?to HELP WANTED Aquatic position. W S I Lttaouarb fmar Act CPH REOUIRED Team piaye* FientaWy des'ee 13 25 rwvnee» Send mum# and aovw or at ;o Easier Seam Aquatic Carter 3575 Ooman Eugene 97405 Ansnron Personnel LOOK OUT! The 1992 Graduation Edition la Coming Juno St Retail Salas-Customar Sarvica SUMMER WORK Irt'l Will chart 400 FT i PT pot tamp l pom lei hf$ no tip noc anl Han' Starting Pay Rata S10.25 CoHag* Students paid Inttmthlpa pottibi* and aomt scholarships awarded. For into on jot) openings In Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, Northern California, Northern Nevada, Idaho, Utah, Montana. Wyoming. cad our 24-hour Regional Placement Directory to find the location nearest you: (707) 573-3510 local otlice number, (503) 363-0776 EARN MONEY Reading Books' $30,000 y> income potential Details (1) 805 962-8000 E«t Y9642 EARN $7 FAST! College student* needed to till out survey Netrve engiish speakers only $7 tor about 45 minutes. 6 4. 9 a m to 2 pm . Walnut Room EMU Sorry, participants from 4 t6 not eligible EXTRAS NEEDED tor feature turn Doing snot *n Oregon I hi* summer We •speedily "oocJ Japanese anchor As.ar, men A FUN SUMMER JOB' CaB 342-4490. ed tBIorOQU is GTF position available: University l ibrary Insiruction Depanment. September 21. 1992 Jun 11. 1993 Assist* other hbranan* with giving tour*, conduci ng workshop*, etc , a/Xl loaches credit das* in the Library instructional program each term S and Or leaching eipenence required Apply to ms Lame Stampaugh. Personnel L ibranan ( * 1895) Apphcation* received on or before June 16. 1902 be given priority Considerahon A?' AA f L O empKryer Looking for a summer farm work study position on campus? Several position* available m lnt©rmu.ona! Servces Computer position available to a manvia- Microsoft Worn * Pagemaser ** s required Also, position aviti apie Hy data- onenteo person w»fh good typing **u«»* T ypmg vvonJ process ng (Mat mtosr Mcrosoh WordLrefea&edepencfetbie Other tronf office positions a so available I! mte/osuad please ca-‘i Noreen. Imernaionai Service*. 346 3206 AW pos.« PO«*m A f u* PO* • *"0 opponv • «• »*uM»s fey renj commencing Joy i Summer rates 405 0 *90_ NEAR CAMPUS * Bdrm house $.’00 726 61Q4 RESERVE FOR FALl CHARMING HISTORIC like 3 Oiks 10 campus 3 Dd'm, 7 Bath. tamrfy. Irving rm. hardwd hr* . oa* caO t>rep* app; wdry boo* up. pf v piW o minnt yard $ si SO mo 1606 Octiard 663 2370 Opon Sat J .■>*» 6 TO 4 Summit rental* Bert.t.fu- house campus area $<600 ♦ yui Chuck. 404 050* 22$ APTS DUPLEXES APARTMENTS FOR RENT Loa Summer tales GO hwl From campus ’414A««.' Summer $370 Blackstone Manor 1 750 Aldar St f»a?-Q604 FTassrva for Fall Term. $565 mo *dep l ease Undercover parkng Near M-iS.C School T ©nms Court s \ ftmfy CAMPUS. ? BLOCKS Very ntQB 2 Ddrm un«i A vt&u June TGin iTth Appliances. no pot* 6/0 £ ’•>!? $44% 3*63 404 74t>9 Campus-1. 