the cuts just
like evurvone else
The athletic programs .it the
University of Oregon. Oregon
State University and Portland
State University will undergo
several changes beginning
l<t«2-*):t, under the board's May
22 adoption of a debt it-si|ueiv
ing program.
The three schools will cut
athletics 2 portent in l!i92-9:i,
freeze spending the next three
years and try to raise an extra
S2 million per year from grants,
the Oregon Lottery and ticket
Athletics programs are
pressed by rising costs for
sports scholarships and dimin
ishing revenues under the
Turn to SPORTS, Page 5
Law clinic’s success
may endanger funding
□ Political enemies angered by work on envi
ronmental law issues
By John Higgins
Emerald Contributor_________
Students and professors in the University luw school's environ
mentul law clinic have won soverul cases dealing with pollution,
land use and other environmental issues since the clinic opened
shop 17 years ago However, every case has a loser as well
For example, in 1984 the clinic succeeded in getting the Bureau
of Lund Management and the U S. Forest Service to stop spraying
aerial herbicides on their Oregon lands because the agencies sub
mitted an illegal environmental Impact statement.
Last March, the clinic battled Oregon pulp mills to limit the
amount of certain chemicals the mills released into rivers The
mills lost, and the Stute Environmental Quality Commission be
came the first slate agency in the country to set such limits.
Turn to LAW. Page 5
Ah, rats!
I'nao By Ucnw Simn*
Andy Jeffrey and pel rats Sha-Sha and Shami take an outdoor study break The rats
keep Jeffrey, an architecture major, company during his long studio hours
Track athlete Bob
Gray is one of more
than 50 Duck athletes
recognized for aca
demic achievement.
See SPORTS, Page 9
Three years after the violent demonstra
tions in Tiananmen Square, Chinese
students talk about the undying spirit of
What do new gradu
ates want? A brand
new car. What do
they need? A job!
SaaSUPP, Pag* 58
Cheap fares keep travel agencies busy
□ Students wait in line for hours to buy
inexpensive tickets since airline fare
wars began last week
By Lisa Miliegan
Emerald Associate Editor ____ _
About six people chutled and read outside All Ways
Travel in the EMU Concourse Tuesday.
Although some said they had been waiting outside
the office for an hour and a half, most were in good
spirits A few days before, tho line was twice as long
But they know that at the end of the wait, they'd bo
ubiu to purchase airline tickets for half tlx: normal rale.
Graduate student Alla Lohtonen said she was going to
purchase a ticket for her sister, who will fat visiting
from Finland. Although the cheap fares don't apply to
overseas travel, Lohtonen wanted to purchase a cross
country ticket.
"Nobody from my family has over been hero except
for me." she said.
Lines at local travel agencies have been common
since airline fare wars began last week.
After American Airlinos slashed Its lowest fares by 50
percent last Thursday. Northwest, United and Delta
Airlines quickly followed suit.
Through June 5. passengers can buy tickets for travel
in the txinimenu! United Stales at the cheaper rates.
PhoU) br P*5i*»
Students wait in tins outside of All Ways Travel on Tues
day to taka advantage ol cheap airline lares
Tho c ut fares are only available for travel completed
through Sept. 13.
Tho lowest faros, which ore nonrofundablo, require u
seven-day advance and a Saturday night stayover
Now. the lowest advance purchase round-trip fare be
tween Los Angeles and Now York is S200. compared
Turn to TRAVEL. Page 4