2 A 4 bdrm duple*** ar*l toanhoustr. I om summer ratat O va By 771 779 t. ’6th and can >44 0920 Campus Ap«t irntmls Furnished lA2 0ed»ooms Summit rata» S27V$425. 4*5 2*23 CLASSIC Mrstonc r©mod**«cl t>ke r*ew tvouse. stu diO »SC, 1 Bdrm $400. 2 Bd#m $4 75 Summer rale* avan June t Sin 244 £ i&h A 1605 Pearl Chuck. 663 92*2 Club Wssh Apartments 4 bdrm. $70C*no and 1 Bdrm $?7Vmo Shown Mf. 4 00 PM >42 1 727___ Female needs roommate to share 2 Bdrm duple* 14th A Patterson $20C'mo Aiso. Ium*shad 1 Bdrm apt Same area $27$ 466 6187_ Hityard Apartments. stud*o. clean, nee carpet, taundry, parking. 4 Blocks to campus No pels Manager 973 Hi yard, apt t 342 2303 _ 3 bdrm 1 bath m oaJer house. »emod tried ee a hedged $57Vmo 731 West nth man eve 463 0682 or 485 3680 Studio and 2 bedroom apartments Poo» Sundry faoMiae areas harvad F,ve Buddmgs. tSih A Htysrd location 464 992? _ REDUCED RATE N«ce A qu*ei arge 1 Bdrm. 2 B*ks to campus. $29f>.mo 346-4155__ ns APTS DUPLEXES LARGE. CLEAN OU«CT EMERALD APARTMENTS f um+r+a 2 fcdrm 1 JH* U & O «4M*yng !■’ pr»g 93^5^0 CAri tPM «?V NEAR CAMPUS’ Large 7 bdxm w P*»to frmxPy. quh* compNit Dnrv*ek%*m good ifiyag# Carport, laundry no JXH* Ow*W m*n#g#d E39at4ft9 i437Mpft 344 7434 Center of Campus On# Ded'oe^ N*t* carp«rti Qu»* PartuflQ Sumrrwx rot#* ■Xf* |?90 4»5 ^8 ’8 (V 6e/08?’ Prospect Park 2 txJrm apt* available now Quiet, country atmosphere w convemenl city location Other feature* include pool. t*nn;*.t>a*ketbaii court*, rec. room 4 playground Right peat 25th 4 Champers CaU 444 6553 Reserving for Fati Low Summer Rates largo quiet turn#hed 14 2 tWO^JUn1 tHOCk from campy* 1442 l ’B Mgr if 9 o# Oi*;'- 344 4 Share nice 2 OC-#m yn* l argt* W r'g room Parking t or* *o camput $24S-mo Hofc 40S»Q34V346 tv 3 SOUTHGATE largo 900 square foot 1 txJrm api 2 txJrm townftow'u* avail %0Qn • Root and i * On *■!« u . xiry taciutart 2145 Patteraoiv_345-4471 Sunny, clean, QuhH 2 Dedroom dupMu av.i .>:>•) soon 2*>tn and Oa* $44Vmo f>kMS« ClB 343 9/11 Sunny 1 bdrm. near campu*' Qua* Sm.rti compoji Now carpeting & knotoum Carport, laundry no pots N*:e 143/Htph. 344 7434 SUPER SUMMER RATES NOW HI $( SWING f OH SUUM* H 4 1 All large, clean, quiet t bdrm t t>.-* UO Now Ro«x% walk m ckxm* vanity and barn coven*) parting 4t»4 4103 Unbeatable furnished 1 txJrm 4 •tud»o deal 735 f t 7th. laundry paring Avar* June tith tor tummer 4240 kumr^er 1329 Lt reqyrrud Raaerving for tas> today or ca i 343 2t 14.. .. Vary »mall doyagN MxK> lor t person 12m e/xJ Mi 1265 UliVtaundry «X1 Avd rxm Nun »molu»r. no pots Rat 6*1/ 23cj<0 Wa* to ctaa* 1 Ddrm apt avoid’** June ’bin No p®<» 4335 Ga» 1 Aa 345-3231___ 1 bdrm near campu*. Gu*et. attractive June 15th. no rerx M Juty 4405 4S5-62S/.4S4 7441 MOViTn special Na« 4 BaauWul I 4 2 BEDROOM FROM M9S * l<2 MONTH RENT FREE* • WASHER DRYER HOOKUPS • COVERED PARKING A FITNESS ROOM * SUMMERTIME POOL A PATIOS BALCONIES a on site SECuRrrv P I P *0 POVt 3127 KInarm (acroaa tr«m Aufran Sia4«wm| 686-2465 NORRIS 6 STEVENS Managamani Co CwCm 725 APTS DUPLEXES C«M Now Fs> "VACATION PACKAGE" Now 4 BoouUui 1 4 7 BEOROOM FROM ISOS • I 7 Off 1ST MONTH'S RENT o COVERED PARXINC o WASHER ORVER HOOKUPS O EUROPEAN KITCHENS o FITNESS ROOM O CONVENIENT TO VAtlEV RIVER CENTER 1411 Xingsloy Rd 343-4549 NORRIS 4 STEVENS Monogornorrt Co GOadCcnb t '1 01OCKS FROM CAMPUS thrift) aw it (Bumpy tsaiWi _4B»Q?B0_ 2-1 bdrm «pii ttva. 6. ’ 5 '■-» t>fh *' 14 3 ru H 2 bdrm apt ~ P<*>ngrove August ten* bait Off * Summe* »,!•«» ,3 > $\?5, August $?&? 50 Catf IW -u a? 34 *> V48 AFFORDABLE G'syftlone t o«mnou«M New y fwnatewd 2 t»J» loemnou'Mie 5 mmi'e* jo dow tow S'»\v pen. ,i\_yw«J 53 *5 Jonnmqt • Co __ M3 4?1fi FO R K S T V IL L A C I Apartment* >V< T Quiet serenity Just mmuies from downtown HUS fO CAMPUS ❖ WEIGHT ROOM o SAUNA S ♦ SWlMMlNt; POOt RENTING NOW 2 Bdrm. I ’ r Be 54 75 A 5495mo 687-1318 si GARDEN TERRACE APTS 1093 Garden 11 arg«* ? bcum ch-j&*i to campon or'*! 344 t *?i 5 » r* : ^» t Co <> 3 4 '4 f.Mj t NWOOt) APART Ml NIS 1965 Patterson RARE opportunity lo w ’ tfv** •»* septon# tompwM i ergo i twxi ?• QetPoom aw«Uaf>!*» soon Now carpet* fioors. countorlop'* l ii •’*!'> perking, gorgeous courtyard lo ertfOy •he sun" C*r* Jeff »o» more inSiyma lion o* !0 v4»w 34? ?1ft3 Jennings » Co M3 4?H PRIMI LOCATION ON CAMPUS Bright cheery. umRue i bd»m do pie * newer pairs and v»nyt. bard •wood Loot*. (jettrwiefy iJti?i»r»u* a spw. .4) too* by you Qmy $405 • dep 3591 1 Tib VERY SPACIOUS 2 bdrrn. i V* be, sunny country hitch «n Ml of cherm. near campus 5525 ♦ iN GET THE : WO WERE HOMEWORK. 7 DOOMED / ms. W SO' WOBBtS Mb I Tttort A STOtrt fofc HO\J mm tW WERE /noil w4« Covwrod {MVMtg 95 Wwl ISirt 484 5633 WALK TO CAMPUS i lira uMtuoirt ’ Odrm. D**cony oft *!'*»! parking, launpry. I235 • dap 967 PKtaton Drtva by than cad Hoa ftiaia Nomh*«ii 343 41Q9 Would you Mia • raalfy n*ca room • h to youraalf arilh a privaia bathroom, ctoaa to campua. *n a r»a*r building whara your maala ara praparad for you? Call tha CoBagian, 343-1233_ mi mi 4411 1/tb QUADS Prlvatl room*. All UTltllllS l*All> O v„ Ui . xjry C i sja \y yOU* Muvtt In Po*V»V (•ft*' 3400 Jtnnlrwi . Co 683 4?1 ? bitrm J $ J63 2 brtrm i.m-Ant'-*! M?3 Call } *44 ) k» 4Nm*--ng ! Jarwithfla • Ca 0413 4?iy 743 1 IITHAVf Vou can t boat th* pncaa on > 4 3 tMjUmom v>naa Only $493 a/* I 3V4*» * Block *»om U oi O library Caff Ip vnm *4’ ,34 3 7 Jan rung a . Co M3 1211 2 Blocks to U of O RESERVE NOW! i NO MtNT 111 SI PM Mtll N jliroitad 0 availabla) t v tXm tt! 344 3693, to two - Imm* -a.i .* f*t*»n ;» :>;ory Ap W I 1> P&u*. 1 lev HBQ kP* MMLHACI APIS ^oorwuj Tmcmowh p»//a) r You am» (Mkiwtf lo com* lo out Ottn0 lot S It 0m lift I ol nnuli Drive by any location* that tnfaresl you. then c«H for en appointment lo »ee th# insKf* The following is a partial list of addresses details on our list APART Ml NTS Studio* • 3 lUdroom* 190 l**l ?4th 361 | t%%| M*h 460 I «*M iftth 534 {Ml 14th /66 I AM 1916 91 4 I AM !»f)f 9451 AM 9/3 IMya/d 9/9 f erry 1 arm 1 359 Pearl 1360 Pauemm 13/0 l*gh 1666 Ferry i/ib {Sgh 1844 Kincad f ufh»h«id 1911 K* to campus from these new y refurOtfthed quad! • Pnvaia Enrranca * • fsoaflant location * ' Snare batMutchan * Drive by 1750 HtjfVd (*n a «y behind 1 742 Hi yardj Pen f't.-ateNonnwos1 34:14*09 245 ROOMS CXCEISIOH HtSJDf NCES Hoom abova E • amat Ca!«. ava/iaNa no* IXXSmo lumrw rasa mcKatai Col M4 76M REDUCED RATES! 3 txfcs to cmrifrj*. Vwod Mcfwv tvaih «n irg rvx*« Afl utl & p*x>n* mc*jd*d irt f*nc t *65 and up 34S-41S5_ 2675 ONYX. b««uMUf 5 twdroom rtowM "Hrwty rvmcxMtoftl. Qua*. *4>aaov* <***. tankya/tf. pas 090 NM ft.'udwm houM sn*{«* k* &own#» a/xlw y«as »l70$t3O to# (kuSTWTW C*fl 663 7145 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Not! non »mo4«J to liWO iAfgo 2 (Mdroom aptwimon? f*A/krftgt:A{Me fctx* ^>00/mionth 34:> 3^20 Roommila for lummu N*w ’ Odrm lum. laundry nug» yrtrd 3 tx*» to cximpu* 1200 C«>( S4»am«» f4M >iWi, Pfoyr•••!»•, optn rmndod, tun, n««i Out ’MX (kfUH %rr> .v* grounded rxo» groovy ferTten**! ftludom *4Wiad 10 %?>.*'« *1 P'-'M 'XX. «% ' M* fftmCfcld iwomiin |.>4^)/mo • ik*p A vrt.-1 Ju'xj U»m 4tM 0560 2 loommiiM nttdvd to/ ftummor 6«g Nh.'Xj a? t “’h ond Mr-j.i'd Owy jrfiSm© 4fl5 Qt 1 3 ? ftwmmtt»i w»nt*d \y andiy .».* dJ uitoatM y‘K»r 4 Wtm? fx> '-4* At and Jctftemon j>omrnw <&»«•* «w43 40’t» 2W REAL ESTATE WANT I 0 Mooting JuTy Aug 4? yr o*J Uixtlont from W’Urorvtm 5«mii» iutftANK) 'oom VV fxit/no 14 (21S) 29S'600« 270 CHILD CARE Child c«r« lor 4 mo old ' 1*1 to pay 4 group of ui'Ui AfiUO I’O’i a '> I <1 -»* !h*» StiKl»nt» for Indtvtdoal Idmrty » * ** »<-<*;! ■ *!u> «# 7 PM | MU ■ II-•• xy ft TFw SUuIvni M#*Hh lrt»uf*rw:« Comniitli* * >*>' 4! 4 p m !Cj*Ttty >cww 1 l MiJ BOtVU Ii»K*m !(> tl-.-vc. »\ •» tri*i i vrj*‘ 46 370? 2W ARTS A ENTERTAINMENT |JP ART CINEMAS 492 E 13lh • 686*2450 ox. ou«t wtoam to *• u U p**mm tltlina Y rmki wttmf * » * » *5 LcasabLanc; A Wit «IM Joto le heros, R I.TT1 % i 10 i i H -ATHER of the BRIDE m fiTtv* tUJtr^auU KtATCaMtfAffflft a .FATHER Of the BRIDEJ Univ*»»rty Thaalra Sacond Saaaon FROG PRINTS by Ttmolhy Baitar f arguaon Ju r»a 5 4 6 • pm Curiam • Arana I haalra Raaarvattona (SQ3) 346-4191 U'vvurvty TnaalfM Production* «i/u funded part from iww'hai ol i«cKal A fT» II C ol A5UO WtnefT pttdty *uO&kJna tfung* ovar Somaonw to tatk to I'aw-a ConNftm:-* 697 «6il LOST CONTACT LENS? W« c«r h«p' Ovw 3.000 coniacii in nock. ltmport/y ioanwt it -«.m No cha/g* to can your doctor kx ptMCnpUOn Car HXkVOH QPTCS 343-3333 Storage S25/month and up Free box a! 342-5383 DOWNTOWN MINI STORAGE Chambers & River Rd